Catégorie : #NUMERIQUE

0 267
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

OVHcloud étend les certifications ISO 27001 et ISO 27701 à l’ensemble de ses offres cloud

OVHcloud a obtenu de nouvelles certifications en matière de sécurité de l’information et de confidentialité des données : les certifications ISO/IEC 27001 et ISO/IEC 27701. Source : Date : March 9, 2021 at 04:44PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 203
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Le e-commerce, le moteur de 85 % de la croissance du retail en Europe

Le nouveau rapport de Forrester « 2021 Smartphone And Tablet Online Retail Forecast, Europe » constate une augmentation du e-commerce. Une situation qui devrait perdureraprès la pandémie et qui s’explique, en partie, par l’augmentation des ventes de smartphones et de tablettes (265 milliards d’euros en 2024). En 2020, la croissance du retail…

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Posted in #NUMERIQUE

A new age of collaboration tools

One of the starkest consequences of the pandemic is the fragmentation of workforces. Mass working from home (WFH) was at first expected to be short-term, but now looks set to become permanent as companies look to radically alter how they organise and manage their employees. Source : Date :…

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Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Les Numériques, au coeur de la stratégie d’affiliation d’Unify

Alors que le média se développe sur de nouvelles verticales comme celle des véhicules électriques, son expertise en matière d’affiliation, qui conduit plus d’un million d’acheteurs tous les mois chez ses e-commerçants partenaires, doit s’étendre à tous les sites du groupe Unify. Source : Date : March 9, 2021…

0 219
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

L’ethnographie digitale au service de l’émotion

Objets, services… Les pratiques des membres du foyer révèlent leurs interactions sociales et leurs représentations. Ces dimensions sont étroitement imbriquées, tout au long de l’itinéraire d’achat et d’usage. Mais comment faire quand une situation imprévue et inédite fait irruption dans le protocole ? Source : Date : March 9, 2021…

0 231
Posted in #DEMAT

TechSell lance sa formation digitale pour les équipes commerciales

TechSell, entreprise spécialisée dans le recrutement des forces de vente, crée Digital Training Services, une formation en ligne à destination des équipes commerciales. La plateforme est disponible depuis mardi 23 février 2021. Source : Date : March 9, 2021 at 09:35AM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook…

0 218
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Qui sera élue femme digitale de l’année 2021?

E-commerce Magazine et Cofidis Retail lancent la seconde édition de l’élection de la femme digitale de l’année. Cet événement met en lumière 10 femmes inspirantes dans l’univers du retail. A vos votes! Source : Date : March 9, 2021 at 03:05PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés,évènement2 Share this… Email Facebook…

0 242
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Inclusion des femmes dans les métiers du numérique

HELPLINE s’engage avec sa campagne L’IT au féminin… Source : Date : March 9, 2021 at 02:46PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 229
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The 10 most innovative Asia-Pacific companies of 2021

While China remains a powerhouse of innovation in Asia-Pacific—both Tencent and the Alibaba-backed cold-chain logistics startup Cainiao are on our list—companies across the region found game-changing solutions to difficult problems. South Korea’s Seegene helped the world diagnose the novel coronavirus quickly and effectively. Source : Date : March 9,…

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Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The 10 most innovative North American companies

Our inaugural North American list features innovative companies that span the continent. They’re based in places like New York, Ohio, Virginia, Tennessee, Colorado, and Mexico City. But each one is working on problems that are inherent to the region. From educating children on injustices, to getting things like solar energy,…

0 219
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The 10 most innovative enterprise companies of 2021

In a year when businesses of every size and description in all sectors were forced to adapt to unprecedented global upheaval, these 10 companies offered innovations that helped enterprises not only to survive but to thrive. Source : Date : March 9, 2021 at 12:12PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux…

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Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The 10 most innovative companies in robotics

Robotics and automation have already transformed how certain industries work, like the auto industry. But the technology is still being realized in many other sectors, and some of those businesses–like retail, food, and healthcare–became more reliant on automation and robotics during the pandemic. That change is likely permanent. The fact…

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Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The 10 most innovative logistics companies of 2021

While much of the consumer world shut down in 2020, the behind-the-scenes logistics industry was busier than ever as online shopping soared, products flew off shelves, and consumers needed increasing numbers of products delivered directly to their homes. Source : Date : March 9, 2021 at 12:12PM Tag(s) :…

0 221
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The 10 most innovative European, Middle Eastern, and African companies of 2021

This year’s selections from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East show that innovation knows no geographic bounds. From the world’s first autonomous beehive to the world’s first quantum computing language, a carbon footprint-monitoring credit card to technology that transforms deserts into fertile soil, it’s clear that the future is happening…

0 228
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The 10 most innovative companies in augmented and virtual reality

Consumer virtual reality (VR) headsets took a stride toward the mainstream with the release of Oculus Quest 2 this year, while augmented reality (AR) experiences have been mainly phone-bound—consisting of Snapchat overlays and Apple ARKit apps. Still, some compelling AR and VR content was produced, such as the Solastalgia short…

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Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The 10 most innovative workplace companies of 2021

Has there ever been a time that demanded more workplace innovation? These best-in-class companies devised new and better ways to keep us working effectively throughout a tumultuous year. Source : Date : March 9, 2021 at 12:12PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 210
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Notre guide des meilleurs VPN : lequel choisir ?

Les VPN sont nombreux sur le marché et il n’est pas forcément aisé de déterminer quel est le meilleur VPN adapté à vos besoins spécifiques. Voici cinq VPN passés au crible, pour vous aider à faire votre choix. Source : Date : March 9, 2021 at 06:18PM Tag(s) :…

0 198
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

“Digital” est officiellement traduit par “numérique”

La commission d’enrichissement de la langue française a confirmé le 9 mars 2021 que le terme anglais « digital » a comme traduction française officielle le mot « numérique« . C’est écrit au Journal officiel. La confusion entre ces deux mots existe depuis des décennies. Légifrance vient de publier une liste complète des termes et…

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Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The 10 most innovative security companies of 2021

With so many people working from home on their personal devices during the coronavirus pandemic, cybersecurity has gotten more important than ever. Security companies have developed new ways to protect people from malicious activity on their phones and computers—even when they’re on their own—by detecting phishing messages, political misinformation, denial-of-service…

0 242
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The 10 most innovative manufacturing companies of 2021

As one of the most far-reaching categories on our Most Innovative Companies list, the companies that make up our manufacturing list are addressing some of the biggest problems facing society. From manufacturing a better vial to carry COVID-19 vaccines in, to devising a biodegradable packaging, to offering on-demand fabrication that…