Étiquette : eSanté – Livres

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Nurse Application Bundle: Tools for Nursing Practice in Home Care Settings

Abstract New technologies are becoming relevant for nursing practice in the home care field. Specifically, Mobile Applications can be useful tools for nurses to care for patients efficiently and to ensure optimal data protection with the help of electronic folders (HER) and with utilities that can be used as aids…

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The Challenge of Designing New Work Systems Towards Effective e-Health Interventions

Abstract The design of novel mobile applications for healthcare improves the access, convenience, education, care-quality/effectiveness. To increase the cost-value of integrated healthcare system, new health-related work design should be developed. As the patients are more informed and take an active control decision about their healthcare options, they force the healthcare…

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Prescribe and Monitor Physical Activity Through a Community-Based eHealth Program: MOVIDA Platform

Abstract Modern portable devices (e.g. wearables) provide technical support to record physical activity, which can assist various purposes, ranging from geolocation, step count, body temperature and biomedical parameters among others. These technological advances, the increase of literacy in health and also in informatics placed the smartphone and its massive use…

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Prévenir plutôt que guérir. La révolution de la e-santé

Prévenir plutôt que guérir. La révolution de la e-santé Alexis Normand Eyrolles Source : https://www.decitre.fr/livres/prevenir-plutot-que-guerir-9782212674156.html Date : August 14, 2019 at 02:30PM Tag(s) : eSanté – Livres Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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E-santé HCSP Documentation Française (La) Broché A paraître le : 16/10/2019 Source : https://www.decitre.fr/livres/e-sante-3303335301086.html Date : August 14, 2019 at 02:30PM Tag(s) : eSanté – Livres Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print