Étiquette : Big Data

0 314
Posted in #RGPD ENG

Privacy in a digital world

Technological progress has created a situation of severe tension and incompatibility between the right to privacy and the extensive data pooling on which the digital economy is based. This development requires new thinking about the substance of that right. Source : https://techcrunch.com/2019/09/26/privacy-queen-of-human-rights-in-a-digital-world/ Date : September 26, 2019 at 11:16PM Tag(s)…

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Big Data Overview 1 Day Training in Paris

ven., sept. 27, 9:00am+3événement supplémentaire Regus – Paris, Bourse, Paris À partir de 742,06 € Source : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/big-data-overview-1-day-training-in-paris-tickets-72899128255?aff=ebdssbdestsearch Date : September 26, 2019 at 10:44PM Tag(s) : #EVENEMENTS Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Denmark, as one of the most digitized (#1 Digital Economy and Society Index, EU, 2018) and innovative (#3 The European Innovation Scoreboard, EU, 2019) countries in Europe, is well positioned to thrive in the fast-evolving tech environment. Source : https://systematic-paris-region.org/evenements/danish-french-roundtable-tech-innovation-cyber-security/ Date : September 27, 2019 at 12:38AM Tag(s) : #EVENEMENTS…

0 329
Posted in #DATA ENG

7 Ways Smart Data Can Reduce Business Costs

Smart items make up the majority of modern life. We have smartphones, smart speakers, smart cars and an entire Internet of Things (IoT) filled with devices meant to make our lives easier and more intuitive. Source : https://www.smartdatacollective.com/7-ways-smart-data-can-reduce-business-costs/ Date : September 26, 2019 at 04:40PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share…

0 384
Posted in #DATA ENG

Top 12 Data Science Use Cases in Government

Big data analytics has been applied to different spheres of human life. One of the best features of data analytics is its adaptability and wide application specter. We have come through the whole series of articles concerning data science application in various spheres that are proving this statement. Let`s consider…

0 311
Posted in #DATA ENG

7 Disastrous Cybersecurity Mistakes In A Big Data World

Big data is changing the world in a number of ways. Companies rely on data to deliver efficient services, but they also have to worry about cybersecurity risks. As big data leads to new cybersecurity risks, a growing number of managers are falling victim. They need to appreciate the cybersecurity…

0 313
Posted in #IOT ENG

GSMA Partnership Programme Expands to Create the Largest IoT Community in Asia Pacific

31 Operators in 15 Countries Creating Innovative IoT Solutions; APAC IoT market to Reach 11 billion Connections by 2025. Source : https://www.gsma.com/newsroom/press-release/gsma-partnership-programme-expands-to-create-the-largest-iot-community-in-asia-pacific/ Date : September 25, 2019 at 07:30AM Tag(s) : Fédération & Syndicats Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 392
Posted in #DEMAT

Salons Solutions 2019 : la dématérialisation fait sa rentrée

Découvrez dans ce dossier en ligne les nouveautés et les temps forts des Salons Solutions qui se dérouleront du 1er au 3 octobre 2019 ! Source : https://www.archimag.com/demat-cloud/2019/09/24/salons-solutions-dematerialisation-rentree Date : September 24, 2019 at 11:14AM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 375
Posted in #DATA ENG

How to Build Data Culture and Make Data Your Friend

Sometimes working with big data resembles dining at an “all-you-can-eat” restaurant: you get too much food and are busy swallowing it all without thinking of its quality or your health. You should never forget, though, that data is a double-edged sword and requires cautious handling. Source : https://datafloq.com/read/build-data-culture-make-data-your-friend/6903 Date :…

0 341
Posted in #AI ENG

The Impact of AI to the UAE Energy Sector

According to the UAE Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Omar Sultan Al Olama, not only is artificial intelligence reshaping the energy scene on a global scale, but the contribution of AI to the UAE energy sector is going to reach an estimated $2.85 billion by 2020. Source : https://www.letsnurture.ca/blog/the-impact-of-ai-to-the-uae-energy-sector.html…

0 367
Posted in #DATA ENG

Will Big Data Build a Better “Robot” Eventually?

Click to learn more about author Samuel Bocetta. The speed at which technology evolves is astounding. Consider the fact that 40 years ago the world wide web was little more than a government side project. Now flash forward to the present and the majority of people across the globe carry…

0 452
Posted in #DATA FRA

Pourquoi suivre une formation au Big Data ?

Vous avez récemment souhaité suivre une formation relative au big data ? Cette nouvelle mode qui consiste à regrouper un grand nombre de données et à les analyser afin de les mettre à profit des entreprises qui les recueillent nécessite de plus en plus de main d’œuvre. Les techniques qu’emploie le…

0 304
Posted in #RGPD ENG

PrivSec:Report Weekly Roundup

Each week, PrivSec:Report presents the top 5 headlines from the week’s news and upcoming events in the privacy and security industry. This week it’s been revealed that vulnerabilities in IoT devices have doubled since 2013 and Obama took to the stage in San Francisco to discuss Big Data and organisations…

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[Les éclaireurs de la transfo #20] Trouver des solutions nouvelles grâce au Big Data

Tester librement des solutions grâce à la donnée pour faire progresser l’action publique, telle est la vocation du Labo BI & Big Data. Créé au sein de la Mission d’aide au pilotage (MAP) du ministère des Armées, ce tiers lieu sensibilise les décideurs publics aux potentialités du Big Data et…

0 381
Posted in #DATA ENG

Applications of Data Analytics

I am presenting at the upcoming NISS (National Institute of Statistical Sciences) webinar on September 27. This was my first employer in US, back in 1996. I was then completing a post-doc. Source : http://www.datasciencecentral.com/xn/detail/6448529:BlogPost:889284 Date : September 19, 2019 at 10:49PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook…

0 368
Posted in #IOT FRA

Protégez vos usagers des cybermenaces qui les guettent

Il s’intéresse à toutes les technologies émergentes, du Cloud Computing et de l’infrastructure Hyper-Converged au Big Data et à l’IoT (Internet of … Source : https://www.lesaffaires.com/evenements/webinaires/protegez-vos-usagers-des-cybermenaces-qui-les-guettent/612891 Date : September 20, 2019 at 07:18AM Tag(s) : #IOT FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 427
Posted in #IA FRA

L’intelligence artificielle : La lune de miel est-elle finie ?

L’an dernier, Forrester annonçait : « pour les entreprises qui célébraient naïvement la panacée universelle que devaient être les technologies de l’intelligence artificielle (IA), la lune de miel est finie : (…)L’IA et toutes les autres nouvelles technologies comme les mégadonnées et l’informatique Cloud vont encore demander beaucoup d’heures de travail. » Source :…

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Posted in #DATA FRA #5G FRA

Comment la 5G va révolutionner l’analyse de données

Selon les chercheurs d’ABI Research, la 5G va révolutionner l’analyse de données en ouvrant l’accès aux informations. Cependant, les entreprises devront à leur tour s’adapter pour exploiter toutes les possibilités offertes. Source : https://www.lebigdata.fr/comment-5g-va-revolutionner Date : September 19, 2019 at 08:17PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 392
Posted in #DATA ENG

How Data Enablement is Impacting Data Management

Click to learn more about author Kevin W. McCarthy. As we know, Data Management is nothing if not a barrage of the latest terminology designed to spur us into action. Big Data and analytics are terms that might be relatively new, but they are practices that have been around since…

0 320
Posted in #DATA ENG

Proving tree algorithms for succinct data structures

Succinct data structures give space-efficient representations of large amounts of data without sacrificing performance. They rely on cleverly designed data representations and algorithms. Source : https://www.inria.fr/centre/paris/agenda/seminaire-gallium92 Date : September 18, 2019 at 05:56PM Tag(s) : #EVENEMENTS Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print