Étiquette : business

0 275

Fintech security: the challenges and fails of a new era

“I have no idea how this app from my bank works, and I don’t trust what I don’t understand.” Josh is not an old curmudgeon or luddite. He’s 42 with a decent understanding of technology. Nevertheless, the changes in fintech have come too fast for him. It’s not that he…

0 519
Posted in #CHATBOT ENG

7 Chatbot Plugins You Can Use Today to Solve Common Ecommerce Store Problems

How’s the health of your ecommerce store looking? If your sales are a little anemic, or your engagement levels are under the weather, we can help. Check your store’s vitals to diagnose it with one of these seven common ailments. Then, find the Messenger-bot cure to get it into good…

0 339
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

How This Chief Data Scientist Overcame His Disinterest In Coding

Aspirants and professional data science today swear by the popular and trending buzzwords. Source : https://analyticsindiamag.com/how-this-chief-data-scientist-overcame-his-disinterest-in-coding/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-this-chief-data-scientist-overcame-his-disinterest-in-coding Date : February 6, 2020 at 02:31PM Tag(s) : #AI ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 289
Posted in #CHATBOT ENG

How to Build Your First Delivery Tracking Chatbot

When you’re just starting out building bots, learning about natural language processing, conversation flows, and messaging platforms can feel a bit overwhelming. Source : https://cai.tools.sap/blog/how-to-build-first-delivery-tracking-chatbot-sap-conversational-ai/ Date : February 6, 2020 at 12:16PM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 267
Posted in #AI ENG

Why AI is the most Important HR Tech tool?

The world of HR has undergone significant changes in this decade. Source : https://datafloq.com/read/why-ai-is-the-most-important-hr-tech-tool/7654 Date : February 6, 2020 at 11:59AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 259

Capgemini et l’École polytechnique inaugurent la Chaire « Blockchain & B2B Platforms »

Capgemini, l’École polytechnique ainsi que la Fondation de l’École polytechnique lancent une Chaire dédiée aux implications technologiques et économiques de la blockchain afin de promouvoir l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche dans ce domaine émergent. Source : https://presse-polytechnique.fr/capgemini-et-lecole-polytechnique-inaugurent-la-chaire-blockchain-amp-b2b-platforms/ Date : February 6, 2020 at 04:11PM Tag(s) : Universities & Schools Share…

0 439
Posted in #IA FRA

CentraleSupélec et Lusis lancent la chaire « Intelligence artificielle appliquée à la détection de fraude sur les paiements et au trading »

Lusis et CentraleSupélec ont annoncé le mois dernier leur partenariat pour la création d’une Chaire de Recherche intitulée « Intelligence artificielle appliquée à la détection de fraude sur les paiements et au trading ».  À travers ce programme, Lusis et CentraleSupélec renforcent leur collaboration dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle appliquée au…

0 300
Posted in #RGPD ENG

How GDPR brought email marketing to new heights

Between summer 2016 and summer 2018, marketers of all stripes found themselves in a worrisome position. After a series of high-profile data breaches and scandals involving the mismanagement of consumer data by businesses, public and governmental attention was turned towards the value of personal data. GDPR, to be launched in…

0 412
Posted in #RGPD ENG

#Privacy: Washington Privacy Act comes under review

The US now has the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in force and American citizens can expect to see other states take up similar laws through 2020. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2020/02/06/privacy-washington-privacy-act-comes-under-review/ Date : February 6, 2020 at 03:47PM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 262
Posted in #DATA FRA

Les data scientist : nouvelles coqueluches des entreprises

Au cours des deux dernières décennies, la data science a connu un véritable essor, et les « professionnels des données » sont aujourd’hui parmi les plus courtisés du marché du travail. Source : https://www.journaldunet.com/management/emploi-cadres/1488721-les-data-scientist-nouvelles-coqueluches-des-entreprises/ Date : February 6, 2020 at 11:02AM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp…

0 440
Posted in #AI ENG

Timeless AI insights at the GRAMMYs: A recap of the meetup experience

Nearly 100 software developers and artificial intelligence (AI) enthusiasts gathered on the evening of January, 28, 2020, for an IBM Developer meetup hosted by the AI LA community at Cross Campus in Los Angeles to learn about how AI enabled the GRAMMY webcast to take viewers deeper into the event…

0 314
Posted in #CHATBOT ENG

4 Strategic Ways to Use Chatbots in Your Business

Source : https://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/4-strategic-ways-to-use-chatbots-in-your-business-02280724 Date : February 4, 2020 at 09:08PM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 482
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

3 Ways Healthcare IT Depts Can Start Prepping for “Medicare For All”

Once a long-shot, the idea of universal healthcare in the U.S. is inching closer to reality, particularly as many 2020 candidates promise an expedient implementation of a national federally-run program (or some version of it). Source : https://hitconsultant.net/2020/02/05/3-ways-healthcare-it-depts-can-start-prepping-for-medicare-for-all/ Date : February 5, 2020 at 06:48AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG Share…

0 288
Posted in #DATA ENG

Top 5 Data Science Trends for 2020

Technology is evolving continuously, and so are we. In the upcoming years, there will be massive growth in the AI and Machine Learning field. There is already a considerable amount of data to be managed, and with new technological advancements, we can utilize big data in many ways. Source :…

0 312
Posted in #DATA ENG

Role Or Impact Of Methodology To Research On Big Data

In recent situation there is a huge requirement to handle extends that enable organizations to change their techniques all the more rapidly so as to suspect the market and opposition. Source : http://www.bigdatanews.datasciencecentral.com/xn/detail/6608741:BlogPost:38818 Date : February 4, 2020 at 06:07PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin…

0 397
Posted in #IOT ENG

Libelium Integrates Customized IoT Projects and Consulting Services Into Business Model

Libelium, a Spanish IoT company, is evolving from a hardware manufacturer business with the aim of becoming a system integrator. In a technological market where the demand for professional solutions is increasingly challenging, Libelium is focusing on a strategic shift to offer complete IoT technology solutions specializing in vertical applications…

0 437

#Privacy: Cyber risk is US financial professionals’ chief concern

Treasury and finance professionals believe that cyberrisk is the most challenging risk to manage and will continue to be for the foreseeable future, according to the 2020 AFP Risk Survey, supported by Marsh & McLennan, a professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy and people. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2020/02/05/privacy-cyber-risk-is-us-financial-professionals-chief-concern/ Date…

0 449
Posted in #IOT ENG

Shadow IoT Devices A Major Concern For Corporate Networks

Source : https://iotbusinessnews.com/2020/02/04/35752-shadow-iot-devices-a-major-concern-for-corporate-networks/ Date : February 5, 2020 at 08:48AM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 258
Posted in #DATA ENG

Rising 2020: What People Have To Say About The Largest Gathering Of Women Data Scientists

The Rising 2020, by Analytics India Magazine, is just a month to go. The conference will see more than 250 women data scientists and AI leaders discuss challenges and opportunities around women participation in this buzzing field. Source : https://analyticsindiamag.com/rising-2020-what-people-have-to-say-about-the-largest-gathering-of-women-data-scientists/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rising-2020-what-people-have-to-say-about-the-largest-gathering-of-women-data-scientists Date : February 5, 2020 at 08:37AM Tag(s) : #AI…

0 316

#Privacy: Some of the largest market opportunities will be AIoT market data as a service

The combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to dramatically accelerate the benefits of digital transformation for consumer, enterprise, industrial, and government market segments. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2020/02/05/privacy-some-of-the-largest-market-opportunities-will-be-aiot-market-data-as-a-service/ Date : February 5, 2020 at 08:44AM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…