Étiquette : #DATA ENG

0 434
Posted in #DATA ENG

Data Analytics Solves Major Fire Safety Challenges

Fire safety technology is changing in interesting ways. Worcester Polytechnic Institute has the only graduate fire protection engineering program in the United States. Professors at this school have said that big data is becoming more integral to the fire protection field. Source : https://www.smartdatacollective.com/data-analytics-solves-major-fire-safety-challenges/ Date : March 17, 2020 at…

0 473
Posted in #DATA ENG

6 Spectacular Reasons You Must Master the Data Sciences in 2020

The global demand for big data is surging. It will be worth $274 billion within the next two years. It is understandable that many computer science majors are considering pursuing careers in this evolving field. But is it really right for you? Source : https://www.smartdatacollective.com/6-spectacular-reasons-must-master-data-sciences/ Date : March 17, 2020…

0 465

What is Real World Asset Tokenization on Blockchain

Real World Asset Tokenization on Blockchain Source : https://datafloq.com/read/what-real-world-asset-tokenization-blockchain/7991 Date : March 18, 2020 at 06:42AM Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 465

Invest In The Right IoT Trend And Profit More In 2020

Recently, IoT is creating a lot of buzz in the tech industry. From parking spaces of your home to refrigerators, coffee machines, dishwashers, lights and locks of your house – IoT is bringing almost every home appliances and other everyday physical objects into the digital fold. Source : https://www.smartdatacollective.com/invest-in-right-iot-trend-and-profit-more/ Date…

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Blockchain Trends in 2020

2020 is likely the year when blockchain technologies will witness higher adoption rates and usage across industry niches. As announced in 2019, China may lead the way to substantial investment in blockchain research and applications. The largest cryptocurrency exchanges are in China, and this year may see some dramatic deployment…

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Tokenized of Real, Physical & Traditional Assets on Blockchain

Tokenization of Real, Physical & Traditional Assets on Blockchain Source : https://datafloq.com/read/tokenized-real-physical-traditional-assets-blockchain/7987 Date : March 17, 2020 at 11:51AM Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 404
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

How Automation, AI, and Data Integration are Transforming the Pharmaceutical Industry

Click to learn more about author Joe Rymsza. Pharma companies are more challenged than ever to bring drugs to market safely and cost-effectively. Roadblocks to success include the ever-evolving regulatory environment, growing patient safety concerns, and the burden of outdated technology solutions.  Today many businesses find themselves burdened with rigid…

0 435
Posted in #DATA ENG

Security that Unblocks the True Potential of your Data Lake

Over the last few years, Databricks has gained a lot of experience deploying data analytics at scale in the enterprise. In many cases, our customers have thousands of people using our product across different business units for a variety of different use cases —all of which involve accessing various data…

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IoT Blockchain: A New Paradigm Redefining the World of Internet

Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain are creating a lot of hype in technology and the business world. They are bringing revolutionizing changes in almost every aspect of our lives. Yet there are many more to come. However, combined together they will result in something greater than expectation. Source :…

0 472
Posted in #DATA ENG

Delivering and Managing a Cloud-Scale Enterprise Data Platform with Ease

Data is growing exponentially and organizations are building products to harness the data and provide services to their customers. However, this exponential growth cannot be sustained by an exponential growth in infrastructure spend or human capital cost. Source : https://databricks.com/blog/2020/03/16/delivering-and-managing-a-cloud-scale-enterprise-data-platform-with-ease.html Date : March 17, 2020 at 05:48AM Tag(s) : #DATA…

0 258
Posted in #DATA ENG

Enabling Massive Data Transformation Across Your Organization

The top four companies by market cap today (MSFT, APPL, AMZN, GOOG) are all software companies, running their businesses on data. This is a radical departure from a decade ago. Enterprises in every segment are beginning to establish dominance through data. As a bank executive recently told me: “We’re not…

0 302
Posted in #DATA ENG

Productionize and automate your data platform at scale

Data-driven innovation is no longer optional to stay competitive in today’s marketplace. Companies that can bring data, analytics, and ML-based products to market first will quickly beat their competition. While many companies have streamlined CI/CD (continuous integration and delivery) processes for application development, very few have well-defined processes for developing…

0 246

Infosec: You Can Be Cybersecure Working from Home

A recent press release out of Infosec states, “The coronavirus outbreak is leading numerous organizations on a scramble to develop plans for staff to work remotely. Companies hoping to keep employees safe and stop the spread of the disease — while maintaining regular operations — have to look beyond simply…

0 254

Will Coronavirus Lead to More Cyber Attacks?

Source : https://hbr.org/2020/03/will-coronavirus-lead-to-more-cyber-attacks Date : March 16, 2020 at 08:37PM Tag(s) : #SECURITE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 379
Posted in #DATA ENG

Why are data and analytics important for understanding outbreaks?

As the COVID-19 outbreak progresses, people are looking for information they can trust. They want to know where the disease is spiking and how widely it’s spreading; if they’ll be told to work from home or limit travel, as many around the world already have been; if their symptoms warrant…

0 431
Posted in #DATA ENG

What are Data Pipelines ?

If you have learned temporal parallelism used to speed up CPU execution, you came across instruction pipelines aka pipeline processing. In pipeline processing, you will have many instructions in different stages of execution. Source : http://www.datasciencecentral.com/xn/detail/6448529:BlogPost:937738 Date : March 16, 2020 at 02:36AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email…

0 302
Posted in #DATA ENG

Weekly Digest, March 16

Monday newsletter published by Data Science Central. Previous editions can be found here. The contribution flagged with a + is our selection for the picture of the week. To subscribe, follow this link. Source : http://www.datasciencecentral.com/xn/detail/6448529:BlogPost:938131 Date : March 16, 2020 at 03:09AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 329
Posted in #DATA ENG

Data Science Lessons from The Coronavirus

As I write this blog, we are still in the early stages of the coronavirus crisis.  It is a scary situation which has caused hoarding, panic, fake news, lies, stock market turmoil and irrational behaviors.  All indications suggest we will survive this crisis, but it is truly not one of…

0 262
Posted in #DATA ENG

10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist March 7-13, 2020

This week’s list of data news highlights covers March 7-13, 2020, and includes articles about reducing the workloads of teachers and using a supercomputer to combat the coronavirus. Source : https://www.datainnovation.org/2020/03/10-bits-the-data-news-hotlist-255/ Date : March 14, 2020 at 07:30PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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AI Weekly: Coronavirus spurs adoption of AI-powered candidate recruitment and screening tools

The threat of COVID-19 has spurred the adoption of AI-powered job candidate recruitment and screening tools, despite the risks involved.Read More Source : https://venturebeat.com/2020/03/13/ai-weekly-coronavirus-spurs-adoption-of-ai-powered-candidate-recruitment-and-screening-tools/ Date : March 13, 2020 at 08:12PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print