Étiquette : data

0 282
Posted in #DEMAT

3 conditions clés pour réussir sa transformation digitale

La transformation digitale a un impact sur tous les secteurs d’activité. Elle vise à utiliser pleinement les technologies digitales pour améliorer les produits ou services qui sont proposés aux consommateurs. Elle s’accompagne souvent d’une révision profonde des business modèles existants et des organisations. Source : https://www.journaldunet.com/ebusiness/crm-marketing/1488799-3-conditions-cles-pour-reussir-sa-transformation-digitale/ Date : February 10,…

0 249
Posted in #DATA FRA

L’éthique de la data : un enjeu majeur de société

Les citoyens et consommateurs ont aujourd’hui une véritable aspiration à un engagement des organisations et des entreprises sur les enjeux fondamentaux de santé, de société et d’environnement. Source : https://www.journaldunet.com/management/direction-generale/1488723-l-ethique-de-la-data-un-enjeu-majeur-de-societe/ Date : February 10, 2020 at 06:22PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés,rgpd2 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 286
Posted in #DEMAT #eSANTE ENG

CitiusTech Inks Partnership with Google Cloud to Accelerate Digital Transformation

CitiusTech announces partnership with Google Cloud to accelerate digital transformation for healthcare organizations. Source : https://hitconsultant.net/2020/02/10/citiustech-google-cloud-integration/ Date : February 10, 2020 at 06:09AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 273

12 Real-World Applications of Machine Learning in Healthcare

According to news, Machine Learning is one of the most prominent technology for the future of the Healthcare industry. But how real it is? Is there any significant value, or is it just optimistic forecasts? In this article, you will learn on some practical implementations of the technology, as well…

0 243
Posted in #DATA ENG

Trends: How big data is Changing P2P Lending?

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms facilitate digital, online loans by matching lenders with borrowers. Instead of a bank acting as the lender, the platform connects a multitude of lenders with numerous borrowers, such as consumers or small businesses. Source : https://datafloq.com/read/trends-how-big-data-is-changing-p2p-lending/7667 Date : February 10, 2020 at 01:55AM Tag(s) : #DATA…

0 304

Advanced Healthcare Supply Chains: Why It’s All in the Data

During the past decade, the healthcare industry has undergone an unprecedented technological transformation. The industry, once defined by manual processes, has moved squarely into the digital age. As patients, we’ve all become accustomed to seeing physicians as well as clinical staff use laptops during office visits. And behind the scenes,…

0 259
Posted in #DATA ENG

Weekly Digest, February 10

Source : http://www.datasciencecentral.com/xn/detail/6448529:BlogPost:929966 Date : February 10, 2020 at 04:07AM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 233
Posted in #DATA ENG

What is the Data Architecture we Need?

In the new era of Big Data and Data Sciences, it is vitally important for an enterprise to have a centralized data architecture aligned with business processes, which scales with business growth and evolves with technological advancements. Source : http://www.datasciencecentral.com/xn/detail/6448529:BlogPost:929493 Date : February 10, 2020 at 03:23AM Tag(s) : #DATA…

0 251
Posted in #RGPD ENG

#Privacy: CCPA data breach litigation begins

As reported by Bloomberg Law, data breach class action litigation has begun under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2020/02/10/privacy-ccpa-data-breach-litigation-begins/ Date : February 10, 2020 at 09:12AM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 249

#Privacy: Massachusetts health centre declares data breach and gives patient advisory

Massachusetts-based Shields Health Solutions has announced that, on October 24, 2019, organisation officials learned of suspicious activity related to an employee’s email account. Source : https://gdpr.report/news/2020/02/10/privacy-massachusetts-health-centre-declares-data-breach/ Date : February 10, 2020 at 08:11AM Tag(s) : #RGPD ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 251
Posted in #DATA ENG

How To Watermark Your Dataset With Radioactive Data Technique

Large scale machine learning projects require vast amounts of data, i.e. large datasets. Training models on these datasets is tedious and therefore poses a danger of running into redundancy. It makes no sense to train a model on some data if it has already been trained? A responsible developer would…

0 1243
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Data Science Is Not About Data But State Thinking: Dr Shailesh Kumar, Chief Data Scientist At Jio 

“For me, data science is not about data, it’s about state thinking where sensor data has to be converted to a number of state vectors,” says chief data scientist at Jio. He also says a successful artificial intelligence system is an interconnected ecosystem of AI models. Source : https://analyticsindiamag.com/shailesh-kumar-jio/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=shailesh-kumar-jio Date…

0 238
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

Commure Launches FHIR-Native Open Platform for Healthcare Developers

Commure launches an FHIR-native open platform for healthcare developers that makes it easy to build and deploy the next generation of healthcare apps by providing a secure, reliable, and interoperable foundation. Source : https://hitconsultant.net/2020/02/10/commure-launches-fhir-native-open-platform-for-healthcare-developers/ Date : February 10, 2020 at 06:09AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 250
Posted in #IA FRA

Démystifier l’IA auprès des commerciaux

Pour faire adhérer les commerciaux à un projet d’intelligence artificielle (IA), il est nécessaire de les impliquer. D’autant que pour bâtir les modèles d’algorithmes d’une solution sur-mesure, les data scientists ont besoin de l’expérience de la fonction commerciale et de ses process. Source : https://www.actionco.fr/Thematique/strategie-commerciale-1218/Breves/Demystifier-aupres-commerciaux-345622.htm Date : February 10, 2020…

0 280

Ransomware Attacks Grow, Crippling Cities and Businesses

Hackers are locking people out of their networks and demanding big payments to get back in. New data shows just how common and damaging the attacks have become. Source : https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/09/technology/ransomware-attacks.html?emc=rss&partner=rss Date : February 10, 2020 at 12:14AM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 249

US Navy Bets $9.5M on Blockchain to Keep Messaging Secret

The Naval Air Warfare Center, a California-based research group of the U.S. Navy, has given blockchain software startup Simba Chain nearly $10 million to put a secure messaging platform in play. Source : https://blockchainscotland.co.uk/us-navy-bets-9-5m-on-blockchain-to-keep-messaging-secret/ Date : February 8, 2020 at 08:01PM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 419
Posted in #AI ENG

60 Interview Questions On Machine Learning

Source : https://analyticsindiamag.com/60-interview-questions-on-machine-learning/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=60-interview-questions-on-machine-learning Date : February 9, 2020 at 09:55AM Tag(s) : #AI ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 273
Posted in #IOT ENG

AJ Ghergich: The Internet of Things and Its Impacts on Consumer Engagement [Infographic]

The Internet of Things enables a device to have more intelligence than it would as a stand-alone system. Internet connectivity provides devices the capacity to share data, in order to power… Source : https://www.theinternetofthings.eu/aj-ghergich-internet-things-and-its-impacts-consumer-engagement-infographic Date : February 8, 2020 at 10:44AM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 348
Posted in #IA FRA

[ITW] Mickaël d’Allende : comment l’IA va changer le droit du travail

À l’heure où l’intelligence artificielle et la robotique s’immiscent de plus en plus en entreprise, beaucoup s’inquiètent de la façon dont ces technologies risquent de bouleverser le droit du travail en France. Afin de mieux comprendre l’impact potentiel de l’IA sur cette branche du droit social, nous nous sommes entretenus…

0 262

We need cybersecurity czar to stop hackers

… systems and their data that cyber attackers covet so much that … right time to attack. Cyber attacks are one of the biggest … also the misguided notion that cyber attacks are not too lethal … . Failing to report a cyber attack denies the experts the opportunity ……