Étiquette : Laboratoire de recherche

0 340

Chinese and Russian hackers were just sanctioned by Europe for the first time

The European Union imposed its first-ever sanctions for cyberattacks on Thursday, targeting Russian, Chinese, and North Korean groups connected to several major hacking incidents. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/07/30/1005822/chinese-and-russian-hackers-were-just-sanctioned-by-europe-for-the-first-time/ Date : July 30, 2020 at 10:40PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 278
Posted in #AI ENG

OpenAI’s fiction-spewing AI is learning to generate images

In February of last year, the San Francisco–based research lab OpenAI announced that its AI system could now write convincing passages of English. Feed the beginning of a sentence or paragraph into GPT-2, as it was called, and it could continue the thought for as long as an essay with…

0 260

Russian hackers have been accused of targeting covid-19 vaccine researchers

Russian hackers targeted UK, US, and Canadian researchers developing coronavirus vaccines, according to a report from the United Kingdom, American, and Canadian intelligence services. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/07/16/1005336/russian-hackers-have-been-accused-of-targeting-covid-19-vaccine-researchers/ Date : July 16, 2020 at 05:03PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 221

Biden steps up his clean-energy plan, in a nod to climate activists

Joe Biden has raised the ambitions of his climate plan, in a clear sign his campaign is responding to demands for greater action among the progressive flank of his party. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/07/14/1005197/biden-steps-up-his-clean-energy-plan-in-a-nod-to-climate-activists/ Date : July 14, 2020 at 11:36PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 274

A new way to train AI systems could keep them safer from hackers

The context: One of the greatest unsolved flaws of deep learning is its vulnerability to so-called adversarial attacks. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/07/10/1005048/ai-deep-learning-safe-from-hackers-adversarial-attacks/ Date : July 10, 2020 at 04:17PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 434

Criminal charges reveal the identity of the “invisible god” hacker

A notorious hacker who made an estimated $1.5 million by stealing information from more than 300 companies and governments in 44 countries has been identified as a 37-year-old man from Kazakhstan. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/07/07/1004870/criminal-charges-reveal-the-identity-of-the-invisible-god-hacker/ Date : July 7, 2020 at 11:54PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook…

0 245
Posted in #AI ENG

Beyond the AI hype cycle: Trust and the future of AI

There’s no shortage of promises when it comes to AI. Some say it will solve all problems while others warn it will bring about the end of the world as we know it. Both positions regularly play out in Hollywood plotlines like Westworld, Carbon Black, Minority Report, Her, and Ex…

0 438
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

Covid-19 spurs collaboration in telehealth

The coronavirus pandemic has led to enhanced health-care collaboration, innovation, and increased use of digital technologies. Telehealth enables doctors to safely connect with patients virtually and monitor them remotely, whether in different cities or down the hall. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/06/29/1004513/covid-19-spurs-collaboration-in-telehealth/ Date : June 29, 2020 at 07:29PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire…

0 291
Posted in #5G ENG

Pandemic reveals opportunities for 5G connectivity

5G cellular technology, which has been promised to provide a connective fabric that will cover the globe in a seamless digital experience, is starting to take shape. But the coronavirus pandemic of 2020 that has forced hundreds of millions of people to work and socialize remotely has made it clear…

0 357
Posted in #AI ENG

Human rights activists want to use AI to help prove war crimes in court

In 2015, alarmed by an escalating civil war in Yemen, Saudi Arabia led an air campaign against the country to defeat what it deemed a threatening rise of Shia power. The intervention, launched with eight other largely Sunni Arab states, was meant to last only a few weeks, Saudi officials…

0 226
Posted in #DATA ENG

Pandenomics: How open data is guiding public policy

Generals always fight the last war, runs the military aphorism. Politicians have also drawn heavily from battlefield lexicon in framing the fight against covid-19, but they too are at risk of leaning on outdated concepts and responses based on past crises that bear limited resemblance to the pandemic. Source :…

0 394

Amazon creates a $2 billion climate fund, as it struggles to cut its own emissions

Amazon launched a $2 billion venture fund to invest in companies developing ways to cut greenhouse-gas emissions, marking the latest corporate effort to allocate major resources to combating climate change. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/06/23/1004361/amazon-creates-a-2-billion-climate-fund-as-it-struggles-to-cut-its-own-emissions/ Date : June 23, 2020 at 07:41PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 258
Posted in #DATA ENG

Improving data strategy to create the best customer experiences

Businesses today have a wealth of information to draw upon. It comes from customer touchpoints, mobile interactions, internet-of-things (IoT) devices, e-commerce transactions, and many more sources. And corporate governance has made it easier to comply with data privacy rules, so organizations can be confident about the data quality. Source :…

0 227
Posted in #AI ENG

The global AI agenda: The Middle East and Africa

This report is part of “The global AI agenda,” a thought leadership program by MIT Technology Review Insights examining how organizations are using AI today and planning to do so in the future. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/06/19/1004121/the-global-ai-agenda-the-middle-east-and-africa/ Date : June 19, 2020 at 10:52AM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this……

0 396
Posted in #AI ENG

This startup is using AI to give workers a “productivity score”

In the last few months, millions of people around the world stopped going into offices and started doing their jobs from home. These workers may be out of sight of managers, but they are not out of mind. The upheaval has been accompanied by a reported spike in the use…

0 374
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Comment se distinguent les comportements numériques par générations au Québec en 2019?

Le CEFRIO publie des fiches synthétisant des faits saillants de l’enquête NETendances. Ces fiches regroupent plusieurs informations sur le profil numérique des internautes québécois selon cinq groupes d’âges : 18 à 24 ans, 25 à 34 ans, 35 à 54 ans, 55 à 64 ans et 65 ans et plus….

0 331
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Quel portrait numérique des adultes québécois dresser pour les régions administratives du Québec en 2019?

Dans quelle mesure les adultes québécois sont-ils connectés? Quels usages font-ils des technologies liées au Web et au numérique? Est-ce que les cyberacheteurs sont plus nombreux? Afin de répondre à ces questions, le CEFRIO publie un portrait numérique de seize des régions administratives du Québec, compilé à partir des données…

0 360
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Le CEFRIO passe le relais

Le Centre facilitant la recherche et l’innovation dans les organisations (CEFRIO) annonce qu’il mettra fin à l’ensemble de ses activités à compter du 30 juin prochain, soit trente-trois ans après sa constitution. Meneur d’enquêtes auprès du public et accompagnateur des entreprises dans l’adoption des technologies de l’information et des communications,…

0 430
Posted in #AI ENG

AI could help scientists fact-check covid claims amid a deluge of research

An experimental tool helps researchers wade through the overwhelming amount of coronavirus literature to check whether emerging studies follow scientific consensus. Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/05/29/1002349/ai-coronavirus-scientific-fact-checking/ Date : May 29, 2020 at 12:50PM Tag(s) : Laboratoire de recherche Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 403
Posted in #AI ENG

The global AI agenda: Europe

This report is part of “The global AI agenda,” a thought leadership program by MIT Technology Review Insights examining how organizations are using AI today and planning to do so in the future. Featuring a global survey of 1,004 AI experts conducted in January and February 2020, it explores AI adoption,…