Choisir les plateformes conversationnelles, est un défi !
Choisir les plateformes conversationnelles, est un défi ! en faite c’est en observant vos clients, vos salariés que vous trouverez vos services et votre plateforme… Les chatbots et les assistants […] Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at 09:46AM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…
Gartner prévoit une hausse de 27% dans l’achat d’accessoires connectés d’ici 2020
Gartner, une entreprise américaine de conseil et de recherche vient de publier ses estimations concernant les dépenses en vêtements et accessoires connectés pour l’année 2020. La société prévoit une augmentation de 27%, passant la dépense mondiale à 51,5 milliards de dollars. Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at…
Chine : un fonds de 150 millions $ pour subventionner les blockchains
Le récent discours du président Xi Jinping a enflammé la Chine par son enthousiasme pro-blockchain. Dans cette nouvelle crypto-frénésie chinoise, il n’est presque pas surprenant d’apprendre que les autorités de la grande ville de Guangzhou vont alimenter un fonds d’investissement de 150 millions de dollars dans des projets de cryptomonnaies….
Ooredoo Tunisia introduces smart customer care chatbot on Facebook Messenger
… Messenger app. Named Wajih, the chatbot tool will help subscribers perform … Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at 09:40AM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Best Chatbot Development Frameworks
Be it any social media platform — Facebook, Telegram, Hangouts, Slack, etc. Over a period of time, the usage of chatbots has increased gradually and even on many websites/apps such as Amazon, Uber Eats, and other B2B and B2C businesses. Chatbots can easily understand the user intent with the help of machine…
Why Chatbots Are a Must-Have for Your Business
Chatbots have confidently occupied interaction between businesses and customers. In addition to apparent advantages such as building effective communication and trusting relationships between the parties, these virtual interlocutors are an integral part of business monetization strategy and a powerful tool for increasing profits. Source :—-a49517e4c30b—4 Date : October 30,…
11 Reasons Why Customer Service Chatbots Fail
Source : Date : October 30, 2019 at 02:57PM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
3 Ways AI Contributes to Improve Customer Experience
Source : Date : October 30, 2019 at 10:55AM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
#Privacy: Over 21 million stolen login credentials found on the dark web
Stolen login credentials from Fortune 500 companies have been found in numerous places on the dark web, many of which are available in plaintext form. Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at 09:31AM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
PIAF : un projet contributif pour construire des jeux de données “questions-réponses” pour entraîner les applications d’IA francophones
Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at 09:28AM Tag(s) : FRANCE GOUV Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Making Data Simple – Optimizing Sports using AI with Joe Pavitt
Source : Date : October 30, 2019 at 08:59PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
The Challenges of Leveraging Big Data
Organizations from all over the world are gathering, analyzing, and evaluating huge data volumes from a large variety of sources, with the goal of increasing productivity and efficiency. Big Data Analytics is being used to stop credit card fraud, anticipate hardware failures, and reroute internet traffic to avoid congestion. Big…
Data journalism: a guide for editors
The best ‘data stories’ are not obvious. They don’t hit the reader over the head with numbers, at least not initially. But the data is the very foundation on which the story is built, and it can help guide reporters to the best anecdotes or ways to illustrate their findings….
Cyberthreats: Protect your systems, networks, FG tells MDAs
… government organisations together to combat cyber attacks, which was identified as a … Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at 05:06AM Tag(s) : #SECURITE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Colorado CEO Wants Charges Against Cybersecurity Employees Dropped In Iowa
… efforts to protect Iowans from cyber attacks, mistakes were made,” said Iowa … Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at 04:35AM Tag(s) : #SECURITE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
4 Cybersecurity Jobs Created in Response to Evolving Threats
… into a system and simulate cyber attacks to prevent them effectively. This … Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at 02:35AM Tag(s) : #SECURITE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Cyber Attack Shuts Down Email System Used by San Marcos City Employees
A suspected cyber attacker targeted the email system used … Source : Date : October 30, 2019 at 09:28AM Tag(s) : #SECURITE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Nokia, Hutchison Three set Indonesian IoT deal
Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at 06:38AM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
IoT Applications: Great Opportunities to Come
Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at 05:07AM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Energy consumption and IoT technologies: What to know
Source : Date : October 31, 2019 at 05:07AM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print