0 442
Posted in #IOT

Démocratisation de la domotique : la sécurité des utilisateurs est-elle en danger ?

L’étude appelée « All Things Considered : An Analysis of IoT Devices on Home Networks » (en français : « Tout bien considéré : Une analyse des … Source : https://selectra.info/domotique/actualites/securite/democratisation-domotique-securite-utilisateurs Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 381
Posted in #CHATBOT

Laurence Boulet (MACSF) : « Les chatbots sont à réserver aux opérations simples »

Laurence Boulet, Responsable informatique Domaine Outils Client & Data à la DSI de la mutuelle des professionnels de santé MACSF, est venue témoigner sur la CIO.conférence « Automatiser les métiers pour un business augmenté – Les outils innovants pour développer l’activité » le 2 décembre 2019 à Paris. Elle répond…

0 390
Posted in #IOT

Trois investissements que les partenaires doivent faire selon Intel

Nous voyons des exemples concrets de situations dans lesquelles l’IoT permet aux partenaires d’apporter une nouvelle valeur à leurs clients. Source : https://www.channelnews.fr/trois-investissements-que-les-partenaires-doivent-faire-selon-intel-90451 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 411
Posted in #SMARTCITY

Livre – International Collaborative Research: “Smart Environment for Smart Cities” and Conclusions of Cities Case Studies

This chapter has two parts. In the first part, the organizational details of the international research collaborative project “Smart Environment for Smart Cities” is discussed. In the second part are presented in consultation with the team leaders of the city study, their general conclusions of the study. Source : International Collaborative…

0 348

Decentralized Identity : nos travaux de R&D

Notre équipe tech est fière de présenter son dernier travail de R&D autour d’une notion clef du web décentralisé : les identités décentralisées. Nous nous sommes donc concentrés sur une question essentielle : comment concevoir une privacy adaptée aux identités décentralisées sur Ethereum ? Source : http://blockchainpartner.fr/decentralized-identity-nos-travaux-de-rd/ Date : July…

0 343
Posted in #CHATBOT

12 Reasons Why Customer Service Chatbots Fail

Business 2 Community 54% of online US consumers think that interactions with customer service chatbots will negatively impact the quality of their lives, per Forrester’s latest research, who predicts a chatbot backlash this year. A customer called the virtual assistant of a… Source : https://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/12-reasons-why-customer-service-chatbots-fail-02220174   Share this… Email Facebook…

0 368

Comment la blockchain pourrait changer l'investissement immobilier

Ces derniers mois, un nombre croissant de pays ont commencé à mettre en place des cadres fonctionnels et juridiques pour réglementer les tokens enregistrés sur la blockchain. Ce mouvement a conduit à une exploration accrue de ces technologies dans de nombreux secteurs d’investissement. Source : https://www.thecointribune.com/comment-la-blockchain-pourrait-changer-linvestissement-immobilier/ Share this… Email Facebook…

0 388
Posted in #IOT

IoT Sensors Market 2019 Global Trend, Segmentation and Opportunities Forecast To 2025

MarketWatch Jul 12, 2019 (Heraldkeepers) — Wiseguyreports.Com adds « IoT Sensors Market -Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities, Analysis of Top Key Players and Forecast to 2025 » To Its Research Database. Report Details: This report provides in depth study of « IoT… Source : https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/iot-sensors-market-2019-global-trend-segmentation-and-opportunities-forecast-to-2025-2019-07-12   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 339
Posted in #SMARTCITY

Smart City Mission: 3 years on, Dharamshala on slow path to progress

Hindustan Times Dharamshala, home to the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, was the first town in Himachal to be selected under the Smart City Mission when it edged out state capital Shimla to find place on the first list of 98 cities on August 27, 2015. The high… Source…

0 317
Posted in #SMARTCITY

Global Public Safety solution for smart city market is expected to reach USD 299.36 billion by 2023

MENAFN fastest growing economy in the Asia-Pacific region owing to the increased investments by the government in smart city initiatives. Read More@https://www.kennethresearch.com/sample-request-10077864? Source : https://menafn.com/1098731253/Global-Public-Safety-solution-for-smart-city-market-is-expected-to-reach-USD-29936-billion-by-2023   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 1504
Posted in #SMARTCITY

Si Racha advances from industrial hub to ‘smart city’

Bangkok Post Si Racha district in Chon Buri is known as the home of large industrial estates and the Laem Chabang seaport. However, in the near future, the town will acquire an additional status as a “smart city” that uses digital innovation to improve the standard… Source : https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/special-reports/1708210/si-racha-advances-from-industrial-hub-to-smart-city  …

0 317
Posted in #SMARTCITY

Apple Publicly Trolls Google Over Controversial Smart City Surveillance Plans

Forbes Privacy has become a new frontier in Big Tech’s fight for consumer confidence, and Apple has clocked that (whether reality or perception) it has an advantage over arch-rival Google, given that its business has not been built around capturing, analyzing and… Source : https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2019/07/07/apple-publicly-trolls-google-over-controversial-smart-city-surveillance-plans/   Share this… Email Facebook…

0 317
Posted in #SMARTCITY

Aurora starts innovation district for tech businesses;outside firm may invest up to $300 million in city’s « smart city » effort

Daily Herald Aurora is going to become an innovation district, 605 Innovation, where it hopes business entrepreneurs will come to work, play and live. And it is about to sign a nonbinding agreement with a private-equity firm, Smart City Capital, for that firm to invest… Source : https://www.dailyherald.com/news/20190711/aurora-starts-innovation-district-for-tech-businesses-outside-firm-may-invest-up-to-300-million-in-citys-x201csmart-cityx201d-effort   Share…

0 388
Posted in #SMARTCITY

10 Industries And Services That Will Be Improved By ‘Smart City’ Technology

Forbes “Smart cities”—in which technology continuously collects data to efficiently manage assets and resources—are on the horizon, and they will have a major impact not only on the way people live, but also on the way businesses function. From utilities… Source : https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2019/07/12/10-industries-and-services-that-will-be-improved-by-smart-city-technology/   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin…

0 488
Posted in #DATA

EuroGeographics adds new administrative boundaries to its geospatial open data

Directions Magazine EuroGeographics today (8 July 2019) announced the addition of NUTS 3 official boundary information in its European geospatial open data from official national sources. As well as enabling socio-economic analysis of more than 1,300 administrative regions… Source : https://www.directionsmag.com/pressrelease/8965   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 307
Posted in #IOT

4 Key Digital Transformation Trends in Hospitality

Hospitality Net From Internet of Things (IoT) based smart room features allowing guests to control all amenities, to autonomous artificial intelligence based chatbot solutions enhancing response time and automating basic hotel experience, let’s explore four main… Source : https://www.hospitalitynet.org/opinion/4094180.html Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 315
Posted in #CHATBOT

The Best IT Company Conversational Marketing Tactics for Your Homepage

Business 2 Community So when they go to your website and see a chatbot available, they’ll want a seamless, instant experience just like you’re looking to give new customers. What kind of chat strategy do you deploy to figure out how to help your existing customers? Source : https://www.business2community.com/web-design/the-best-it-company-conversational-marketing-tactics-for-your-homepage-02219620  …

0 410
Posted in #SMARTCITY

Photovoltaïque : à Lille, la Catho imagine les réseaux électriques du futur

C’est le concept de la smart city. « On ne le fait pas seulement pour la Catho mais pour imaginer un modèle viable, qui pourrait s’exporter à … Source : https://ift.tt/2XXEZg7 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 401
Posted in #eSANTE

Ce robot « méduse » peut nager dans le corps humain pour administrer des médicaments de manière localisée

Des chercheurs allemands de l’Institut Max-Planck ont imaginé un minuscule robot qui se déplace à la manière des méduses. Si son biomimétisme est impressionnant, sa finalité l’est tout autant :  injectable dans la vessie de patients, entre autres, il pourrait révolutionner la façon dont les médecins administrent […] Source : https://www.usine-digitale.fr/article/ce-robot-meduse-peut-nager-dans-le-corps-humain-pour-administrer-des-medicaments-de-maniere-localisee.N863090…

0 427

The Blockchain Group dopé par son ‘Silicon Award’

The Blockchain Group s’offre une nouvelle séance de hausse avec un gain de 7,9% à 0,246 euro dans un volume représentant 1,3% du tour de table ce jeudi. Source : The Blockchain Group dopé par son ‘Silicon Award’ Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print