Catégorie : #DATA

L’actualité de la data, du Bigdata et de l’Opendata : utilisation, traitement et perspectives dans les secteurs publics et privés.

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Posted in #DATA ENG

Can Big Data Help Us Stop Human Trafficking?

Big data has been celebrated for its potential on countless occasions – for its capacity to eliminate food waste, reduce fraud and cyberattacks, disrupt urban planning, and to revolutionise the healthcare industry through machine learning. But today it is being lauded for something even greater – to eliminate the global…

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Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Magic Dust for Artificial Intelligence Product Managers

As someone who has practiced the craft for decades (I founded a company that built an AI-related, algorithmic product and now run product management for applied AI for Xerox at PARC), I want to share some thoughts on what is distinctive about product management for AI. Product managing AI-based applications is…

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Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Life Cycle of a Data Science & AI Project

How to build a project from scratch by using a latest, state-of-the-art AI technology stack? Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 12:19AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 475
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Budget 2020 Tech Round-Up: Will India’s Proposed Data Centre Hubs Boost AI Industry?

During the budget speech, the finance minister of India said, “It is now a cliche—data is the new oil—and, indeed, analytics, AI, fintech and the internet of things (IoT) are quickly transforming the way we deal with our lives,” Sitharaman stated. Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at…

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La Smart Supply Chain au cœur du Hub Day

IA, open data, on en parle beaucoup mais nous en sommes encore au tout début », indiquait de son côté François Deprey, CEO de GS1, jugeant la … Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 12:32PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 254
Posted in #DATA ENG

2020 is the Year for Enterprise Data Connectivity

Click to learn more about Tony Fisher. Expect this in 2020: Data will come to the forefront of enterprise priorities. The consumerization of IT and democratization of data have triggered a dramatic shift in data control across small and large organizations. Data control – once the sole domain of the…

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Posted in #DATA ENG

How Digital Design Drives User Behavior

A review of the research. Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 03:52PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Posted in #DATA ENG

Toyota uses big data to prevent accidents caused by accelerator-brake mix-up

Toyota unveiled an emergency safety system that uses big data to ignore the accelerator if it determines the driver steps on the pedal unintentionally.Read More Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 11:46AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Posted in #DATA ENG

Importance of data in the digital age

It isn’t an understatement to say that a day won’t go by when digital transformation isn’t talked ab… Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 09:57AM Tag(s) : #Financements Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Posted in #DATA ENG acquires Secure Swiss Data

… the current escalation of daily cyber-attacks and data breaches. Last year … Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 12:39PM Tag(s) : #SECURITE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Creating Order in Unstructured Digital Data

How AI predicts patterns and changes the scalability of behavioral data analysis Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 05:48PM Tag(s) : Fédération & Syndicats Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 283
Posted in #DATA FRA

En retard face aux GAFAM, l’UE veut créer son propre « marché unique des données »

La Commission européenne a déposé une proposition de texte pour élargir son « marché unique des données » afin de peser un peu plus face aux géants technologiques. A cet effet, l’exécutif européen propose un ensemble de nouvelles règles sur l’usage transfrontalier et l’interopérabilité des […] Lire l’article Source : Date : February…

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Avast renonce à vendre les données de ses utilisateurs

La firme d’antivirus informatique Avast ne revendra plus à des acteurs commerciaux les données liées au comportement de navigation de ses utilisateurs. La division, qui en avait la charge, a été démantelée. Sur le site de l’entreprise tchèque, son directeur Ondrej Vlcek présente ses excuses. Source : Date :…

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Posted in #DATA ENG

Data Expands to Fill the Space Available (Part 2)

If we printed out one zettabyte of data as books, we could give every one of the 7.7 billion people on this planet 129,870 of these books. They’d have almost 13 billion words to read. An average reader can read 1,000 words in about five minutes. Source : Date…

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Mastercard invests in Trust Stamp’s data security solution

AI-powered authentication services company Trust Stamp has announced that it received a strategic investment from Mastercard. Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 10:41AM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 406
Posted in #DATA FRA #IA FRA

IA : « Souvent, ce qu’on appelle Big Data, ça n’existe pas »

Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 01:00PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 370
Posted in #DATA ENG

Unlocking Data Silos to Reach the Promised Land of Smart Data Analytics

With mountains of market data, historical prices, and transactions data stored in disparate systems,… Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 05:54PM Tag(s) : #Financements Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 382

Opinion | Pas de « smart city » verte sans partage des données

Les algorithmes apporteront un précieux soutien aux villes du futur, soucieuses d’approcher le zéro carbone. Mais avant d’atteindre cet ambitieux … Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 11:47AM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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San Antonio forms ‘R&D League’ for data-driven decisions

The City of San Antonio has formed an ‘R&D League’ with Southwest Research Institute (SWRI), The United Services Automobile Association (USAA) … Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 06:17PM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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97% des principaux aéroports mondiaux protègent très mal les données

Sur les 100 plus grands aéroports mondiaux, seuls trois protègent correctement leurs données. Tous les autres présentent de graves failles de cybersécurité. C’est ce que révèle un rapport édifiant publié par ImmuniWeb… Source : Date : February 3, 2020 at 05:42PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA,rgpd2 Share this… Email Facebook…