Comment un projet de ville intelligente facilite l’activité des agents
Dijon métropole gère désormais tous les espaces publics depuis un poste de pilotage connecté, afin d’améliorer le service rendu et de réduire les … Source : Date : October 9, 2019 at 03:37PM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
En route vers l’Intelligent Building Services
Si les équipements techniques ont toujours la cote à IBS, la dimension logicielle prend toujours plus d’ampleur : services, applications et même système d’exploitation. […] Source : Date : October 9, 2019 at 02:42PM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Côte-d’Or Smart City : remous à Landscope après des allégations de favoritisme
Quelque 2 000 arpents de terre pour la premiere phase de Cote-‐d’Or Smart City allaient etre alloues a deux promoteurs, aux depens de 30 autres. Source : Date : October 8, 2019 at 10:48PM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Chatbot Strategies to Supercharge Your Shopify Store Sales
In a rush? Here’s a bite-sized summary of this guide. The ecommerce industry has seen rapid growth in recent years, and it shows no signs of stopping. To kickstart sales for your own ecommerce store, use a Messenger bot to improve performance in one of three key areas. Source :…
What’s driving the Chatbots In Credit and Collection Market Growth?
Source : Date : October 9, 2019 at 07:38AM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Chatbot Use Case Examples in Business
As understanding of what a chatbot is and the chatbot industry grows, more and more businesses are deploying bots to convert users to customers, drive sales, and improve the overall consumer experience. The question is not whether or not your business can benefit from a chatbot, but rather whether or…
How to Build Your Marketing Effort For Free or Next to Nothing
Technology has advanced greatly in a decade while the costs of doing business digitally have plummeted, allowing anyone to create their dream startup, even without IT skills. But marketing and customer service still take effort, even though you can engage and support your customers for next-to-no outlay. Source :…
The Essentials to Building A Future-Proof Chatbot
The chatbot market is evolving fast with feature updates, new AI services and a wider field of proven use cases. But if your business is looking to start out in chatbots, sticking to the basics first is a logical way to begin your journey and stay on top of those…
SMS Chatbots: Using Twilio and SnatchBot to Drive Engagement
Plenty of smartphone users are more in-touch with their friends and family through SMS message apps than they are through social media and other tools, especially among the older demographics. Businesses are also using SMS for a range of uses, mostly around appointments and services, yet the rise of chatbots…
How Businesses and Freelancers Can Make Money With Chatbots
Many businesses expect to save on capital expenditure using chatbots and AI services, but few are actively looking to make money with bots. As a new technology, there are plenty of opportunities to explore for both large and small businesses. Check out these pointers to see where chatbots could start…
Chatbot demo – See What a Live Chat Conversation is Like
If you are reading this simply because you want to know what a conversation with a chatbot is like, then press the button low down on the right-hand side of the page. That’s our demo chatbot, Snatchbot, and he’ll happily demonstrate the chatbot experience. Source : Date : October…
The challenge of data protection in the era of bots
Bots are computer programs powered by AI. They understand your requests and can respond to them in human language. They are expanding at breakneck speed: Gartner forecasts that more than 85% of customer interactions will be managed without a human by 2020. Source : Date : October 9, 2019…
What Does the GDPR Mean to eCommerce?
While the GDPR will require changes within your business, the biggest change may be the fact that you can’t just collect and use data as you wish. To that end, complying with the GDPR will require unprecedented levels of data management, transparency, and security. Source : Date : October…
How I Made a Chatbot that Provides Customers with Estimates and Quotes
Branislav Srdanovic is a chatbot builder who uses the SnatchBot platform. Recently, he built a chatbot that calculates budgets and provides quotes for the user. It deservedly won our acclaim as ‘bot of the week’ and we asked him to guest post on our blog so other bot builders can…
Le groupe Orpea entre au capital de la start-up de télémédecine Exelus
Source : Date : October 9, 2019 at 04:02PM Tag(s) : #eSANTE FRA,télémédecine Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Cannabis et Big Data : les 2 géants de l’industrie unissent leurs forces
Le géant de l’analyse de données de l’industrie du cannabis, New Frontier Data, annonce l’acquisition de Zefyr, Inc, leader dans le domaine de la découverte de données et du profiling dans cette même industrie naissante en plein essor. Source : Date : October 9, 2019 at 07:29PM Tag(s) :…
Twitter s’excuse d’avoir fourni vos données de sécurité aux publicitaires
Twitter admet avoir accidentellement partagé les données fournies par ses utilisateurs à des fins de sécurité avec des publicitaires. Une erreur grossière qui pourrait lui coûter très cher… Source : Date : October 9, 2019 at 05:28PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
Experian s’associe avec Bridge pour lancer sa nouvelle solution Open Banking
Experian s’associe avec Bridge pour lancer sa nouvelle solution Open Banking … DSP2 : redéfinition des règles du jeu pour l’accès à l’Open Data Source : Date : October 9, 2019 at 01:43PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
.@Etalab @_DINSIC lance pour vous aider à trouver les codes sources ouverts par des organismes publics.
.@Etalab @_DINSIC lance pour vous aider à trouver les codes sources ouverts par des organismes publics. En quoi cela peut vous être utile ? 👉… Si votre code source manque, contactez-nous ! Source : Date : October 9, 2019 at 12:02PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email…
Marchés publics – ASIP Santé – Prestations de conseil, d’expertise, d’assistance juridique et de représentation en justice en droit de la santé
L’ASIP Santé vous informe qu’elle s’apprête à lancer une procédure de marché public relative à des prestations de conseil, d’expertise, d’assistance juridique et de représentation en justice en droit de la santé et en droit des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication dans des contextes de droit public…