Étiquette : business

0 424
Posted in #DATA ENG #5G ENG

Audi and Deutsche Telekom enter 5G partnership

German automaker Audi and the country’s Deutsche Telekom (DT) telecommunications group are entering into a pioneering 5G cellular technology partnership together with the city of Ingolstadt, which aims to make urban mobility safer, more digital and sustainable. Source : https://www.traffictechnologytoday.com/news/connected-vehicles-infrastructure/audi-and-deutsche-telekom-enter-5g-partnership.html Date : October 4, 2019 at 11:53AM Tag(s) : #DATA…

0 286

7 Powerful Ways AI Is Transforming WordPress Websites

One of the biggest strengths of WordPress is its adaptable nature. The platform makes sure that it takes into consideration users’ requirements as well as the latest technological developments. One such emerging technology that is impacting the CMS in a big way is artificial intelligence. Many people are unaware that…

0 417
Posted in #DATA ENG

What is SSDP and Can it Truly Make Analytics Self-Serve?

Click to learn more about author Kartik Patel. Self-serve data preparation (SSDP) is the logical evolution of business intelligence analytical tools. With self-serve tools, data discovery and analytics tools are accessible to team members and business users across the enterprise. What is SSDP? SSDP is a crucial component of advanced…

0 375
Posted in #DATA ENG

Case Study: Big Data Analytics Advance Sutton Bank Forward

Sutton Bank is an FDIC-regulated, Ohio state-chartered bank. They have been in the payment business about 20 years, specifically in the prepaid space. Jeff Lewis, Senior Vice President of Payments and Prepaid Card Services at Sutton Bank, says that payment and card services are an increasingly popular offering for financial…

0 395
Posted in #IOT ENG

IoT in Action Warsaw 2019

Source : https://iotbusinessnews.com/2019/10/02/01033-iot-in-action-warsaw-2019/ Date : October 3, 2019 at 06:33PM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Dublin ranks average in listing of the smartest cities globally

Dublin has been ranked 30th out of 102 in a list of “smart cities.” Singapore is regarded to be the smartest city in the world in the study, which is based … Source : https://www.irishtimes.com/business/technology/dublin-ranks-average-in-listing-of-the-smartest-cities-globally-1.4038909 Date : October 3, 2019 at 02:21PM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 385

Cybersécurité : création du BlackBerry Labs centré sur le machine learning et la datascience

Pour répondre aux enjeux en matière de cybersécurité, BlackBerry vient d’annoncer la création du BlackBerry Advanced Technology Development Labs. Cette business unit sera centrée sur la datascience et le machine learning au service de la cybersécurité. Plus de 120 experts composeront cette unité. Source : https://www.actuia.com/actualite/cybersecurite-creation-du-blackberry-labs-centre-sur-le-machine-learning-et-la-datascience/ Date : October 2,…

0 397
Posted in #RGPD ENG

#Privacy: Business in Chichester raided by ICO for suspected illegal pension calls

A business in Chichester has been searched by the Information Commissioner’s Office as part of an investigation into suspected cold calls. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2019/10/03/privacy-business-in-chichester-raided-by-ico-for-suspected-illegal-pension-calls/ Date : October 3, 2019 at 03:53PM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 324

#Privacy: FBI warns US organisations not to pay ransomware demands

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has issued a public service announcement informing organisations about high-impact ransomware attacks. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2019/10/03/privacy-fbi-warns-us-organisations-not-to-pay-ransomware-demands/ Date : October 3, 2019 at 04:52PM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 331
Posted in #CHATBOT ENG

6 Ways Recruitment Chatbots Are Proving Right Fit for Employers

Sometimes HR managers and recruiters have a tough time finding the right candidate for a job. Can conversational AI save the day? Source : https://chatbotslife.com/6-ways-recruitment-chatbots-are-proving-right-fit-for-employers-c40e94f9ed9e?source=rss—-a49517e4c30b—4 Date : October 3, 2019 at 04:06PM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 298

How to Create an Anonymous Digital Identity Using Cryptocurrency

If you could go back in time and do the internet all over again, what would you change? Would you think twice about joining Facebook, decline to upload those fancy dress photos from ‘09 and delete that rhetoric-laden blog post instead of hitting ‘Publish’? It’s too late to undo the…

0 345
Posted in #DATA ENG

Measurable ROI for Smart City initiatives revealed

The ESI ThoughtLab research coalition has unveiled preliminary findings from its 2019 Smart City Research Initiative, which shows that ‘hyperconnected cities’ generate demonstrable ROI (Return On Investment) for their economies, while providing enormous improvements in living and business conditions. Source : https://www.traffictechnologytoday.com/news/funding/measurable-roi-for-smart-city-initiatives-revealed.html Date : October 3, 2019 at 09:55AM Tag(s)…

0 322

Thermal sensors and vehicle-activated signs eliminate crashes at UK blackspot

UK traffic safety specialist Westcotec teamed up with sensor systems and thermal imaging equipment manufacturer Flir Systems Inc. to build a unique collision avoidance system at an accident blackspot near the city of Durham that has reduced collisions by 100%. Source : https://www.traffictechnologytoday.com/news/safety/thermal-sensors-and-vehicle-activated-signs-eliminate-crashes-at-uk-blackspot.html Date : October 3, 2019 at 09:55AM…

0 406
Posted in #IOT ENG

Singapore, UK to promote IoT industry best practices for smart consumer products

Source : https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/technology/singapore-uk-to-promote-iot-industry-best-practices-for-smart-consumer-products Date : October 3, 2019 at 10:27AM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 452

Enterprises Are Leaving IoT Devices Vulnerable to Cybersecurity Threats, Finds nCipher Security

Source : https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191003005008/en/Enterprises-Leaving-IoT-Devices-Vulnerable-Cybersecurity-Threats Date : October 3, 2019 at 10:27AM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 306

Cleveland installs integrated streetlight and police camera control network

As part of its smart city initiative and to better serve its nearly 400,000 residents, the City of Cleveland in Ohio has deployed a networked streetlight control system that is also integrated with the Police Department’s street monitoring video cameras. Source : https://www.traffictechnologytoday.com/news/machine-vision-alpr/cleveland-installs-integrated-streetlight-and-police-camera-control-network.html Date : October 3, 2019 at 09:55AM…

0 316

Une mine congolaise déploie une solution blockchain pour lutter contre la contrefaçon

L’entreprise berlinoise RCS Global propose des solutions blockchain aux mines de la République Démocratique du Congo afin d’optimiser et de … Source : https://www.clubic.com/pro/actualite-e-business/blockchain/actualite-871633-mine-congolaise-deploie-solution-blockchain-lutter-contrefacon.html Date : October 2, 2019 at 11:09PM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 344
Posted in #CHATBOT ENG

Live Chat vs. Chatbots for Business: Which One Is Better?

Source : https://learn.g2.com/live-chat-vs-chatbots-for-business Date : October 3, 2019 at 01:53AM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 390
Posted in #DATA ENG

Surprising Uses of Synthetic Random Data Sets

I have used synthetic data sets many times for simulation purposes, most recently in my articles Six degrees of Separations between any two Datasets and How to Lie with p-values. Many applications (including the data sets themselves) can be found in my books Applied Stochastic Processes and New Foundations of…

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Assurance, la blockchain doit faire ses preuves

La blockchain dans l’assurance, on en parle depuis deux ans. Et ces derniers jours à l’Insurtech Business Week. La solution Fizzy, développée par la … Source : https://www.agefi.fr/banque-assurance/actualites/hebdo/20191003/assurance-blockchain-doit-faire-preuves-283154 Date : October 3, 2019 at 08:31AM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print