Étiquette : Iot

0 388
Posted in #IOT

Quelle technologie choisir pour connecter les objets ?

Ses évolutions ont permis une utilisation plus large dans le domaine de l’IoT (l’Internet des objets) : portée allant jusqu’à 100m, débits élevés, … Source : https://www.generation-nt.com/technologie-choisir-pour-connecter-objets-connectes-actualite-1966677.html Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 420

Smart Buildings Whitepaper Published by IoT Security Foundation

The IoT Security Foundation (IoTSF) has published a new, free to download whitepaper today titled: “Can you trust your smart building? Understanding the security issues and why they are important to you”. Source : https://www.iotsecurityfoundation.org/smart-buildings-whitepaper-published-by-iot-security-foundation/ Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 397
Posted in #IOT

Internet Of Things (IoT) In Energy And Utility Applications Market Outlook and Opportunities in Grooming Regions : Edition 2019-2025

The Global Internet Of Things (IoT) In Energy And Utility Applications Market research provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure. The market Report also calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the sales of This Report and technologies…

0 421

Sensoneo leverages Twilio and T-Mobile NB-IoT connectivity for Smart Waste Management

Smart Waste Management company leverages Twilio and T-Mobile Narrowband (NB-IoT) connectivity to optimize waste collection, demonstrating the future of smart cities. Source : https://iotbusinessnews.com/2019/07/08/60147-sensoneo-leverages-twilio-and-t-mobile-nb-iot-connectivity-for-smart-waste-management/ Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 482
Posted in #IOT

Sigfox and INDIGO® weel Join Forces to Promote 100% Connected Urban Mobility

Self-service bicycle fleet INDIGO® weel, a subsidiary of the INDIGO group, has been fitted with sensors, supported by Sigfox’s 0G network, that can accurately pinpoint their location at any given time. Source : https://iotbusinessnews.com/2019/07/12/50150-sigfox-and-indigo-weel-join-forces-to-promote-100-connected-urban-mobility/ Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 445
Posted in #IOT

The 25 best IoT Platforms 2019 – based on customer reviews

Source : https://iot-analytics.com/the-25-best-iot-platforms-2019/ Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 436
Posted in #IOT

L’industriel basque Lauak se met à l’internet des objets avec 14 000 capteurs

En déployant des capteurs sur ses 14 000 boites de transport de pièces, Lauak, sous-traitant d’Airbus, Daher ou encore Dassault, signe la plus grosse installation de capteurs LoRa en intérieur. Il met surtout en place sa stratégie « Lauak 4.0 » de numérisation de ses procédés.   Sur l’immense plateau de l’usine de […]…

0 376
Posted in #IOT

Thales : nouvelle coopération avec Tata et KT

… et Tata communication vont développer conjointement une solution de connectivité sécurisée pour les applications de l’Internet des Objets (IoT). Source : https://www.boursorama.com/bourse/actualites/thales-nouvelle-cooperation-avec-tata-et-kt-cf352ff77ad9f8ec8d5ba70c712ca011 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 531
Posted in #IOT

Ffly4u lève 1,2 million d’€ pour optimiser sa solution IoT de suivi d’actifs

La société toulousaine ffly4u spécialisée dans le suivi d’actifs connectés a annoncé une levée de fonds de 1,2 million d’euros. Ce troisième tour de … Source : https://www.objetconnecte.com/ffly4u-iot-leve/ Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 417
Posted in #IOT

Wireless will drive industrial IoT – Ericsson

Connecting mobile industrial devices and machines with wireless networks will drive Industrial IoT and digital transformation today. Source : https://www.ericsson.com/en/blog/2019/7/wireless-will-drive-industrial-IoT Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 409
Posted in #IOT

LoRa et NB-IoT s’extirpent du peloton

Pour ce dernier numéro avant la pause estivale, on retiendra l’étude d’IHS Markit qui estime que 86% des 1,7 milliard de connexions IoT sur des … Source : https://www.vipress.net/7-jours-7-lora-et-nb-iot-sextirpent-du-peloton-leurope-resiste-au-decrochage-mondial-en-semiconducteurs/ Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 489
Posted in #IOT

IoT cellulaire : près de 1 milliard d’appareils déjà connectés en Chine

Selon GSMA Intelligence, la Chine est le plus grand marché mondial de l’IoT cellulaire avec 64% des 1,5 milliard de connexions cellulaires mondiales … Source : https://www.vipress.net/iot-cellulaire-pres-de-1-milliard-dappareils-deja-connectes-en-chine/ Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 392
Posted in #IOT

Schneider Electric lance un contrôleur prêt pour l’IIoT

Le nouveau Modicon M262 fait partie intégrante d’EcoStruxure, la plate-forme IoT du groupe français, et offre une connectivité cybersécurisée vers le … Source : http://www.mesures.com/automatisme/item/16626-schneider-electric-lance-un-controleur-pret-pour-l-iiot Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 527
Posted in #IOT

La startup Road Light, future pépite toulousaine et française ?

En effet, lors de l’édition 2018 la jeune entreprise installée à l’IoT Valley de Labège a présenté son premier produit, à savoir les clignotants et le feux … Source : https://toulouse.latribune.fr/innovation/start-up/2019-07-12/la-startup-road-light-future-pepite-toulousaine-et-francaise-823459.html Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 489
Posted in #IOT

Deutsche Telekom and Software AG are partnering to expand on their mutual IoT cloud platform

Deutsche Telekom and Software AG are partnering to expand on their mutual IoT cloud platform  Business Insider Deutsche Telekom is partnering with Software AG in an effort to expand beyond Germany and offer global IoT services. Source : http://www.businessinsider.fr/us/deutsche-telekom-software-ag-partner-to-expand-iot-platform-2019-7 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 433
Posted in #IOT

IOT poser for telecoms industry, say analysts

IOT poser for telecoms industry, say analysts  ITWeb South African telecoms companies are missing several layers in their Internet of things (IOT) solution stack to fully converge their offerings. So say analysts, who … Source : https://www.itweb.co.za/content/lLn147myRVe7J6Aa Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 380
Posted in #IOT

Soracom connects 1 million IoT devices, hits 15000 smart connectivity customers – Telecompaper

Soracom connects 1 million IoT devices, hits 15000 smart connectivity customers  Telecompaper Soracom, a provider of smart connectivity for the IoT, has announced that its Soracom Air cellular data *service* now connects over one million IoT devices … Source : https://www.telecompaper.com/news/soracom-connects-1-million-iot-devices-hits-15000-smart-connectivity-customers–1300534 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 349
Posted in #IOT

ReFirm Labs Announces New Strategic Collaboration with Wind River for IoT Security – IoT Evolution World

ReFirm Labs Announces New Strategic Collaboration with Wind River for IoT Security  IoT Evolution World The new collaboration will spur the integration of ReFirm Labs’ IoT security solutions with the Wind River VxWorks real-time operating system. Source : https://www.iotevolutionworld.com/iot/articles/442678-refirm-labs-announces-new-strategic-collaboration-with-wind.htm Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 390

Concours DigiCONTEST 2019 : quand la Polynésie Française cherche à révolutionner la blockchain

L’édition 2019 est consacrée à la blockchain et plus particulièrement à l’Internet des Objets (IoT) pour inventer les villes de demain. L’objectif du … Source : https://www.cryptos.net/article/index/concours-digicontest-2019-quand-la-polynesie-francaise-cherche-a-revolutionner-la-blockchain/975 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 389
Posted in #SMARTCITY

Winners of the 2019 IDC Smart City Asia Pacific Awards

Research firm IDC has recently announced the 17 most outstanding smart city projects in Asia Pacific. smart city technology investment Taiwan, China and New … Source : https://infotechlead.com/iot/winners-of-the-2019-idc-smart-city-asia-pacific-awards-59005 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print