Catégorie : #DATA

L’actualité de la data, du Bigdata et de l’Opendata : utilisation, traitement et perspectives dans les secteurs publics et privés.

0 248
Posted in #DATA ENG

Want to get more from your data? Stop focusing on efficiency

Focusing on efficiency made sense in the industrial economy. But for a modern business it’s counterproductive.Read More Source : Date : February 23, 2020 at 07:32PM Tag(s) : #Financements Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 275
Posted in #DATA FRA

La startup MyEasyfarm accélère pour rendre la Data agricole enfin facilement partageable

Aider les agriculteurs à optimiser le rendement de leurs parcelles est l’objectif de la startup française MyEasyfarm. Pour cela, elle entend devenir la plaque tournante des données des exploitations agricoles en France et au-delà. Plusieurs centaines d’agriculteurs clients Créée en novembre 2017, employant 12 personnes dont six développeurs informatiques et…

0 384
Posted in #DATA ENG

Weekly Digest, February 24

Source : Date : February 23, 2020 at 09:09PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 362
Posted in #DATA FRA #IA FRA

Europe de l’IA: le début d’une vision?

L’open data des entreprises n’est pas loin, mais pas dans une approche gratuite comme elle a été poussée jusque là (voir: De l’open data à la … Source : Date : February 24, 2020 at 03:00AM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 293
Posted in #DATA ENG

The difference between Statistics and Data Science: Big Data and Inferential Statistics

Based on these, I address the question of ‘The difference between Statistics and Data Science’. Traditionally, most people, including me, would say that ‘statistics came first and Data Science builds upon statistics’. Source : Date : February 24, 2020 at 02:16AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook…

0 282
Posted in #DATA FRA

The EU Datathon 2020

The fourth edition of EU Datathon, the open data competition, has been launched on 19 February. Source : Date : February 23, 2020 at 06:35PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 305
Posted in #DATA ENG

How To Work As A Freelancer In Data Science

Are you a data scientist looking to launch your freelance career? If you are a beginner, taking on freelance work on data-related projects will not only help you build your portfolio but also help strengthen your data science skills. Source : Date : February 22, 2020 at 06:27AM Tag(s)…

0 413
Posted in #DATA ENG

Useful data sets for Call for Code

More data is becoming freely available through initiatives such as institutions and research publications requiring that data sets be freely available along with the publications that refer to them. For example, Nature magazine instituted a policy for authors to declare how the data behind their published research can be accessed…

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L’IA du MIT crée un antibiotique efficace contre les superbactéries

Une intelligence artificielle développée par le MIT est parvenue à identifier une molécule efficace contre la superbactérie C.diff très résistante aux antibiotiques existants. Pourtant, sa structure chimique ne ressemble à aucune molécule d’antibiotique existant. C’est la preuve que l’IA peut faire avancer la lutter contre les superbactéries… Source :…

0 342
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

The Foundation of Your AI/ML Infrastructure

Data creation, storage, and consumption have dramatically changed in the last few years, from both consumer and enterprise perspectives. Most human- and machine-generated data are created, used for a short time, and then stored for an extended period, sometimes forever. Source : Date : February 21, 2020 at 07:49PM…

0 345

KLAS Healthcare BI & Analytics Report: Is Microsoft Gaining Momentum?

New KLAS report finds Microsoft’s business intelligence (BI) solution has surged in the healthcare BI and analytics market, due largely to the option of packaging the solution with Azure, Microsoft’s cloud data storage solution. Source : Date : February 22, 2020 at 02:42AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG Share this……

0 390
Posted in #DATA ENG

Navigating Your Career in Electrical Engineering in the Big Data Era

Many careers have been heavily impacted by changes in big data. The big data revolution has had a profound effect on healthcare, marketing and many other fields. One of the fields that has been most affected by big data is electrical engineering. Source : Date : February 21, 2020…

0 272
Posted in #DATA ENG

Information Systems Careers Are the New Frontier of Big Data

Are you looking to capitalize off of your knowledge of big data? There are a lot of careers that talented data scientists can pursue. Information systems careers are among the most promising. Source : Date : February 21, 2020 at 09:38PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook…

0 317
Posted in #IOT ENG #DATA ENG

Think Data, Not Endpoints for IoT Value

Source : Date : February 21, 2020 at 09:14PM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 482
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Three Skills That Makes You A Successful Data Scientist As Per This Chief Data Scientist

Every week, Analytics India Magazine interviews prominent data scientists to spread their success story with the community. For our weekly column My Journey In Data Science, this week, we got in touch with Biswajit Biswas, chief data scientist at Tata Elxsi. Source : Date : February 21, 2020 at…

0 341
Posted in #DATA FRA #IA FRA

MGEN et CNFU pour l’UNESCO lancent une plateforme de consultation publique sur les données, l’intelligence artificielle et le transhumanisme

Le 5 février, le groupe MGEN et la Commission nationale Française pour l’UNESCO (CNFU) ont lancé une consultation publique sur les données, l’intelligence artificielle et le transhumanisme. Ouverte jusqu’au 26 avril, elle a pour objectif de donner la parole aux citoyens sur des questions qui conditionnent notre avenir. Les résultats…

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Is synthetic data the key to healthcare clinical and business intelligence?

At HIMSS20, Robert Lieberthal, an economist at The MITRE Corporation, will offer a deep dive into synthetic data, showing how it can help health systems achieve cost efficiencies. Source : Date : February 21, 2020 at 06:31PM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 445
Posted in #DATA ENG

10 Datasets For Data Cleaning Practice For Beginners

In order to create quality data analytics solutions, it is very crucial to wrangle the data. The process includes identifying and removing inaccurate and irrelevant data, dealing with the missing data, removing the duplicate data, etc. Thus, eliminating the major inconsistencies and making the data more efficient to work with….

0 315
Posted in #DATA ENG

Webinar: Data Governance Reality Check

To view just the slides from this presentation, click HERE>> This webinar is sponsored by: About the Webinar It’s been almost two years since the General Data Protection Regulation shook up how organizations manage data security and privacy, ushering in a new focus on Data Governance. This complex but critical…

0 306
Posted in #DATA FRA

Quatre challenges pour le 4e EU Datathon

… équipes seront réunies en octobre, trois pour chacun des quatre thèmes retenus cette année pour cette compétition appuyée sur de l’open data. Source : Date : February 21, 2020 at 02:27PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print