Catégorie : #eSANTE

L’actualité de l’eSanté, de la télémédecine et des outils pour diagnostiquer et soigner à distance.

0 277

Transition numérique: publication du décret d’attributions de Cédric O

Source : Date : August 18, 2020 at 02:17PM Tag(s) : #eSANTE FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 318
Posted in #eSANTE ENG #5G ENG

5G: Deploying state-of-the-art networks to spur telehealth

With 5G, emergency procedures can be performed in the ambulance [with instructions given by doctors in the hospital],” she says. In the same way, … Source : Date : August 18, 2020 at 02:21PM Tag(s) : #5G ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 251
Posted in #eSANTE ENG #5G ENG

Telemedicine is top of Chile’s 5G wishlist

Chile has formally opened its 5G licensing process and it is clear from the outset that connecting hospitals is high on the government’s agenda. Source : Date : August 18, 2020 at 02:21PM Tag(s) : #5G ENG,telemedicine2 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 244
Posted in #eSANTE FRA

La Doctrine technique du numérique en santé, c’est… :

La Doctrine technique du numérique en santé, c’est… : Source : Date : August 18, 2020 at 08:52AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 334
Posted in #eSANTE FRA

MoHAP introduit des services de télémédecine supplémentaires sur Virtual Doctor Platform

MoHAP introduit des services de télémédecine supplémentaires sur Virtual Doctor Platform. A-AA+. ABOU DHABI, 17 août 2020 (WAM) – Le ministère … Source : Date : August 18, 2020 at 08:14AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE FRA,télémédecine Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 310
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

Home healthcare helping people in post COVID-19 recovery

Usually, recovery from any ailment is a painful journey, and getting back to normalcy is even more difficult as it affects an individual both physically and mentally. And in abnormal situations like COVID-19 and the immense impact, it has on patients’ lives, the road to recovery is naturally expected to…

0 204
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

Jordanian telehealth solution to provide free medical access for Beirut residents

Altibbi will provide the Arabic-language consultations for a month, allowing anyone who needs medical assistance to connect directly with doctors via audio calls and online chats. Source : Date : August 17, 2020 at 02:27PM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Posted in #eSANTE FRA

Télémédecine en dermatologie pédiatrique : mise au point sur les pratiques actuelles [Telemedicine in pediatric dermatology:focus on current practices]

Pediatric teledermatology (PTD) allows offering long distance health care advice in pediatric dermatology trough telecommunication technologies. Due to the lack of pediatric dermatologists, the frequency of dermatological questions in general pediatrics, the visual nature of the specialty, and the rare occurrence of vital emergencies in dermatology, PTD appears to be…

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Posted in #eSANTE FRA

Remboursement des téléconsultations: DigiSanté se désiste de son recours contre la Cnam

Source : Date : August 14, 2020 at 04:10PM Tag(s) : #eSANTE FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 255
Posted in #eSANTE FRA

Nouvelle-Aquitaine: l’ARS déploie des outils numériques pour le suivi de grossesse et la sortie de maternité

Source : Date : August 14, 2020 at 01:10PM Tag(s) : #eSANTE FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 221

Smart Buildings Alliance for Smart Cities : de l’hôpital numérique au Smart Hospital

Expérience des patients, amélioration de la qualité de vie au travail pour les soignants, facilité d’accès aux soins, optimisation des coûts de fonctionnement des établissements, prévention ou encore accompagnement du vieillissement de la population et de l’augmentation des maladies chroniques sont les enjeux de l’hôpital de demain. Source :…

0 242

Talk of the town: chatbot med-tech firm banks $10 million in funding

Source : Date : August 16, 2020 at 06:38PM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 289
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

Telemedicine is a major driver in shifting the healthcare delivery model

More than ever, the system selected to provide telemedicine services must provide added controls to overcome factors that are outside the control of the provider. Source : Date : August 15, 2020 at 04:14AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG,telemedicine2 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 382
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

How one 500-doc physicians group scaled up telehealth to 130 clinics in a week

From March 23 through July 20, Florida’s Millennium Physician Group has performed more than 90,000 telemedicine encounters – more than 30% of its total visits. Source : Date : August 14, 2020 at 09:13PM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG,telemedicine2 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 314
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

New telehealth technology uses the TV set

A team from the VA visited MedSign and talked about the company becoming a vendor of the U.S. government, CEO says. Source : Date : August 14, 2020 at 08:13PM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 251
Posted in #eSANTE ENG #AI ENG

The Journey Of Computer Vision To Healthcare Industry

Artificial intelligence is becoming a part of every conversation that we have today. One of the important subfields of AI, computer vision has recently exploded in terms of advances and use cases. Source : Date : August 15, 2020 at 12:55PM Tag(s) : #AI ENG Share this… Email Facebook…

0 266

Smart Buildings Alliance for Smart Cities : de l’hôpital numérique au Smart Hospital

… se déployer », explique dans un communiqué la Smart Buildings Alliance, association tête de pont du Smart Building et de la Smart City en France. Source : Date : August 15, 2020 at 03:31AM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 280

Healthcare IoT security risks and what to do about them

Source : Date : August 14, 2020 at 08:31PM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 238
Posted in #eSANTE ENG #IOT ENG

How IoT will help medical connectivity during the covid-19 pandemic

Source : Date : August 15, 2020 at 03:30PM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 242
Posted in #eSANTE FRA

Le logiciel libre arrive au sein de la Centrale d’achat de l’informatique hospitalière

La CAIH vient de lancer un appel d’offres. Objet ? Proposer des logiciels sous licence libre à ses 1 200 membres établissements de santé. Un… Source : Date : August 14, 2020 at 05:06PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print