Étiquette : business

0 239

How the National Blockchain Roadmap is Guiding Us Towards a Blockchain-empowered Future

Blockchain technology continues to provide new opportunities across multiple sectors, enhancing the economy through the introduction of new jobs, more streamlined processes and more ways to save money. The digital data that underpins blockchain is so powerful, that it’s predicted to generate an annual business value of more than USD$175…

0 380
Posted in #IA FRA

Les DSI se tournent vers l’IA pour administrer la complexité croissante du cloud

Source : https://itsocial.fr/enjeux/strategie-enjeux-dsi/digital-strategie-enjeux-dsi/dsi-se-tournent-vers-lia-administrer-complexite-croissante-cloud/ Date : February 12, 2020 at 06:38AM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 299

Oil industry: Expert urges FG to protect data against cyber-attack

… oil and gas industry against cyber-attack. The Technical Assistant (Gas Business … and renders it vulnerable to cyber-attack”, he told the audience. According … industry and simulating situations before cyber-attacks can help reduce vulnerability. Also … Source : https://it.einnews.com/article/509466799/_9lfWeMP22P4sgMs?ref=rss&ecode=Pzxpqm_mVieIWF8G Date : February 11, 2020 at 07:59PM Tag(s) : #SECURITE…

0 285
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Digitalisation : place à la sobriété !

La transformation digitale est au coeur des préoccupations des Daf. Si cette dernière est essentielle, elle ne doit pas se faire au détriment de l’environnement. Car la consommation énergétique du digital augmente de façon exponentielle, ce qui ne sera pas tenable sur le long terme. Source : https://www.daf-mag.fr/Thematique/business-intelligence-1244/Breves/Digitalisation-place-sobriete-346875.htm Date :…

0 286
Posted in #CHATBOT FRA

Newspill : le chatbot Messenger pour apprendre à jouer en Bourse de manière ludique et sans risque !

Bourse, ce mot fait peur et pour un grand nombre d’entre nous est synonyme d’argent, de hasard et surtout de risque. Alors que les plus frileux n’imagineront jamais mettre un sou dans une entreprise cotée en bourse, à l’image du CAC 40 en France, nous avons trouvé un moyen ludique…

0 422
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Meet 500 Startups’ 26th batch of startups

Following TechCrunch’s coverage of 500 Startups’ 25th batch (and numbers 24, 23, 22, and 21, in case you wanted to go back in time), today we’re saying hello to  the accelerator’s 26th cohort. Source : https://techcrunch.com/2020/02/11/meet-500-startups-26th-batch-of-startups/ Date : February 11, 2020 at 02:01PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email…

0 313
Posted in #AI ENG

AI vs Human: 8 Jobs Future Threatened by AI

The robots taking over has always been some form of fear, hyped up by Hollywood movies and sensationalised by scientists looking to make a name for themselves.However, it can’t be denied that we are relying on the likes of artificial intelligence more than ever, and it’s putting a number of…

0 224
Posted in #AI ENG

Top 10 Tools For No-Code AI & ML

Enterprises primarily rely on the two domains — artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in order to build and deploy various kinds of models for the smooth operation of their business. Source : https://analyticsindiamag.com/top-10-tools-for-no-code-ai-ml/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=top-10-tools-for-no-code-ai-ml Date : February 11, 2020 at 11:44AM Tag(s) : #AI ENG Share this… Email Facebook…

0 390

#Privacy: Phishing campaign found targeting Android devices

Researchers at Cofense have uncovered a phishing campaign that attempts to deliver the Anubis malware. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2020/02/11/privacy-phishing-campaign-found-targeting-android-devices/ Date : February 11, 2020 at 09:28AM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 276
Posted in #RGPD ENG

#Privacy: How EU breach notification requirements differ from those in the US

As of January 1, 2020, California became the first state to permit residents whose personal information is exposed in a data breach to seek statutory damages between $100-$750 per incident, even in the absence of any actual harm, with the passage of the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”). Source :…

0 290

#Privacy: Quick action to take to enhance data privacy and cybersecurity

CyberScout, a global leader in identity theft resolution, data defense and employee benefits services, has compiled a series of simple steps that consumers and business leaders can take to enhance data security in 10 minutes or less. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2020/02/11/privacy-quick-action-to-take-to-enhance-data-privacy-and-cybersecurity/ Date : February 11, 2020 at 05:35PM Tag(s) : #RGPD…

0 389

Vulnerability Summary for the Week of February 3, 2020

Original release date: February 10, 2020 The CISA Weekly Vulnerability Summary Bulletin is created using information from the NIST NVD. In some cases, the vulnerabilities in the Bulletin may not yet have assigned CVSS scores. Please visit NVD for updated vulnerability entries, which include CVSS scores once they are available….

0 309
Posted in #AI ENG

What People Think About The Future Of AI

In the trending arena of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is worthwhile to understand the pulse of the people towards its need, purpose, hype and reality. Source : https://analyticsindiamag.com/what-people-think-about-the-future-of-ai/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-people-think-about-the-future-of-ai Date : February 11, 2020 at 06:46AM Tag(s) : #AI ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 389

Top Blockchain Startups In India To Watch Out For In 2020

According to a Nasscom report, over 50% of the blockchain projects in India involve startups across different industries. The trend is picking up, in spite of India having only a 0.2% share in the $5.6 billion venture capital investments in blockchain in the year 2019. According to the same report,…

0 407
Posted in #DATA ENG

GigaOm Radar for Hybrid Cloud Data Protection

The data protection market is living through a profound transformation. On the one hand, we have the cloud, which is radically changing where data is created and consumed. On the other hand, new business and regulatory needs are coming from the data-driven society we are now living in. Source :…

0 377
Posted in #DATA ENG

Big Data Technology Is Crucial To Your Educational Pursuits

I still remember my college days. Technology was more readily available than ever, but big data was not a thing yet. Students were not using big data to assist with their learning goals. Source : https://www.smartdatacollective.com/big-data-technology-is-crucial-to-educational-pursuits/ Date : February 10, 2020 at 09:40PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email…

0 381
Posted in #DATA ENG

Getting Started with Data Orchestration for B2B Marketing and Sales

B2B organizations and their teams remain siloed. All too often, we buy new technologies, services and data types (e.g., predictive, intent, firmographic, technographic, etc.) for individual use cases without ensuring our investments adhere to a larger, cohesive strategy benefitting the business overall and its customers. Source : https://www.cmswire.com/digital-marketing/getting-started-with-data-orchestration-for-b2b-marketing-and-sales/?utm_source=cmswire.com&utm_medium=web-rss&utm_campaign=cm&utm_content=all-articles-rss Date :…

0 267
Posted in #DATA ENG

Value series: Measuring and adding value go hand in hand with modern analytics

In the last post of this series, we discussed holistically measuring the value of your analytics investment to prove ROI. These methods for measuring value are consistent with the activities your analytics program needs to be successful. Source : https://www.tableau.com/about/blog/2020/2/measuring-and-adding-value-go-hand-hand-modern-analytics Date : February 10, 2020 at 06:50PM Tag(s) : #DATA…

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[B-Hub for Europe] le consortium dédié à la blockchain !

Nous vous faisions part, en octobre dernier, de la sélection du Pôle Systematic, dans le cadre du call ICT 33 d’Horizon Europe, pour contribuer au déploiement du projet B-Hub for Europe. Source : https://systematic-paris-region.org/fr/actualite/b-hub-for-europe-le-consortium-dedie-a-la-blockchain/ Date : February 10, 2020 at 05:49PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 267
Posted in #RGPD FRA

Amende record de 50 millions pour violation du RGPD

Les 25 et 28 mai 2018, la CNIL (autorité de protection des données en France) est saisie de deux plaintes collectives par l’association « None Of Your Business » et par l’association « La Quadrature du Net ». Source : https://www.droit-technologie.org/actualites/6764-2/ Date : February 10, 2020 at 02:33PM Tag(s) : #RGPD FRA,rgpd2 Share this……