Étiquette : e-LEARNING

0 266
Posted in #FORMATION

Ce sont les responsables formation qui en parlent le mieux !

À l’origine du « projet e-learning Letter », la volonté de partager les accomplissements des équipes formation en matière de Digital Learning, et, plus largement, de transformation numérique de la formation. Un projet adoubé par les responsables formation dont certains n’hésitent pas à prendre la plume pour s’exprimer dans nos…

0 313

Hybrid Learning In Education

One of the most significant benefits of technology is digital learning. Nowadays, education is leaning toward eLearning, which has become a popular trend in many colleges and universities. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/hybrid-learning-in-education Date : July 16, 2021 at 07:00PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 230
Posted in #FORMATION

Formation multimodale : fondamentaux, principaux postes de coût, évaluer une (…)

Nous présenterons lors d’un webinaire de rentrée les travaux menés par un groupe de travail du FFFOD pour répondre à plusieurs constats faits pendant la crise sanitaire. A savoir, une méconnaissance des principes structurant une action de formation multimodale, la difficulté à identifier les postes de coûts pour un organisme…

0 301

7 Unexpected Benefits Of Investing In An LMS With Built-In Survey Engine

Do you need to gather eLearning feedback on a grander scale? Looking for ways to pre-assess online learners without formal eLearning assessments? In this article, I explore the many benefits that are up-for-grabs if you invest in an LMS with a built-in survey engine. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/unexpected-benefits-investing-lms-with-built-in-survey-engine Date : July…

0 250

Appel à projets pour la transformation digitale de la formation

Les projets sont attendus jusqu’au 31 août, une deuxième et troisième vague sont programmées respectivement pour la fin de l’année et mai 2022. Les projets soutenus devront dépasser une logique d’outillage, se placer dans une dynamique d’innovation en intégrant des technologies numériques et immersives et avoir des retombées importantes. Source…

0 378
Posted in #FORMATION

Video For Learning: Engaging, Reaching, And Influencing

What sets high-performing organizations apart from the rest? This eBook examines the use of video in talent development programs to hone skills and provide remote support. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/video-for-learning-engaging-reaching-and-influencing Date : July 2, 2021 at 09:16PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 258

« Il est urgent de développer la recherche sur les nouvelles situations (…)

La crise sanitaire a accéléré l’introduction du numérique dans les situations d’apprentissage. Source : https://www.fffod.org/s-informer/article/il-est-urgent-de-developper-la-recherche-sur-les-nouvelles-situations-d Date : July 2, 2021 at 04:12PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 442
Posted in #FORMATION

DevLearn 2021 Conference & Expo

DevLearn is the leading international learning technologies conference & expo, attracting thousands of experienced learning professionals from around the world. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/elearning-events/devlearn-2021-conference-expo-june-29-2021 Date : June 29, 2021 at 08:14AM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 413
Posted in #FORMATION

3 atouts du service formation pour une rentrée sur les chapeaux de roue

Bien-être des équipes formation, réorganisation de leur travail… L’enjeu : un service formation à même de répondre aux nouvelles attentes de l’entreprise et des collaborateurs à la rentrée… Dans cette réflexion, les services formation peuvent compter sur 3 atouts qui leur appartiennent spécifiquement… Source : https://www.e-learning-letter.com/info_article/m/2198/3-atouts-du-service-formation-pour-une-rentr%C3%A9e-sur-les-chapeaux-de-roue.html Date : June 28,…

0 394

8 Secrets To Implement Successful Suggestive Selling Online Training

Your team needs to be able to not just find the right product and ring up the sale. Upselling can make a world of difference when it comes to your bottom line. But how do you give your employees all the skills they need for successful suggestive selling? Source :…

0 427

The Top 9 eLearning Trends In 2021

eLearning became much more widely accepted by our workforces in 2021. Staying compliant and supporting teams during COVID meant the demand for eLearning skyrocketed and internal stakeholders started to expect and request it. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/top-elearning-trends-in-2021-impact-of-remote-working Date : June 27, 2021 at 05:06PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook…

0 361

5 Innovative Activities To Add To Your Cross-Selling Online Training Course

If there’s anything harder than regular selling, it’s cross-selling. Is this a skill you can teach, especially in an online training course? Or is it an innate ability that’s impossible to impart? Source : https://elearningindustry.com/innovative-activities-add-to-cross-selling-online-training-course Date : June 24, 2021 at 09:03PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 368

Adobe eLearning World 2021

Join us for one of the biggest virtual conferences and get key insights into the ever-changing world of eLearning! Experience 3 days of unparalleled learning by attending certificate workshops, masterclasses & sessions delivered by industry experts. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/elearning-events/adobe-elearning-world-2021-june-25-2021 Date : June 25, 2021 at 09:40AM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share…

0 194

#FFFODCafé : « Digitaliser une formation, les bonnes questions à se (…)

La transformation digitale du monde de la formation s’accélère et encore plus depuis la crise sanitaire. Comment repenser l’ingénierie pédagogique multimodale et concevoir une formation engageante pour les apprenants et efficiente ? Source : https://www.fffod.org/s-informer/article/fffodcafe-digitaliser-une-formation-les-bonnes-questions-a-se-poser Date : June 23, 2021 at 09:35AM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin…

0 233
Posted in #FORMATION

La formation pour inclure les actifs de première ligne

Effet de la crise : une sensibilisation accrue des entreprises à la question de l’inclusion des «actifs de première ligne» qui, au-delà de la nécessaire promotion de la diversité, est appelée à devenir une priorité des plans de formation en 2022… On s’en félicitera, car ce n’est que justice (et…

0 252

The Democratization Of Learning: A Positive Outcome Of The Pandemic?

As we begin to emerge from the educational crisis caused by the pandemic, can we capitalize on the lessons learned and more fully understand the potential of eLearning for transformation, resilience, and equity for all? Source : https://elearningindustry.com/democratization-learning-a-positive-outcome-pandemic Date : June 17, 2021 at 05:03PM Tag(s) : e-LEARNING Share this……

0 324

How To Make A Business Case For Continuous Learning

Change is a constant force. Continuous learning enables employees and employers to capitalize on change and be ready to face upcoming challenges and remain competitive. In this article, I explain how to build a business case for continuous learning. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/how-to-make-a-business-case-for-continuous-learning Date : June 15, 2021 at 09:04PM Tag(s)…

0 388

How To Voiceover A Video And Minimize Your eLearning Production Costs

Creating attention-holding L&D content isn’t easy. Even if your content is stellar, you have to find the voice that does it justice. The voice that makes your content come to life, appropriately fits your situation—oh, and doesn’t cost a fortune. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/how-to-voiceover-video-and-minimize-elearning-production-costs Date : June 16, 2021 at 08:16AM…

0 313

Providing Just-In-Time Learning To Support eLearning

The recent transfer of a large number of courses to online environments can result in many learners lacking the support they are accustomed to in a face-to-face setting. In a classroom, the instructor can quickly answer questions and provide guidance and alternative teaching methods based on learner needs. Source :…

0 195

Mobile Learning: Delivering Adaptable Learning Experiences

Learning is no longer bound by place––it has burst free from the confines of a training room and has evolved into an experience. In 2021, adaptable learning experiences cater to the preferences and convenience of its learner and mobile learning is the embodiment of flexible, future-forward learning. Source : https://elearningindustry.com/delivering-adaptable-mobile-learning-experiences…