Étiquette : Big Data

0 341
Posted in #DATA FRA

Master Big Data classé au TOP 10 du classement 2019

Le Master Big data de l’Ensimag au top du 2019 ! Source : http://ensimag.grenoble-inp.fr/fr/l-ecole/classement-master-big-data-top-10-de-2019 Date : November 13, 2019 at 08:27AM Tag(s) : Universities & Schools Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 450
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

How Big Data And AI Are Driving The CBD Gummies Industry

The CBD industry is growing at an astounding rate. So fast, in fact, that some companies are struggling to keep up with demand. And new companies are cropping up daily to get in on this brand new billion-dollar industry. Source : https://www.smartdatacollective.com/how-big-data-and-ai-are-driving-cbd-gummies-industry/ Date : November 12, 2019 at 08:34PM Tag(s)…

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Posted in #DATA ENG

Monetizing Data: How Much Is Your Company’s Data Worth?

Big data is becoming an increasingly important asset to businesses of all sizes. The growing ubiquity of digital technology in all business processes provides companies with the opportunity to collect a large volume of data—but determining the value of the data your business collects or how to monetize it can…

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Appel à contribution : Data et RSE : Nouveaux enjeux pour le management ?

Dans la perspective de la Conférence internationale ADERSE 2020 qui se tiendra les Jeudi 19 et vendredi 20 mars 2020 à l’Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, Evry, France, un appel à communication est lancé sur le sujet « Data et RSE : Nouveaux enjeux pour le management ? » Source : https://www.mediaterre.org/actu,20191112161955,9.html Date…

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#Privacy: Reducing the risks posed by artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is creating a new frontier in information security. Systems that independently learn, reason and act will increasingly replicate human behaviour. Like humans, they will be flawed, but also capable of achieving great things. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2019/11/12/privacy-reducing-the-risks-posed-by-artificial-intelligence/ Date : November 12, 2019 at 09:01AM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG…

0 407
Posted in #IOT ENG

The Role of Android in IoT

The world around us is brimming with novelty and technology — the kind that would have been hard to imagine till say a few decades ago. We have artificial intelligence, augmented reality, big data, and so much more to help in every possible aspect of human existence today. Source :…

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How Healthcare Organizations can Adapt to Data Challenges in 2020

Organizational leaders must work together to find better ways to use data to overcome the most pressing issues that affect public health outcomes. Big data technology is revolutionizing the medical field. However, with progress comes challenges. Source : https://datafloq.com/read/how-healthcare-organizations-adapt-data-challenge/7115 Date : November 11, 2019 at 01:18PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share…

0 533

The Flagship University’s Model in Terms of Digitalization: The Case of Industrial University of Tyumen as a Center of Strategic Decisions in the Field of Smart-City, IoT/IIoT and Big Data

Abstract The authors seek to consider the concept and model of a digital university in this article. The Industrial University of Tyumen (IUT) activity is the case of current research resulting from the specifics of software and hardware solutions that allow implementing the strategic project of developing smart technologies. The…

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Industrial Data Sharing Spaces for Autonomous Factories in 2025

Industrial Data Sharing Spaces for Autonomous Factories in 2025: Opportunities and challenges Date: November 15th Time: 10:00 – 11:15 Location: IFEMA Madrid. DEI Stakeholder Forum. Room N109 Source : http://www.bdva.eu/node/1386 Date : November 11, 2019 at 11:18AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 236
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

Privileged Only: Is Digital Health Tech A Solution for Elites?

Healthcare disruptors are betting the farm on digital health technology, and they have the funds to validate their enthusiasm. Investments in digital health startups came in at a staggering $8.1B at the end of 2018, marking an increase of 42% from 2017. Source : https://hitconsultant.net/2019/11/11/privileged-only-is-digital-health-tech-a-solution-for-elites/ Date : November 11, 2019…

0 344

Understanding The Role Of Data In Recruiting GDPR Experts

Two major trends in the big data landscape came to our attention that we wanted to address. We wanted to discuss data recruitment and what it means for the GDPR professionals out there. As you may know, all organizations – within the EU – that collect personal data must comply…

0 257
Posted in #DATA ENG

IDEIA Big Data receives Corporate Excellence Awards 2019

IDEIA Big Data designs and develops tech solutions for public opinion analysis.They are unique due to their ability to integrate social media monitoring MACAPA, AMAPA, BRéSIL, November 9, 2019 /⁨EINPresswire.com⁩/ — IDEIA Big Data receives … Source : http://www.einnews.com/pr_news/501658665/ideia-big-data-receives-corporate-excellence-awards-2019?ref=rss&ecode=PYi2QJVSqjGyBi3v&utm_source=RSSNews&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=Technology+News&utm_content=article Date : November 9, 2019 at 07:47PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés…

0 310
Posted in #DATA ENG

The Smart Data Cloud Approach

To maximize the benefits of cloud, data & machine learning and make it available to innovative digital teams and customers, the data lake is the definite reference model. How can we accelerate its implementation and scope without losing control or jeopardizing its sustainability? Source : https://www.talend.com/blog/2019/10/25/smart-data-cloud-approach/ Date : November 9,…

0 381

Unlock compliant data governance at European Data Protection Summit Manchester

European Data Protection Summit (EUDPS) Manchester presents two days of content-rich keynote talks and panel debates designed to address the most pressing business issues on today’s data privacy landscape. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2019/11/08/unlock-compliant-data-governance-at-european-data-protection-summit-manchester/ Date : November 8, 2019 at 02:48PM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp…

0 299
Posted in #DATA ENG

How to Create a Successful Data Strategy

With rapid advances in AI and data science, data has become an essential asset to every enterprise. Setting up a data strategy, therefore, has become every enterprise’s mission, particularly in the C Suite and at Executive levels. What is a data strategy and how do we create the right data…

0 367
Posted in #DATA FRA

La France et l’Allemagne collaborent sur le Big Data pour rattraper les Etats-Unis

La France et l’Allemagne ont décidé de collaborer sur une série d’initiatives liées au Big Data, au Cloud et à l’intelligence artificielle. L’objectif ? Rattraper le retard européen sur la Chine et les Etats-Unis… Source : https://www.lebigdata.fr/france-allemagne-collaboration-big-data Date : November 7, 2019 at 01:34PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this……

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Comment le big data et la blockchain vont-ils améliorer notre santé ?

Ce samedi 18 février 2017, Laurent Leloup, CEO Chaineum & Finyear, ainsi qu’Emmanuel Canes… Source : https://www.finyear.com/Comment-le-big-data-et-la-blockchain-vont-ils-ameliorer-notre-sante_a37904.html Date : November 7, 2019 at 04:41PM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 510
Posted in #IA FRA

Retail & IA : Quelles sont les attentes et quels sont les projets pour le e-commerce ?

Comment le retail intègre-t-il les technologies basées sur l’intelligence artificielle ? Quelles sont les attentes des retailers ? Octopeek, start-up spécialisée en data science et en IA, s’est interrogée sur le sujet et a lancé une grande étude auprès de 112 décideurs de la distribution. Son objectif : comprendre les…

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Three Questions to… the working group “Digital Business Models”

What are the central potentials, challenges and needs of companies with digital business models? The Plattform Industrie 4.0 asked three experts who are engaged in the Plattform: Prof. Dr. Svenja Falk, Managing Director at Accenture, Christoph Plass, Board of UNITY, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Otto, Managing Director of Fraunhofer ISST…

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Le miracle technologique n’est pas (encore) au rendez-vous

J’ai fait un rêve, c’était il y a longtemps, c’était au siècle dernier, à l’époque ou l’informatique était complémentaire de l’existant, elle y était supplémentaire et ne venait pas en substitution. C‘était un rêve de liberté, le rêve d’un Internet porteur de tous les espoirs d’égalité, de fraternité, de paix,…