Étiquette : e-LEARNING
What Is A Learning Experience Platform?
The « Learning Experience Platform » (LXP) has been described as a product challenging the LMS. This article explores the features and characteristics that define the enigmatic LXP. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/what-is-a-learning-experience-platform Date : March 28, 2022 at 09:10PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
6 Advantages Of Game-Based Learning For Employee Development Training
Games are the ultimate bite-sized performance support. But are they really worth the investment? Let’s look at some of the top advantages game-based learning brings to your employee development program. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/advantages-of-game-based-learning-for-employee-development-training Date : March 26, 2022 at 09:06PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp…
6 Mistakes That Impact The Reusability Of Your eLearning Template
Developing an eLearning template has numerous advantages, especially in time and money saved. But is there a wrong way to build that template that can impact its reusability and put your ROI at risk? Source : https://elearningindustry.com/mistakes-that-impact-the-reusability-of-your-elearning-template Date : March 24, 2022 at 09:14PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email…
Creating A Learning Organization
In today’s competitive, fast-paced world, change is always around the corner. True learning organizations are more resilient, more agile, and more responsive to change in both the market and internally. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/creating-a-learning-organization Date : March 22, 2022 at 05:05PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp…
Ways To Encourage Continuous Learning In The Workplace With A Gamification LMS
Smart people will tell you education never stops, but in certain settings, the ongoing approach needs to be more deliberate. How can gamification establish, shape, and maintain your company’s learning culture? Source : https://elearningindustry.com/ways-to-encourage-continuous-learning-in-the-workplace-with-a-gamification-lms Date : March 20, 2022 at 07:17PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin…
The Best LMS Solutions For Hybrid Learning Courses (2022)
The rising demand for hybrid and remote work environments makes organizations worldwide search for flexible solutions when it comes to training and educating learners. Thus, integrating hybrid learning into your business LMS is a must in 2022. Here are the best tools to help you get the job done! Source…
Serious Games, Serious Impact: Keep employees engaged and performing at their best—while having fun.
What if there were a way to combine the engagement instructor-led training provides with the accessibility eLearning offers? There is—training video games. Meet Gamelearn, the very first company to turn training content into video game format, creating immersive (yet virtual) learning experiences. Source : https://www.learningguild.com/sponsored/1664/serious-games-serious-impact-keep-employees-engaged-and-performing-at-their-bestwhile-having-fun/?utm_campaign=guild&utm_medium=link&utm_source=rss Date : March 11, 2022…
How Blockchain Can Improve eLearning
Blockchain has the capacity to change eLearning for good. But what could it offer to make this worth happening? Let’s see. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/how-blockchain-can-improve-elearning Date : March 9, 2022 at 07:02PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
5 Types Of Feedback That Can Help Your Learning Programs
There are many ways of collecting feedback for your learning programs, thanks to technology. We share some methods for your consideration. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/types-of-feedback-that-can-help-your-learning-programs Date : March 7, 2022 at 09:05PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
How To Create A Pleasant Environment For eLearning
To create the best eLearning experience, a spark of motivation and a stimulating learning environment is needed. This is why we created a simple guide to make your physical and mental workspace ideal for soaking in new knowledge and mastering your skills in the digital world. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/how-to-create-a-pleasant-environment-for-elearning Date…
Create Impactful Virtual Training Experiences For Asynchronous Learning
As more hybrid workplaces embrace zoom- and video-free days, we reflect on what this means for L&D and the asynchronous learner. Discover how to design impactful virtual training experiences for your asynchronous learners with our 6 tips. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/create-impactful-virtual-training-experiences-for-asynchronous-learning Date : February 28, 2022 at 09:10PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING…
Edworking. Une plateforme pour travailler à distance en équipe
Edworking est un outil pensé pour les équipes à distance ou en télétravail. Cette plateforme toute récente qui offre tous les outils pour travailler à distance de la manière la plus productive possible. Un outil tout en un avec un gestionnaire de tâches collaboratif, un système de tchat, de visioconférence…
Popplet. Un autre tableau blanc virtuel pour la classe
Popplet est un outil complet pour créer un tableau blanc virtuel sur lequel vous allez pouvoir épingler des notes multimédia et les relier entre elles facilement. Popplet est formidable pour permettre de sauvegarder des éléments multimédia… Source : https://outilstice.com/2022/02/popplet-tableau-blanc-virtuel-pour-la-classe/ Date : February 28, 2022 at 06:49AM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email…
When Graphics Lower Learning
Using appropriate graphics in learning content is critical. Some graphics are especially helpful for learning. But others can damage learning, as evidenced by research on graphics that contain interesting but irrelevant information. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/when-graphics-lower-learning Date : February 27, 2022 at 09:10PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…
Le plaisir d’apprendre en formation des adultes
Dorothée Cavignaux-Bros (Ingénieure formation IFCAM) et Jean Vanderspelden (consultant iApprendre), membres du FFFOD vous proposent d’apporter des éléments de réponse à ces questions et de les illustrer avec le partage des pratiques de l’IFCAM, Université du Groupe Crédit Agricole, et celles du Cercle APE, Apprendre ensemble. Source : https://www.fffod.org/s-informer/article/le-plaisir-d-apprendre-en-formation-des-adultes Date…
Work With Data. Rendre les données publiques accessibles à tous
Comment rendre les données publiques accessibles à tous les citoyens ? Comment les utiliser ? On en parle beaucoup depuis quelque temps déjà. Les données, la data…de nouveaux métiers sont même apparus Data Analyst,… Source : https://outilstice.com/2022/02/work-with-data-rendre-les-donnees-publiques-accessibles-a-tous/ Date : February 16, 2022 at 07:15AM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email…
6 Reasons Why Online Learning Can Be More Effective Than Enrolling In A Face-To-Face Training
eLearning has revolutionized education in both schools and businesses. Online learning will play a significant role in future education. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/reasons-why-online-learning-can-be-more-effective-than-enrolling-in-face-to-face-training Date : February 14, 2022 at 03:35PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print
eLearning Startup Guide: 7 Things That Nobody Tells You About Launching Your Own eLearning Company
Launching your own eLearning business may be fraught with peril, but success brings its own unique rewards. In this eLearning startup guide, I share tips to get you on the right path and avoid the most common pitfalls. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/elearning-startup-guide-things-nobody-tells-you-about-launching-your-elearning-company Date : February 13, 2022 at 03:11PM Tag(s) :…
Des ressources numériques efficaces : ça existe ?
Si vous êtes intéressés par la psychologie cognitive, le fonctionnement de la mémoire et enfin par l’ergonomie des ressources numériques, je vous recommande cette conférence animée par Eric Jamet sur un sujet passionnant « des ressources numériques efficaces : ça existe ? » Eric Jamet est professeur en psychologie cognitive et ergonomique à l’université…
Best Practices For Using Forms In Online Learning
In this article, I will share with you some tips and tricks on how to work with online forms that can ease the digital learning and administration process. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/best-practices-for-using-forms-in-online-learning-and-digital-education Date : February 8, 2022 at 03:12PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print