0 450
Posted in #5G ENG

AT&T Will Deploy 5G in San Diego In Coming Weeks

Source : https://www.techwire.net/news/att-will-deploy-5g-in-san-diego-in-coming-weeks.html Date : December 3, 2019 at 06:47AM Tag(s) : #5G ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 398
Posted in #5G ENG

5G Snapshot: China

Source : https://www.businessinsider.in/tech/news/5g-snapshot-china/articleshow/72341027.cms Date : December 3, 2019 at 03:49AM Tag(s) : #5G ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 380
Posted in #5G ENG

How 5G Will Fundamentally Change Everything You Know About Mobile Computing

Source : https://www.inc.com/magazine/202002/jennifer-alsever/5g-wireless-network-broadband-high-speed-gigabit-technology.html Date : December 3, 2019 at 03:19AM Tag(s) : #5G ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 287
Posted in #5G ENG

Strategy Analytics: 5G will Take Enterprise Digital Transformation to the Next Level

Source : https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191202005576/en/Strategy-Analytics-5G-Enterprise-Digital-Transformation-Level Date : December 3, 2019 at 12:47AM Tag(s) : #5G ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 296
Posted in #5G ENG

A 5G future

For the past year, 5G cell technology has generated a lot of excitement–and a lot of hype. The specifications are impressive: 5G will provide a peak … Source : https://www.oreilly.com/radar/a-5g-future/ Date : December 2, 2019 at 11:35PM Tag(s) : #5G ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 386

Juventus Become The First Football Club In The World To Be Tokenized

Chiliz has launched, what they claim, is the world’s first Fan Token Offering (FTO) for major international football club Juventus. Giorgio Ricci, Chief Revenue Officer of Juventus, said: “We are proud to be the first Club to be activated by Socios.com on its platform, inaugurating a new way to interact with our…

0 343

Jabalpur Smart City Limited wins two national awards

Jabalpur Smart City Limited has again received two national-level awards. JSCL has been awarded for successful operation and implementation of … Source : https://www.thehitavada.com/Encyc/2019/12/3/Jabalpur-Smart-City-Limited-wins-two-national-awards.html Date : December 3, 2019 at 08:19AM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 297

Cybersécurité : les ETI françaises sous-estiment le risque

Les entreprises de taille intermédiaire (ETI) sont sensibilisées au cyber-risque, mais leur estimation reste mitigée, selon une enquête Ifop/Bessé. Source : https://www.silicon.fr/cybersecurite-eti-francaises-risque-328045.html Date : December 3, 2019 at 08:27AM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 474

IoT Week by CITC

L’IoT Week by CITC se déroulera à Lille et en région Hauts-de-France du 2 au 8 décembre 2019. Pour sa 4ème édition, l’événement sera placé sous … Source : http://lille.aujourdhui.fr/etudiant/sortie/iot-week-by-citc.html Date : December 3, 2019 at 08:32AM Tag(s) : #IOT FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 329

#Privacy: New privacy platform to protect healthcare data in public clouds

ClearDATA, a firm specialising in healthcare public cloud security, compliance and privacy, has announced its next-generation multi-cloud offering. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2019/12/03/privacy-new-privacy-platform-to-protect-healthcare-data-in-public-clouds/ Date : December 3, 2019 at 08:21AM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 371
Posted in #DATA ENG

What does a data scientist do? We talked to one to learn about this popular and lucrative field

Learn insights from a data scientist about what it’s like to work in the field and how to approach this career. Source : https://www.techrepublic.com/article/what-does-a-data-scientist-do-we-talked-to-one-to-learn-about-this-popular-and-lucrative-field/#ftag=RSS56d97e7 Date : December 2, 2019 at 11:45PM Tag(s) : Datacenters Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 273
Posted in #IA FRA

L’IA peut-elle devenir consciente ?

Ou comment limiter les préjugés inconscients dans les prises de décisions. Source : https://www.finyear.com/L-IA-peut-elle-devenir-consciente_a41812.html Date : December 3, 2019 at 06:12AM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 478

How IoT and Machine Learning Can Make Our Roads Safer

The transportation industry is ripe for some major technological transformations, especially motorcycle accidents on the rise. The transportation industry comes along with injuries, high maintenance costs, loss of lives, and disaster. Up to 4.4million people were injured, and 38,300 lost their lives on U.S roads alone in 2015 according to…

0 405
Posted in #eSANTE FRA

Contrer la désertification médicale avec des bâtiments modulaires de télémédecine

L’espace fermé et sécurisé est totalement voué à la pratique de la télémédecine puisqu’il incorpore une isolation phonique permettant de garantir la … Source : https://www.constructioncayola.com/batiment/article/2019/12/02/126961/contrer-desertification-medicale-avec-des-batiments-modulaires-telemedecine Date : December 2, 2019 at 11:28PM Tag(s) : #eSANTE FRA,télémédecine Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 359

Sécurité et régularité des voitures autonomes : Uber et la NHTSA se font tirer les oreilles par le NTSB

Si vous vous souvenez, une voiture autonome d’Uber a causé un accident mortel en 2018 entraînant la mort d’une femme appelée Elaine Herzberg, âgée de 49 ans, qui avait traversé la route en vélo durant une nuit. L’accident a eu lieu à Tempe, en Arizona. L’enquête a suscité de grandes…

0 418
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Le mouvement & les startup «low code» « no code” s’amplifie dans la Silicon Valley.

Le mouvement & les startup «low code» « no code” s’amplifie dans la Silicon Valley. Qu’est ce ? Avec le no code la programmation ne disparaît pas mais devient visuelle Pourquoi les investisseurs s’emballent ? Réponses @AnaisMoutot à SF Via @gbregeras business.lesechos.fr/entrepreneurs/… Source : https://twitter.com/fadouce/status/1201751682784382977 Date : December 3, 2019 at…

0 317
Posted in #DEMAT

Les préoccupations des #PME pour leur #digitalisation : Résultat de l’Etude Google et YouGov

Les préoccupations des #PME pour leur #digitalisation : Résultat de l’Etude Google et YouGov : des PME peu digitalisées, mais qui veulent générer de la croissance sur Internet @blogmoderateur blogdumoderateur.com/digitalisation… Source : https://twitter.com/fadouce/status/1201754212306165760 Date : December 3, 2019 at 07:59AM Tag(s) : Influenceurs Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp…

0 274

Blockchain stands at the precipice

… from loss of funds via cyber-attacks as well as regulatory issues … Source : https://it.einnews.com/article/503839717/Z-aUKo997xO-mOM-?ref=rss&ecode=Pzxpqm_mVieIWF8G Date : December 3, 2019 at 03:55AM Tag(s) : #SECURITE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 416
Posted in #RGPD ENG

EU starts new preliminary probe into Google and Facebook’s use of data https://cnb.cx/35SW1vr 

EU starts new preliminary probe into Google and Facebook’s use of data https://cnb.cx/35SW1vr  Source : https://twitter.com/FlorenceBonnet/status/1201630344308547586 Date : December 3, 2019 at 12:45AM Tag(s) : #RGPD FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 282
Posted in #RGPD ENG

A new Chinese app allows people to use facial verification on their friends and acquaintances.

A new Chinese app allows people to use facial verification on their friends and acquaintances. The police bureau said it could also be used during online dating or when companies recruit employees https://qz.com/1759284/a-new-chinese-police-app-allows-peer-to-peer-facial-scans/ …? #surveillance #FRT pic.twitter.com/KIDokAEQ0a Source : https://twitter.com/FlorenceBonnet/status/1201632609496907777 Date : December 3, 2019 at 12:45AM Tag(s) : #RGPD FRA…