Vulnerability Summary for the Week of August 17, 2020
Original release date: August 24, 2020 Source : Date : August 24, 2020 at 07:45PM Tag(s) : US GOV Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
COVID-19: Prolongation de l’accord sur le télétravail avec la Belgique jusqu’au 31 décembre 2020
En date du 24 août 2020, le ministère des Finances a reçu la confirmation officielle du ministère des Finances belge que l’accord bilatéral du 19 mai 2020 en matière de fiscalité concernant le télétravail dans le contexte de la lutte contre la propagation du COVID-19 restera en vigueur jusqu’au 31…
ERA-NET Smart Cities and Communities
« Smart Cities and Communities have been identified as key to achieving the energy efficiency targets for 2020 and 2050. The main objective of this ERA-NET is to stimulate successful practice and facilitate replicability within Smart Cities and Communities projects and also… Source : Date : August 20, 2020 at…
Conférence sur la cybercriminalité
La conférence sur la cybercriminalité (C³) réunit des acteurs européens et internationaux de la lutte contre la cybercriminalité. Outre les exposés d’intervenants des mondes politique, économique et scientifique, ainsi que d’institutions nationales et internationales, cette conférence permettra également de mener un échange intense de vues et d’expériences sur les tendances…
Dialogue politico-stratégique : Les forces armées à l’ère du numérique
La numérisation des forces armées des pays de l’UE constitue un enjeu majeur pour l’avenir et contribue au renforcement des capacités d’action de l’UE. Source : Date : August 20, 2020 at 02:50PM Tag(s) : EUROPE Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Santé digitale : 5 startups deeptech à suivre de près
Médecine personnalisée, aide au diagnostic, nouvelles thérapies… Focus sur 5 startups deeptech qui proposent des technologies disruptives au service des parcours de soin. Source : Date : August 18, 2020 at 11:08AM Tag(s) : FRANCE GOUV Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Déploiement du très haut débit et du Plan France très Haut Débit -Évaluation socioéconomique
Le Plan France Très Haut Débit (PFTHD), initié en 2013 par le gouvernement, vise à couvrir d’ici 2022 l’intégralité du territoire en très haut débit. Pour atteindre cet objectif, des financements privés et publics (Etat et collectivités locales) sont mobilisés. Source : Date : August 18, 2020 at 02:18PM…
Vulnerability Summary for the Week of August 10, 2020
Original release date: August 17, 2020. Source : Date : August 17, 2020 at 08:46PM Tag(s) : US GOV Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Weekly Threat Report 14th August 2020
The NCSC’s weekly threat report is drawn from recent open source reporting. Source : Date : August 14, 2020 at 04:16PM Tag(s) : UK GOV Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Joint NSA and FBI Cybersecurity Advisory Discloses Russian Malware Drovorub
The National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have released a cybersecurity advisory introducing previously undisclosed Russian malware. NSA and the FBI attributed the malware, dubbed Drovorub, to Russian advanced persistent threat (APT) actors. Source : Date : August 14, 2020 at 01:19AM Tag(s) :…
Inside Digital Health – COVID-19 special edition no.4, August 2020
12 August, 2020: In the latest issue of Inside Digital Health, check out the new accredited electronic prescription courses for prescribers and dispensers, think before you click on any COVID-19 related scams, and read the new guide if you’ve been using more telehealth lately. Source : Date : August…
Digital Summit returns in 2020
The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) has announced the launch of the Digital Summit and Australian Government Digital Awards for 2020. Source : Date : August 12, 2020 at 03:54AM Tag(s) : AUSTRALIAN GOV Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Évaluation du Plan France Très haut débit
Pendant la difficile période de confinement que nous venons de vivre, l’accès à Internet et la robustesse des réseaux de télécommunication ont permis de maintenir une part de l’activité économique et une certaine forme de vie sociale. Source : Date : August 11, 2020 at 11:01AM Tag(s) : FRANCE…
Vulnerability Summary for the Week of August 3, 2020
The CISA Weekly Vulnerability Summary Bulletin is created using information from the NIST NVD. Source : Date : August 10, 2020 at 07:27PM Tag(s) : US GOV Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
5G creating opportunities for LOGistics supply chain INNOVation
5G-LOGINNOV will focus on seven 5G-PPP Thematics and support to the emergence of a European offer for new 5G core technologies in 11 families of use cases. 5G-LOGINNOV main aim is to design and innovative framework addressing integration and validation of CAD/CAM technologies… Source : Date : August 7,…
Explainable Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence
« Despite the indisputable benefits of AI, humans typically have little visibility and knowledge on how AI systems make any decisions or predictions due to the so-called “black-box effect” in which many of the machine learning/deep learning algorithms are not able to be… Source : Date : August 7, 2020…
D-band radio 5G network technology
Nowadays there is a shared vision among industry, operators and academy that 5G wireless networks will have to provide wideband wireless access and ubiquitous computing anywhere and at any time. The human life of the majority of the EU citizens will be surrounded by… Source : Date : August…
Intelligent, distributed, human-centered and trustworthy IoT environments
The traditional cloud centric IoT has clear limitations, e.g. unreliable connectivity, privacy concerns, or high round-trip times. IntellIoT overcomes these challenges in order to enable NG IoT applications. IntellIoT’s objectives aim at developing a framework for… Source : Date : August 7, 2020 at 09:39PM Tag(s) : EUROPE Share…
nexT gEneRation sMart INterconnectEd ioT
The vision of TERMINET is to provide a novel next generation reference architecture based on cutting-edge technologies such as SDN, multiple-access edge computing, and virtualisation for next generation IoT, while introducing new, intelligent IoT devices for low-latency… Source : Date : August 7, 2020 at 09:39PM Tag(s) : EUROPE…
High-tech and affordable 5G network roll-out to every corner
The large-scale rollout of 5G networks has started becoming a reality, with big vendors deploying 5G network equipment and MNOs being on the verge of its commercialization. However, in parallel to the deployment of such 5G high-performing network, there is an unprecedented… Source : Date : August 7, 2020…