Étiquette : Machine Learning

0 453
Posted in #DATA FRA

Alibaba Cloud bat le record de performances Big Data

Alibaba Cloud vient de battre le record du monde de performances Big Data grâce à sa plateforme MaxCompute. Un exploit qui pourrait permettre au géant chinois de gagner des parts du marché mondial du Cloud et du Big Data… Source : https://www.lebigdata.fr/alibaba-cloud-record-big-data Date : October 29, 2019 at 03:16PM Tag(s)…

0 370
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Disruptive AI-Aided Mine Warfare data analysis

Mi-Map is a digital assistant powered by AI for sonar data analysis including a fully integrated design for quick deployment and a continuous machine learning capability. This platform can reduce operator workload, improve Man-Machine performance, and speed up post mission and real time operator analysis whilst being able to self-adapt…

0 293
Posted in #IA FRA

Les Émirats arabes unis annoncent l’ouverture de la première université du monde dotée d’un diplôme de troisième cycle en intelligence artificielle

Quelques mois après le lancement du programme BRAIN (Build a Responsible Artificial Intelligence Nation), les Émirats Arabes Unis ont annoncé l’ouverture de l’Université de l’intelligence artificielle Mohamed bin Zayed (MBZUAI). Présentée comme étant la première université au monde consacrée à l’intelligence artificielle et à la recherche, elle permettra aux étudiants…

0 357

Atelier Data Science & Machine Learning Neo4j – Paris

mar., déc. 3, 9:00am Espace Vinci, Paris Gratuit Source : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/billets-atelier-data-science-machine-learning-neo4j-paris-74124906591?aff=ebdssbdestsearch Date : October 28, 2019 at 09:22PM Tag(s) : #EVENEMENTS Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 462

ERP : les entreprises ne veulent pas payer pour du Machine Learning, les chatbots ou la blockchain

Source : https://www.lemagit.fr/actualites/252472983/HCM-les-entreprises-ne-veulent-pas-payer-pour-du-Machine-Learning-les-chatbots-ou-la-blockchain Date : October 28, 2019 at 06:15PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 337
Posted in #DATA FRA

SIG 2019 : l’IA se fond dans le décor de l’information géographique

Environ 3 mn de lecture « Buzzword » ou révolution ? Les algorithmes exploitant les concepts de l’intelligence artificielle (machine learning, deep learning, arbres de décisions, algorithmes neuronaux…) sont de plus en plus présents dans les outils SIG, même s’ils ne s’affichent plus forcément en grosses lettres. Source : https://decryptageo.fr/sig-2019-lia-se-fond-dans-le-decor/…

0 576
Posted in #DATA FRA

Netflix open-source Polynote pour simplifier la Data Science et le Machine Learning

Netflix open source sa solution Polynote, conçue en interne pour faciliter les workflows de Data Science et de Machine Learning. Cet outil permet de remédier aux principaux problèmes des outils notebook. Source : https://www.lebigdata.fr/netflix-open-source-polynote Date : October 28, 2019 at 12:04PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 314
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

5 Important Ways Artificial Intelligence Improves Sales

Our cutthroat digital age has started to implement AI applications in our everyday lives, various industries; and businesses, and sales are no exception. The way how AI is changing sales activities and strategies, affecting customer relations and developing partnerships between sales representatives and AI, recently became a fundamental buzz in…

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How Artificial Intelligence Is Impacting the Healthcare Industry

The influx of disruptive technologies in many industries has brought massive transformation. The healthcare industry is no different when it comes to technological intervention taking over its functioning. Particularly emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), automation, machine learning, etc., have significantly impacted the healthcare sector. Source : https://datafloq.com/read/how-artificial-intelligence-impacting-healthcare/7068 Date :…

0 332

Qualitative Data: The Foundation For Any Useful Chatbot!

Nowadays Messenger chatbots can be set up within a few minutes. However, creating a high-quality customer service chatbot takes some time and professional effort. Source : https://chatbotslife.com/qualitative-data-the-foundation-for-any-useful-chatbot-3b8279682c8b?source=rss—-a49517e4c30b—4 Date : October 28, 2019 at 04:43PM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 323
Posted in #IA FRA

Le prix Territoires & Innovation du Grand Prix National de l’Ingénierie est décerné aux équipes d’Altereo pour leur système d’intelligence artificielle HpO®

Les lauréats du Grand Prix National de l’Ingénierie ont été annoncé le 24 octobre dernier à l’occasion du Meet’ingé, forum de recrutement national. Parmi les prix remis, le prix Territoires & Innovation du Grand Prix National de l’Ingénierie a été décerné aux équipes d’Altereo pour leur système d’intelligence artificielle HpO®….

0 453
Posted in #AI ENG

Supercomputer analyzes web traffic across entire internet

Using a supercomputing system, MIT researchers have developed a model that captures what web traffic looks like around the world on a given day, which can be used as a measurement tool for internet research and many other applications. Source : http://news.mit.edu/2019/supercomputer-analyzes-web-traffic-across-entire-internet-1028 Date : October 28, 2019 at 06:09AM Tag(s)…

0 287
Posted in #DATA ENG

Digital Transformation Horizon 1 to Horizon 3:  When Is Innovation Really Innovation?

In the early 2000’s, IBM Deep Blue was on the lookout for its next Grand Challenge.  It had achieved an exhilarating win over chess grand master Garry Kasparov in 1997.  But that was a game with deterministic outcomes where superior processing power gave Deep Blue a significant advantage over even…

0 321
Posted in #DATA ENG

The Role of Big Data in Customer Software Development

The process of software development is rapidly evolving with the emerging new technologies being introduced in the field. In order for any software development service to be reliable and successful, it is necessary for the software development team to keep up with these technologies. Source : http://www.datasciencecentral.com/xn/detail/6448529:BlogPost:902518 Date : October…

0 289
Posted in #DATA ENG

Dare to start simple

Imagine, you are the first data scientist in a company, may be in the industrial company, in one of the old industries, old economy branches. Then, you are a unicorn. Basically, you start data science from the scratch: you must introduce, explain, promote and establish data science. To manage this…

0 321
Posted in #DATA ENG

The Complete Data Science LinkedIn Profile Guide

To date, there are more than 830,000 data science LinkedIn profiles registered worldwide. Despite this number of Data Scientists available/in roles online currently, it’s no secret there is still a major talent shortage. In fact, according to a report by O’Reilly Media, nearly half of all European companies are struggling to fill data science positions. Studies performed…

0 266
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

3 Myths About Robotic Process Automation in Healthcare, Debunked

Patients’ wellbeing should be the central focus of healthcare. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Studies show that doctors spend almost half their time on data entry and more than half of their workdays managing records instead of caring for patients. Add this lost time to the fact that healthcare in the United States…

0 257
Posted in #IOT ENG

Advancing industrial IoT capabilities in Azure Time Series Insights

Late last year, we announced the preview of some of the foundational capabilities of our industrial IoT analytics platform with a scalable time series storage for trending decades of data, semantic model support to describe domain-specific metadata, and enhanced analytics APIs and UX. We are building on the power of…

0 358
Posted in #IOT ENG

Azure IoT Central: Democratizing IoT for all solution builders

For the last five years, our industry has buzzed with the promises of IoT. IoT has evolved from being a next-horizon term, to a common vernacular employed across industry conversations. In fact, earlier this year we surveyed 3,000 enterprise decision makers across the world and learned that 85% have developed…

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Mastercard Unveils Suite of Healthcare Solutions to Detect Fraud & Protect Health Data

Mastercard today unveiled Mastercard Healthcare Solutions, a new suite of products dedicated to helping healthcare partners detect fraud, waste, and abuse, capture more revenue, and protect patient health data. In a world that is increasingly digital-first, patients have come to expect seamless, real-time digital experiences in nearly every aspect of…