Étiquette : data

0 431
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

OpenAI’s supercomputer collaboration with Microsoft marks its biggest bet yet on AGI

OpenAI and Microsoft collaborated to build a supercomputer on Azure that’s specifically designed to train large AI models.Read More Source : https://venturebeat.com/2020/05/19/openai-microsoft-azure-supercomputer-ai-model-training/ Date : May 19, 2020 at 05:21PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

1 333

Comment le digital peut-il fluidifier les parcours de soin des patients ?

Selon un sondage Ipsos paru le 6 Mai plus d’1 patient atteint de maladie chronique sur 2 a renoncé à une consultation médicale en ville ou à l’hôpital pendant la période de confinement. Source : https://blog.kynapse.fr/comment-le-digital-peut-il-fluidifier-les-parcours-de-soin-des-patients-ac4a14d2ad88?source=rss—-4f5e5a399cf8—4 Date : May 19, 2020 at 11:45AM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT FRA Share this… Email…

0 373
Posted in #DATA FRA #IA FRA

Microsoft et Altran lancent une IA pour corriger les bugs des logiciels

Microsoft et Altran lancent Code Defect AI : un outil permettant de détecter les bugs dans un code logiciel grâce au Machine Learning. Ceci va permettre aux développeurs de relaxer du code de qualité plus rapidement… Source : https://www.lebigdata.fr/microsoft-altran-ia-bugs Date : May 19, 2020 at 05:11PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA…

0 508
Posted in #DATA FRA

La Chine va déployer des centres de Big Data industriel dans tout le pays

La Chine annonce sa volonté de déployer des centres dédiés au Big Data industriel dans tout le pays. L’objectif sera de moderniser l’industrie de la fabrication et les autres secteurs d’activité grâce aux données… Source : https://www.lebigdata.fr/chine-centres-big-data-industriel Date : May 19, 2020 at 05:11PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this……

0 232

A week in security (May 11 – May 17)

Last week on Malwarebytes Labs, we explained why RevenueWire has to pay $6.7 million to settle FTC charges, how CVSS works: characterizing and scoring vulnerabilities, and we talked about how and why hackers hit a major law firm with Sodinokibi ransomware. Source : https://blog.malwarebytes.com/a-week-in-security/2020/05/a-week-in-security-may-11-may-17/ Date : May 19, 2020 at…

0 278
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Machine learning methods for demand forecasting in a new normal

Machine learning-based methods of demand forecasting in the retail industry leverage historical data, but the limitations of that data are clear as we grapple with COVID-19. The current state of customer demand has significantly changed, and the forecast accuracy will be diminished.How can we adjust to predict the new demand…

0 224
Posted in #RGPD ENG

GDPR « inadequate » to protect against contact-tracing privacy risks

Parliamentarians have called for the government to adopt urgent legislation to protect UK citizens’ privacy when they download a widely-touted contact-tracing app. Source : https://www.itpro.co.uk/security/privacy/355701/gdpr-wholly-inadequate-against-uk-coronavirus-app-privacy-risks Date : May 19, 2020 at 06:26PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 261
Posted in #DATA FRA

Les 4 raisons d’adopter la data pour votre entreprise !

Les bénéfices de la data font l’unanimité, mais pourtant les entreprises françaises ne valorisent pas la quantité de données client à leur disposition. Le déploiement de la technologie big data est plus compliqué qu’il n’y paraît. Voici les 4 avantages de la data en entreprise. Source : https://www.e-marketing.fr/Thematique/data-1091/Breves/Les-raisons-adopter-data-votre-entreprise-349607.htm Date :…

0 264
Posted in #RGPD FRA

Une amende GDPR de 50.000 euros infligée à Proximus

Proximus se voit infliger par l’Autorité de protection des données (APD) une amende record de 50.000 euros dans le cadre d’un conflit d’intérêt impliquant son Data Protection Officer (DPO). Source : https://datanews.levif.be/ict/actualite/une-amende-gdpr-de-50-000-euros-infligee-a-proximus/article-news-1290423.html Date : May 19, 2020 at 03:01PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp…

0 279
Posted in #IOT ENG

What’s the role of Microsoft Azure in the IoT sphere?

Microsoft Azure is a cloud-based IaaS (infrastructure as a service) that has technically been around since 2008, and provides nearly two dozen categories of specific services. The cloud-based IaaS market has generally been dominated by AWS (Amazon Web Services) for a number of years. Source : https://iotbusinessnews.com/2020/05/19/50113-whats-the-role-of-microsoft-azure-in-the-iot-sphere/ Date : May…

0 263

Salon I Expo & Data Intelligence Forum – Paris

  Du 26-05-2020 au 28-05-2020 Paris Expo Porte de Versailles FranceIle-de-France Education – Emploi Le salon commence dans 7 jour(s) et 15 heure(s) Source : https://www.gazette-salons.fr/salons/salon-i-expo-et-data-intelligence-forum-paris/ Date : May 19, 2020 at 02:44AM Tag(s) : #EVENEMENTS Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 282
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Amazon’s AI tool can plan collision-free paths for 1,000 warehouse robots

Amazon researchers describe a machine learning system that plans the movements and paths of up to 1,000 mobile warehouse robots.Read More Source : https://venturebeat.com/2020/05/18/amazons-ai-tool-can-plan-collision-free-paths-for-1000-warehouse-robots/ Date : May 18, 2020 at 09:15PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 374
Posted in #IOT ENG

IoT Data, Serial Transmission, and Persistence Using Node.js

I like the lightweight programming model of Node.js. I also have great interest in IoT and I have written several posts on that topic as well. In this post, I am going to combine both to make an IoT device with Node and you will see how natural this binding…

0 299

Vulnerability Summary for the Week of May 11, 2020

Original release date: May 18, 2020 The CISA Weekly Vulnerability Summary Bulletin is created using information from the NIST NVD. In some cases, the vulnerabilities in the Bulletin may not yet have assigned CVSS scores. Please visit NVD for updated vulnerability entries, which include CVSS scores once they are available….

0 234
Posted in #DATA FRA

Big Data & Streaming – Le Traitement Streaming et temps réel des données en Big Data

Le Big Data est désormais bien établi ! Il a atteint son paroxysme ces dernières années avec les objets connectés, l’intégration des capteurs dans les objet de la vie courante (voiture, réfrigérateur, télévision, etc.). Ces objets produisent des données en streaming. Beaucoup de cas d’usage et de modèles économiques s’appuient…

0 286
Posted in #DATA FRA

Data : un potentiel toujours inexploité

Pourquoi les entreprises éprouvent toujours des difficultés à améliorer leurs processus décisionnels à l’aide de données exploitées en temps réel. Incluant les résultats d’une étude réalisée auprès de plus de 170 décideurs informatiques et ingénieurs réseau de l’écosystème d’Aruba dans la région EMEA, le document révèle que la majorité d’entre eux s’agacent…

0 415
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

With Jobs At Risk, Can A Career In Big Data Keep You Safe?

It is rightly said that data is the new oil. And while the value of the latter fluctuates widely, data will consistently remain a critical asset. This has been indubitably demonstrated as the world collectively battles a deadly viral outbreak. Source : https://analyticsindiamag.com/with-jobs-at-risk-can-a-career-in-big-data-keep-you-safe/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=with-jobs-at-risk-can-a-career-in-big-data-keep-you-safe Date : May 19, 2020 at 06:54AM…

0 263
Posted in #AI ENG

Sony to Release World’s First Intelligent Vision Sensors with AI Processing Functionality

Sony Corporation announced the upcoming release of two models of intelligent vision sensors, the first image sensors in the world to be equipped with AI processing functionality. Including AI processing functionality on the image sensor itself enables high-speed edge AI processing and extraction of only the necessary data, which, when using…

0 258

VeChain and I-Dante Partnered to Create Blockchain Enabled Medical Data Management Platform for Healthcare Provider in Cyprus

With more than 4.6 million infections, 300 thousand deaths and counting caused by COVID-19… Source : https://www.finyear.com/VeChain-and-I-Dante-Partnered-to-Create-Blockchain-Enabled-Medical-Data-Management-Platform-for-Healthcare-Provider-in_a42516.html Date : May 19, 2020 at 05:53AM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 357

DIH WEBINAR: Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities

What European tools / knowledge can DIHs use to help smart cities experiment with AI? What data sets are most relevant for smart city services and what … Source : http://www.eurada.org/upcoming-events/dih-webinar-artificial-intelligence-for-smart-cities/ Date : May 19, 2020 at 06:43AM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print