Catégorie : EUROPE

0 381
Posted in EUROPE

Green buildings: researchers call for fuller environmental assessment

Over half of a low-energy building’s environmental impact occurred before it was even occupied, a new case study from Italy calculates. The researchers recommend expanding the environmental assessment of buildings from just the operational stage of a building’s life, when it is in use, to include production and transport of…

0 293
Posted in EUROPE

Innovative batteries struggle to move from research to application, finds study into start-up companies

Innovatively designed batteries offer a way for vehicles to move away from their dependence on fossil fuels. There has been little mass-market uptake of new battery design, however. In the last century, only four types of battery have been used: manganese oxide; lead acid; nickel; and lithium ion, which is…

0 385
Posted in EUROPE

Journée nationale d’information Espace Horizon 2020 à Paris

Une journée nationale d’information Espace Horizon 2020 sur le Programme de travail 2020 se tiendra à Paris au siège du CNES le 5 septembre 2019. Source : Date : August 27, 2019 at 05:10PM Tag(s) : EUROPE,Horizon 2020 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 385
Posted in EUROPE

Journée d’information nationale sur les appels 2020 Transport

Une journée d’information nationale, consacrée à la présentation des appels à propositions 2020 du défi Transports intelligents, verts et intégrés, est fixée au 8 octobre 2019 à Paris. Source : Date : August 1, 2019 at 12:28PM Tag(s) : EUROPE,Transports Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print