Étiquette : #DATA ENG

0 330
Posted in #DATA ENG

How Data is Changing the Way US Travelers Visit Europe

A record number of U.S. travelers visited a foreign country in 2018, and big data just may be an underlying reason behind the significant jump in tourism numbers. Source : https://datafloq.com/read/data-changing-way-us-travelers-visit-europe/7179 Date : November 19, 2019 at 02:51PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 302
Posted in #DATA ENG

Want to Build a Responsive and Intelligent Data Pipeline? Focus on Lifecycle

Today, enterprises need to collect and analyze more and more data to drive greater business insight and improve customer experiences. Source : https://www.talend.com/blog/2019/11/19/build-responsive-intelligent-data-pipeline-focus-on-lifecycle/ Date : November 19, 2019 at 02:25PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 398
Posted in #DATA ENG

Unlocking the potential of the citizen data scientist

Imagine if you gave the power of drag and drop machine learning and automation to every employee, unlocking a powerful new competitive advantage.Read More Source : https://venturebeat.com/2019/11/18/unlocking-the-potential-of-the-citizen-data-scientist/ Date : November 19, 2019 at 02:20AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 345
Posted in #DATA ENG

Odyssey Logistics – Amplifying data expertise

Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQLG-ggF7lQ Date : November 20, 2019 at 06:42PM Tag(s) : 0 – CITICA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 517
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Bizagi’s process automation platform gets AI decisioning and Azure Cognitive Services integration

Bizagi added an Azure Cognitive Services integration to complete its « information conveyor belt » of intelligent process automation for businesses.Read More Source : https://venturebeat.com/2019/11/19/bizagis-process-automation-platform-gets-ai-decisioning-and-azure-cognitive-services-integration/ Date : November 19, 2019 at 02:33PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 308
Posted in #AI ENG

How AI Is Transforming the Fight Against Identity Theft and Fraud

Identity theft remains a major problem in our society. In fact, the rise of modern technology and the various improvements it has brought to the table have arguably made the situation even worse in this regard. Source : https://datafloq.com/read/ai-transforming-fight-against-identity-theft/7154 Date : November 18, 2019 at 03:45PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG…

0 381
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Bing taps AI to improve image search results

Thanks to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and related techniques, the quality of Bing image searches is improving measurably.Read More Source : https://venturebeat.com/2019/11/18/bing-taps-ai-to-improve-the-quality-of-image-search-results/ Date : November 18, 2019 at 05:14PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 303
Posted in #DATA ENG

How Data Can Help in the Fight Against the Opioid Epidemic in the United States

The United States is in the midst of an opioid epidemic 20 years in the making. From 1999 to 2017, nearly 400,000 people died from overdosing on prescription or illicit opioids.The opioid epidemic shows little signs of slowing down: in 2018, 10.3 million people aged 12 and older have misused…

0 319
Posted in #DATA ENG

Weekly Digest, November 18

Monday newsletter published by Data Science Central. Previous editions can be found here. The contribution flagged with a + is our selection for the picture of the week. To subscribe, follow this link. Source : http://www.datasciencecentral.com/xn/detail/6448529:BlogPost:908767 Date : November 17, 2019 at 09:27PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

1 403

Article à la Une – Recessions, Big Data, Data Science and Liberating Power of “Own It”

There, I said it.  I said the “R” word.  And no, I’m not talking the political “R” word.  I’m talking about the potential of a… r-e-c-e-s-s-i-o-n.  There are many indicators pointing to the potential of a worldwide recession, and unfortunately during a recession, many organizations hunker down, cut spending, and…

0 337
Posted in #DATA ENG

Top 8 Data Science Use Cases in Marketing

In this article, we want to highlight some key data science use cases in marketing. Source : http://www.datasciencecentral.com/xn/detail/6448529:BlogPost:907099 Date : November 17, 2019 at 09:27PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 350
Posted in #DEMAT

Dynamics 365 vs. SAP Business One: All You Need to Know

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), which is a buzzword these days, derives its name from its predecessor, Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) and is now helping to transform our industrial landscape. Source : http://www.datasciencecentral.com/xn/detail/6448529:BlogPost:908411 Date : November 17, 2019 at 09:27PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin…

0 294
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Why Artificial Intelligence Research is Still Relevant

As a college student, you will often be required to submit a written research paper in whatever field. For such a paper, you will have to analyze different data and come up with a hypothesis. This is where artificial intelligence comes into play. It helps you analyze data and make…

0 326
Posted in #DATA ENG

5 Ways Big Data Fuels SEO For eCommerce Stores

Big data is changing the future of SEO in countless ways. All ecommerce companies need to look for ways to utilize big data to make the most of their SEO strategies, because organic search is essential to their success. Source : https://www.smartdatacollective.com/5-ways-big-data-fuels-seo-for-ecommerce-stores/ Date : November 15, 2019 at 08:59PM Tag(s)…

0 323
Posted in #DATA ENG

How Do You Put Your Data First So Your Migration Succeeds?

Click to learn more about author James Briers. “More than 80% of data migration projects run overtime and/or over budget. Cost overruns average 30%. Time overruns average 41%.” – Bloor Group. Data migration can often seem like a simple task: move data from one place to another. How hard can it…

0 271
Posted in #DATA ENG

Databricks Announces API Integration With AWS Data Exchange

A new press release reports, “Databricks, the leader in unified data analytics, today announced API integration with AWS Data Exchange, a new service that makes it easy for millions of Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers to securely find, subscribe to, and use third-party data in the cloud. By integrating the…

0 407
Posted in #DATA ENG

DataEd Slides: Metadata Strategies

DataEd Webinar: Metadata Strategies from DATAVERSITY To view just the On Demand recording of this presentation, click HERE>> Original Air Date: November 12, 2019 This webinar is sponsored by: About the Webinar The first step toward understanding what data assets mean for your organization is understanding what those assets mean…

0 302
Posted in #DATA ENG

9 Recommendations to Manage Cloud Migration Complexities

Cloud is the new buzz in the town and is all set to disrupt the industry ecosystem. As per Gartner, by 2022, the market size and growth of the cloud services industry will be nearly three times the growth of overall IT services. As per Forrester, the public cloud market,…

0 434
Posted in #DATA ENG

5 Tips for Compressing Big Data

The concept of data compression has been around for nearly 200 years. It has been refined over the years to meet an increasing drive for efficiency. This advancement is fortunate since individuals and organizations now collectively create more digital data than ever before. Data compression can have a significant impact…

0 315
Posted in #DATA ENG

Data science for managers: Programming languages

Programming languages are a tool for the realization of many powerful data science applications. But, there are so many of them and it has become confusing to choose the optimal one for your specific project. In this article, we are going to talk about popular languages for Data Science and…