Étiquette : Laboratoire de recherche

0 200

Objectif cybersécurité

Alors qu’un plan dédié à la cybersécurité vient d’être annoncé par le président de la République, découvrez dans ce dossier des recherches menées dans les laboratoires du CNRS pour améliorer la sûreté de nos sociétés numériques. Source : https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/dossiers/objectif-cybersecurite Date : February 18, 2021 at 01:04PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de…

0 184

Here’s Biden’s plan to reboot climate innovation

The Biden administration announced its third major climate effort on Thursday, February 11, rolling out initiatives to accelerate innovation in clean energy and climate technology. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/02/11/1018134/heres-bidens-plan-to-reboot-climate-innovation/ Date : February 12, 2021 at 12:57AM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 338
Posted in #AI ENG

The battle of algorithms: Uncovering offensive AI

As machine-learning applications move into the mainstream, a new era of cyber threat is emerging—one that uses offensive artificial intelligence (AI) to supercharge attack campaigns. Offensive AI allows attackers to automate reconnaissance, craft tailored impersonation attacks, and even self-propagate to avoid detection. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/02/05/1017563/the-battle-of-algorithms-uncovering-offensive-ai/ Date : February 5, 2021…

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Biden will direct billions in federal spending power to climate change

President Joe Biden continues to make good on his campaign pledge to accelerate progress on climate change, rapidly working down the list of what he can accomplish on his own in his early days in office. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/01/27/1016910/biden-directs-billions-in-federal-spending-power-to-climate-change/ Date : January 27, 2021 at 08:48PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de…

0 398
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

The future of social networks might be audio

Every morning, as Nandita Mohan sifts through her emails, her college pals are in her ear—recounting their day, reminiscing, reflecting on what it’s like to have graduated in the throes of a pandemic. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/01/25/1016723/the-future-of-social-networks-might-be-audio-clubhouse-twitter-spaces/ Date : January 25, 2021 at 07:43PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this……

0 228
Posted in #AI ENG #eSANTE ENG

AI could make healthcare fairer—by helping us believe what patients tell us

In the last few years, research has shown that deep learning can match expert-level performance in medical imaging tasks like early cancer detection and eye disease diagnosis. But there’s also cause for caution. Other research has shown that deep learning has a tendency to perpetuate discrimination. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/01/22/1016577/ai-fairer-healthcare-patient-outcomes/ Date…

0 225
Posted in #AI ENG

Transforming the energy industry with AI

For oil and gas companies, digital transformation is a priority—not only as a way to modernize the enterprise, but also to secure the entire energy ecosystem. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/01/21/1016460/transforming-the-energy-industry-with-ai/ Date : January 21, 2021 at 02:54PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

1 1009

À quoi sert la 5G ?

Alors que les opérateurs téléphoniques proposent les premiers forfaits 5G, Philippe Owezarski, directeur de recherche au CNRS, nous explique les enjeux du déploiement de.ce nouveau standard de télécommunication, qui suscite encore interrogations et résistances. Source : https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/articles/a-quoi-sert-la-5g Date : January 18, 2021 at 09:19AM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share…

0 232
Posted in #RGPD ENG

Broken promises: How Singapore lost trust on contact tracing privacy

For Singaporeans, the covid-19 pandemic has been closely intertwined with technology: two technologies, to be specific. The first is the QR code, whose little black-and-white squares have been ubiquitous all over the country as part of the SafeEntry contact tracing system rolled out in April and May. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/01/11/1016004/singapore-tracetogether-contact-tracing-police/…

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Posted in #IA FRA

L’intelligence artificielle au défi du langage

Les algorithmes peuvent-ils identifier l’émotion ou le sarcasme d’un commentaire sur les réseaux sociaux ? Diagnostiquer une maladie juste en « écoutant » une personne parler ? Source : https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/dossiers/lintelligence-artificielle-au-defi-du-langage Date : January 8, 2021 at 11:57AM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 348
Posted in #IA FRA

Les algorithmes peuvent-ils détecter l’humour, les émotions ou les discours haineux ?

À l’occasion de la journée « Intelligence artificielle : l’ordinateur passe la barrière de la langue », le 12 janvier au CNRS, la chercheuse Farah Benamara nous éclaire sur les avancées du traitement automatique du langage évaluatif, derrière lequel se cache l’expression d’opinions ou de sentiments positifs ou négatifs. Source…

0 207
Posted in #AI ENG

This avocado armchair could be the future of AI

With GPT-3, OpenAI showed that a single deep-learning model could be trained to use language in a variety of ways simply by throwing it vast amounts of text. It then showed that by swapping text for pixels, the same approach could be used to train an AI to complete half-finished…

0 368
Posted in #IOT ENG

The power of value 4.0 for industrial internet of things

Many companies expected 2020 to be a challenging year. They anticipated technological shifts that would affect their business—like the transition from combustion to electric vehicles for automotive manufacturers—or ongoing instability due to raging trade wars or Brexit. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/12/22/1015424/the-power-of-value-4-0-for-industrial-internet-of-things/ Date : December 22, 2020 at 05:32PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire…

0 271
Posted in #IA FRA

Devinci Innovation Center : le laboratoire d’IA

Yliès et Gregor, doctorants en IA présentent l’espace Intelligence Artificielle du DVIC – Devinci Innovation Center, le centre d’expertise transdisciplinaire du Pôle Léonard de Vinci. Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GNENrdNZFg Date : December 16, 2020 at 05:04PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche,#AI FRA,Intelligence artificielle Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 378
Posted in #AI ENG

The way we train AI is fundamentally flawed

It’s no secret that machine-learning models tuned and tweaked to near-perfect performance in the lab often fail in real settings. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/11/18/1012234/training-machine-learning-broken-real-world-heath-nlp-computer-vision/ Date : November 18, 2020 at 12:40PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 265

Ransomware did not kill a German hospital patient

The news: When a German hospital patient died in September while ransomware disrupted emergency care at the facility, police launched a negligent-homicide investigation and said they might hold the hackers responsible. The case attracted worldwide attention because it could have been the first time law enforcement considered a cyberattack to…

0 331
Posted in #AI ENG

This could lead to the next big breakthrough in common sense AI

You’ve probably heard us say this countless times: GPT-3, the gargantuan AI that spews uncannily human-like language, is a marvel. It’s also largely a mirage. You can tell with a simple trick: Ask it the color of sheep, and it will suggest “black” as often as “white”—reflecting the phrase “black…

0 387
Posted in #AI ENG

AI has cracked a key mathematical puzzle for understanding our world

Unless you’re a physicist or an engineer, there really isn’t much reason for you to know about partial differential equations. I know. After years of poring over them in undergrad while studying mechanical engineering, I’ve never used them since in the real world. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/10/30/1011435/ai-fourier-neural-network-cracks-navier-stokes-and-partial-differential-equations/ Date : October 30,…

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A wave of ransomware hits US hospitals as coronavirus spikes

American hospitals are being targeted in a wave of ransomware attacks as covid-19 infections in the US break records and push the country’s health infrastructure to the limit. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/10/29/1011436/a-wave-of-ransomware-hits-us-hospitals-as-coronavirus-spikes/ Date : October 29, 2020 at 11:57PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp…

0 359
Posted in #AI ENG

With trust in AI, manufacturers can build better

Some people might not associate the word “trust” with artificial intelligence (AI). Stefan Jockusch is not one of them. Vice president of strategy at Siemens Digital Industries Software, Jockusch says trusting an algorithm that powers an AI application is a matter of statistics. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/10/28/1011266/with-trust-in-ai-manufacturers-can-build-better/ Date : October 28,…