Étiquette : blockchain

0 477

Chinese Government Blockchain Standardized Certification Received by Lenovo, Alipay, and Aelf

While most governments around the world are guarded against the challenge of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, surprisingly, the Chinese Government, though vehemently against cryptocurrencies, regards Blockchain technology with a positive view. Since 2017, the China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute (CESI) has been conducting Standard Blockchain System Function Test in order…

0 369

How blockchain technology can prevent fakes in the luxury business

Blockchain technology is increasingly being used to thwart forgers, giving peace of mind to collectors who intend to consign their valuables to auction houses or … Source : https://ift.tt/2y3ooIB Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 480

Facebook : la future cryptomonnaie Libra fait l’unanimité contre elle

L’annonce par Facebook du lancement en 2020 de Calibra, le portefeuille de gestion de la cryptomonnaie Libra, déclenche des réactions politiques très négatives. La future monnaie électronique de Mark Zuckerberg fait l’unanimité contre elle, des Etats-Unis à l’Europe. Source : https://ift.tt/2OhYlZg Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 376

KPMG fait un partenariat avec R3 et Microsoft pour de la blockchain Telecom

KPMG, un cabinet d’experts-comptables multinational s’associe aux éditeurs de logiciels TOMIA, Microsoft et R3 pour mettre au point une blockchain … Source : https://ift.tt/2JRnBQj Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 391

Le marché du logiciel des plates-formes de chaînes de blocs croît rapidement

Les dernières recherches sur le marché du logiciel des plates-formes Blockchain, à la fois qualitatives et quantitatives, présentent un aperçu de la … Source : https://ift.tt/2YiuxPM Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 407

Oil Markets Could Save 30% With Blockchain, Data Gumbo CEO Says

Global oil operators can save at least 30% by using blockchain in their infrastructure, according to data by blockchain startup Data Gumbo. Andrew Bruce, CEO … Source : https://ift.tt/2GjIGSE Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 412

Les perspectives offertes par la blockchain en agriculture et agroalimentaire

La blockchain est souvent présentée comme une technologie disruptive et prometteuse. Cette note expose les principes et le fonctionnement de cette technologie et décrit certaines de ses utilisations possibles en agriculture et alimentation. Source : http://agreste.agriculture.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/Analyse_1401907.pdf Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 580

Sectigo and NetObjex Will Work Together to Protect the Edge of IoT

Collaboration combines embedded device hardening, certificates, AI, and blockchain to help enterprises protect themselves against data breaches and botnet …Source : https://www.embedded-computing.com/home-page/sectigo-and-netobjex-will-work-together-to-protect-the-edge-of-iot Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 2117

Les assurances et la blockchain : qu’est-ce que cela peut donner ?

Avec l’émergence du bitcoin, on ne parle que d’elle : la blockchain. Cela est d’autant plus vrai dans le secteur des assurances qui plébiscite son utilité dans le cadre de leurs activités. Focus sur cette technologie qui pourrait bien impacter vos contrats. Source : https://www.silicon.fr/brandvoice/les-assurances-et-la-blockchain-quest-ce-que-cela-peut-donner Date : July 18, 2019…

0 380

Retour sur la Blockchain Expo Europe 2019 par les Agents Blockchain

En juin, les passionnés de la blockchain et des crypto-devises du monde entier se sont réunis à Amsterdam pour la Blockchain Expo Europe qui … Source : https://ift.tt/2Y09mh4 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 523

Blockchain dans les petites et moyennes entreprises Le marché générera des revenus plus …

La technologie Blockchain est principalement conçu pour permettre le maintien d’une autorisation de bases de données moins distribués qui se … Source : https://ift.tt/2MdLPag Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 366

IBM: Le nombre de brevets blockchain de la multinationale ont bondi de 300%

IBM a mené une course effrénée pour obtenir le maximum de brevets blockchain ces derniers mois. En l’espace d’un an, le nombre de brevets relatifs … Source : https://ift.tt/2YgkCdK Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 2031

Quartz™-powered TCS BaNCS™ Network Named Best Blockchain Breakthrough of the Year

YAHOO! News Tata Consultancy Services’ Blockchain-enabled Network Won the 2019 FTF News Technology Innovation Award for Showing How Cross-border Transactions can be Settled Seamlessly NEW YORK and MUMBAI… Source : https://finance.yahoo.com/news/quartz-powered-tcs-bancs-network-140500874.html   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 1189

Korea’s Biggest Credit Card Firm Wins Patent for Blockchain Credit System

CoinDesk Shinhan Card, South Korea’s top credit card company, has been granted a patent for a blockchain payment system. As reported by The Korea Times on Monday, the Shinhan Financial Group affiliate said it has developed a “world-first” service based on… Source : https://www.coindesk.com/koreas-biggest-credit-card-firm-wins-patent-for-blockchain-credit-system   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 371

Blockchain exec: Facebook’s Libra could become ‘the equivalent of AOL in the 1990s

YAHOO! News On Tuesday, Facebook’s (FB) head of Calibra David Marcus will appear on Capitol Hill to face the rising clamor surrounding the social network’s proposed cryptocurrency project, Libra. Source : https://finance.yahoo.com/news/facebooks-libra-could-bring-in-billions-of-people-140704237.html   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 1294

McDonald’s, Nestlé and Virgin Media trial blockchain in media buys

The Drum McDonald’s, Virgin Media and Nestlé are the first brands to sign up for a blockchain pilot spearheaded by the Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards (Jicwebs), with the aim of increasing trust and transparency in digital advertising. The cross… Source : https://www.thedrum.com/news/2019/07/16/mcdonald-s-nestl-and-virgin-media-trial-blockchain-media-buys   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 370

EY Spearheads Blockchain Tracking Platform for German Logistics Firms

CoinTelegraph The platform is estimated to automate around 75 million processes each year and save about 12 million sheets of paper per year. An alliance of German logistics firms is working to jointly create a… Source : https://cointelegraph.com/news/ey-spearheads-blockchain-tracking-platform-for-german-logistics-firms   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 402

Blockchain Consortium Startup R3 Said to Be Considering an IPO

CoinDesk Blockchain consortium startup R3 is said to be mulling an IPO. According to a Friday report, Bloomberg sources “familiar with the matter,” suggested R3 is in discussions with advisers over a potential public listing. There are no indications in the… Source : https://www.coindesk.com/blockchain-consortium-startup-r3-said-to-be-considering-an-ipo   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 550

YAO Network: An Outlier Set to Disrupt the Blockchain Status Quo

YAHOO! News SINGAPORE, July 16, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — While others are contented with the current Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) market, one outlier has seek to disrupt the status quo and offer a next… Source : https://finance.yahoo.com/news/yao-network-outlier-set-disrupt-010000778.html   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 426

Shinhan Card patents its blockchain-powered payments system

YAHOO! News Seoul-based payments company Shinhan Card has designed a blockchain-based transaction system and successfully patented it, The Korea Times writes. Besides enabling payments, the system will also… Source : https://finance.yahoo.com/news/shinhan-card-patents-blockchain-powered-124836558.html   Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print