Catégorie : #DATA

L’actualité de la data, du Bigdata et de l’Opendata : utilisation, traitement et perspectives dans les secteurs publics et privés.

0 265
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Increased Data Analytics Capabilities Revolutionized The Tower Industry

At one point, inspection procedures in the tower industry were somewhat negligent at best. Early personal cellular services didn’t have to answer to regulatory organizations, which gave the entire industry a wild west feel. Source : Date : July 15, 2020 at 06:26PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this……

0 225
Posted in #DATA ENG

Bridging the data gap to digitise Britain’s railway system

One of the keys to firing up Britain’s economy as we come out of lockdown is revving up its transport network. Source : Date : July 15, 2020 at 12:37PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 330

Prévention de perte de données : Acronis acquiert DeviceLock

DeviceLock, qui fournit des logiciels de prévention des fuites de données et de contrôle des terminaux aux entreprises, vient d’être racheté par Acronis, qui va pour voir intégrer les solution de data loss protection à Acronis Cyber Platform, et proposer de nouveaux services via le portail Acronis Cyber Cloud Solutions. Source…

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Posted in #5G ENG #DATA ENG

The deployment of 5G will depend on geospatial data

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an undeniable impact on the rollout of 5G technology and will continue to have a lasting impact on its future … Source : Date : July 14, 2020 at 07:53PM Tag(s) : #5G ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 253

Google prête à renoncer à utiliser les données de santé pour faire valider le rachat de Fitbit

Ciblée par le Bureau européen des unions de consommateurs (BEUC), Google souhaite éviter une enquête de l’Union européenne et serait prête à faire des concessions sur la collecte de données de santé pour y parvenir. Source : Date : July 14, 2020 at 07:15PM Tag(s) : #NUMERIQUE Share this……

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Using raw data to meet user needs during COVID-19 Observatory use raw data to understand the community’s information needs Source : Date : July 14, 2020 at 09:00AM Tag(s) : AUSTRALIAN GOV Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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La data digitale peut-elle rendre le service public plus efficace ?

De nouvelles perspectives pour la ville intelligente ? Pour devenir intelligentes, les villes peuvent développer de nombreux services : des solutions de … Source : Date : July 14, 2020 at 11:18AM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 235
Posted in #DATA FRA

Data : les Français ne sont pas partageurs…

Les Français sont toujours réticents à partager leurs données personnelles avec les entreprises, par crainte de les voir revendues Source : Date : July 14, 2020 at 09:10AM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 327
Posted in #AI ENG #DATA ENG

How Data Analytics and Machine Learning are Transforming Private Equity

All global known companies including Apple, Cisco, Google, Adobe, and more have been part of private equity deals at one point in time. If it weren’t for investors, US private equity firms, and their limited partners, these companies wouldn’t be here today as we know them. Source : Date…

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Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

How Beginners Can Get Real World Job Experience Of Data Science

Data science is a lot like driving. To understand it comprehensively, one has to get down to the field to gain real-world experience and get their hands dirty with real professional challenges of data science. However, it gets challenging for beginners to gain real-world experience without getting an actual job…

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Posted in #DATA ENG

Top 4 Data Analytics Certifications to Enrol Into in 2020

The way data is exploding currently, it will come as no surprise that the biggest job-producing sector in the entire 2020s will be the data analytics sector. 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are being generated each day, across the globe. Source : Date : July 14, 2020 at 06:59AM…

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96 % des entreprises ayant adopté le cloud doutent de la sécurité de leurs données

La pandémie de coronavirus a poussé les entreprises à se tourner vers le cloud pour stocker leurs données. Cependant, la majeure partie des organisations utilisant le cloud ont des inquiétudes concernant leur sécurité. Les mauvaises configurations, responsables des problèmes de sécurité liés au cloud Selon une étude réalisée par Sophos…

0 344
Posted in #IA FRA #DATA FRA

La NASA va utiliser le Machine Learning pour trouver des aliens sur Mars

Afin de trouver des traces de vie sur Mars, la NASA compte se tourner vers l’intelligence artificielle. Des algorithmes de Machine Learning ont été développés pour analyser les échantillons de sol collectés par les rovers, et seront testés lors de la mission ExoMars en 2022. Source : Date :…

0 212
Posted in #DATA ENG

Navigating the Second Half of 2020 Requires Acute Focus on CRM Data

Click to learn more about author Olivia Hinkle. Today, marketers might feel compelled to push harder. That’s what tends to happen when a jolt to the economy mixes with a strong concern for the sustainability of a business. So, it’s not a coincidence your inbox is being flooded with messages…

0 323
Posted in #DATA ENG

10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist July 4-July 10, 2020

This week’s list of data news highlights covers July 4-July 10, 2020, and includes articles about analyzing data to determine COVID-19 risk factors and a robot lab assistant that can perform some experiments 1,000 times faster than a human. Source : Date : July 11, 2020 at 12:12PM Tag(s)…

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Make first serosurvey data public: Experts

The group of public health experts has now written to the director-general of ICMR to disclose the findings of the survey that was conducted to estimate how much of the population in containment zones of hotspot cities had been infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. Source :…

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New Lighthouse Initiative to Provide De-identified Patient Data for VIRUS COVID-19 Registry

PointClickCare introduces the Lighthouse initiative, which will provide de‐identified data on COVID‐19 diagnosed patients, including demographics, vitals, medications and health‐related outcomes, in order to better understand health outcomes post‐ICU. Source : Date : July 10, 2020 at 08:04PM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp…

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Big Data as a Double-Edged Sword in the Fight Against COVID-19

Smart Cities For Surveillance. Within smart cities, big data platforms are now being used to recognize the compliance of the population with social … Source : Date : July 11, 2020 at 07:48PM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 235
Posted in #DATA FRA

Data : rien n’est gratuit sur le Net

Quand la confidentialité devient un enjeu majeur Ces dernières années, la confidentialité est devenue un thème majeur. De Cambridge Analytica à la collecte de données médicales de millions de Français effectuées par le SNDS (le système national de données de santé), une liste interminable de controverses ont permis de mettre…

0 262
Posted in #IOT ENG #DATA ENG

How Rolls-Royce Exploits Internet of Things Data

Source : Date : July 12, 2020 at 05:58PM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print