Catégorie : #DATA

L’actualité de la data, du Bigdata et de l’Opendata : utilisation, traitement et perspectives dans les secteurs publics et privés.

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Posted in #DATA ENG

Data-as-a-Service (DaaS): An Overview

As external data begins to gain importance in business analytics, data assumes a new role in global businesses. Now data is not only an organizational asset, but also a distinct revenue opportunity via data-related services offered under the umbrella term of “Data-as-a-Service” (DaaS). DaaS service providers are either replacing the…

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Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Google debuts AI in Google Translate that addresses gender bias

Google recently debuted a new AI system in Google Translate that addresses gender bias in specific languages and language pairs.Read More Source : Date : April 22, 2020 at 08:39PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Bluetooth contact tracing needs bigger, better data

You might know Bluetooth best for helping you pair your headphones and smartphone, but the 21-year-old wireless technology is getting a new wave of attention now that it’s at the heart of contact-tracing apps designed to show whether you might have been exposed to the novel coronavirus. Source :…

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Posted in #DATA ENG

New data shows the effects of Covid-19 on levels of truck activity across USA

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) has just released new data that quantifies the continued impacts of Covid-19 business disruptions on the trucking industry, with significant highs and lows and some areas now showing signs of returning to normal. Source : Date : April 22, 2020 at 10:27PM Tag(s)…

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Posted in #DATA FRA

L’Union européenne lance un hub Big Data pour lutter contre le COVID-19

La Commission européenne annonce le lancement d’un hub Big Data dédié au Covid-19. L’objectif ? Permettre aux chercheurs européens de partager leurs données et leurs découvertes sur le coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 et sa maladie… Source : Date : April 22, 2020 at 06:29PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email…

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Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Why Data Centers Should Utilise AI To Optimise Power Costs

Amid a global economic slowdown, companies are doing everything they can to cut costs. Energy consumption for data centers is topmost on everyone’s minds across the globe. So, optimising data center costs amid rising demand for digital services is going to be crucial for 2020. Source : Date :…

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Posted in #DATA FRA

Atos s’offre un spécialiste de la Data Science, Miner & Kasch

Atos poursuit ses emplettes dans l’univers de la Data. Après avoir absorbé zData, spécialiste du Big Data en 2017, l’ESN française ATOS – qui se définit elle-même comme un « leader international de la transformation digitale » – annonce l’acquisition du cabinet de conseil Miner & Kasch. Ce dernier est un spécialiste…

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Posted in #DATA ENG

Understanding New Data-Driven Methodologies In Software Development

Big data has turned the software industry on its head. The relationship between software development and big data is a two-way street. While many software developers are looking to create new applications that use big data, they are also using big data to streamline development. Source : Date :…

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Les données de 267 millions d’utilisateurs Facebook en vente pour… 500 euros

Vendue sur le Dark Web, cette base contient notamment des adresses e-mails, des noms et prénoms et des numéros de téléphone. Bref, tout ce qu’il faut pour envoyer du spam et faire du phishing. Source : Date : April 22, 2020 at 04:36PM Tag(s) : #NUMERIQUE Share this… Email…

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Posted in #DATA ENG

3 Fantastic Data-Driven Invoicing Software Options For SMEs

Big data is changing a number of variables for businesses. One of the biggest changes big data has created pertains to invoicing. Source : Date : April 22, 2020 at 05:55PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Posted in #DATA ENG

New Data Tools Offer Sales Boosting Opportunities For Remote Working

Big data has created numerous new opportunities in the marketing profession. The benefits machine learning and big data are creating are becoming clearer than ever during this massive pandemic. Source : Date : April 22, 2020 at 05:55PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp…

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5 Ways Big Data Is Being Used To Understand COVID-19

Big data can be a tool, a weapon or a currency. Now, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, big data has become a life-saving ally for the health care community. This moment in history is unlike any other — and the value of data in ending it resembles nothing we’ve yet seen….

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Sécurité et données personnelles : les coulisses de l’expérience client de demain

Aujourd’hui, les données générées lorsqu’un appel d’urgence est émis par un patient sont enregistrées par l’autorité sanitaire locale dans son propre cloud privé. Cette dernière planifie alors une ambulance en fonction de l’adresse du patient et du véhicule disponible le plus proche en transmettant l’information au groupe d’ambulanciers. Source :…

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COVID-19 contact tracing: The tricky balance between privacy and relief efforts

As more governments consider the use of contact tracing apps to prevent the spread of coronavirus, researchers say privacy will have to be at the forefront of efforts in order for civilians to use it. Source : Date : April 22, 2020 at 07:18AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share…

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How Artificial Intelligence, IoT And Big Data Can Save The Bees

Source : Date : April 22, 2020 at 06:51AM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Intel’s Project Corail monitors coral reef health with AI

Intel, in partnership with Accenture and nonprofit Sulubaaï, developed a platform that leverages AI to keep tabs on coral reef health.Read More Source : Date : April 22, 2020 at 06:31AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

How Can Small Businesses Utilize The Power Of AI

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing industries, departments, and the way we live our daily lives. Innovative technologies are emerging and changing the way we interact with our environment while small businesses are certainly not left behind. They have the opportunity to seize the very best of AI and improve their performance…

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Blockchain and Big Data: The Perfect Duo for Data Integrity

When it comes to blockchain, people perhaps could only relate it to cryptocurrencies. However, blockchain is not limited to cryptocurrencies but has rather developed enterprises that get a grip with other applications in the industry. Undoubtedly, blockchain and big data project to be one of the emerging technologies most companies…

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Posted in #DATA FRA

La Commission lance une plateforme européenne pour rassembler les données scientifiques

Il s’agit de fédérer des réseaux de données, de résultats de recherches scientifiques en « open data« , issus de différents pays et disciplines. Un « nuage … Source : Date : April 22, 2020 at 08:55AM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Posted in #DATA ENG

6.4M tons of CO2 will pollute the atmosphere in 2020 due to dark data

Information stored in data centers but never used is expected to hurt the planet, wasting an enormous amount of energy, Veritas found. Source : Date : April 21, 2020 at 07:32PM Tag(s) : Datacenters Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print