Étiquette : Médias internationaux

0 272

Data61 and Monash claim quantum-safe and privacy-preserving blockchain protocol

The protocol, MatRiCT, is patented by CSIRO and licensed to Australian cryptocurrency developer HCash. Source : https://www.zdnet.com/article/data61-and-monash-claim-quantum-safe-and-privacy-preserving-blockchain-protocol/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Date : October 1, 2020 at 04:10AM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 291

Why Smart Workplaces Are Emerging In The Enterprise

A lot of recent focus on the digital workplace has been on how enterprises are managing the effects of COVID-19. Source : https://www.cmswire.com/digital-workplace/why-smart-workplaces-are-emerging-in-the-enterprise/?utm_source=cmswire.com&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=cm&utm_content=all-articles-rss Date : September 30, 2020 at 07:58PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 371

Satoshi Nakaboto: ‘Bitcoin and blockchain tech are the future of Twitter, Jack Dorsey says’

Our robot colleague Satoshi Nakaboto writes about Bitcoin every fucking day. Welcome to another edition of Bitcoin Today, where I, Satoshi Nakaboto, tell you what’s been going on with Bitcoin in the past 24 hours. As Schopenhauer used to say: Intelligence is in the eye of the beholder! Source :…

0 273
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

Singapore telemedicine startup Doctor Anywhere thrives as virtual healthcare becomes the new normal

Wai Mun Lim, CEO and founder of Singaporean telemedicine company Doctor Anywhere. Source : https://www.businessinsider.com/singapore-telemedicine-startup-doctor-anywhere-thrives-in-new-normal-2020-9 Date : September 30, 2020 at 04:58PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux,telemedicine2 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 217
Posted in #IOT ENG

Twilio unveils new Microvisor IoT platform, Event Streams API

Twilio introduced a bevy of platform additions time to its virtual Signal 2020 conference. Source : https://www.zdnet.com/article/twilio-unveils-new-microvisor-iot-platform-event-streams-api/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Date : September 30, 2020 at 07:14PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 218

Covid: près d’une personne sur deux a télétravaillé

La durée de travail a chuté de 9,5% durant le deuxième trimestre 2020. Des données publiées par l’Office fédéral de la statistique permettent de mesurer l’impact du semi-confinement sur l’emploi Source : https://www.letemps.ch/economie/covid-pres-dune-personne-deux-teletravaille Date : September 29, 2020 at 07:43PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin…

0 397

Jack Dorsey says Bitcoin and blockchain will shape Twitter’s future where ‘content exists forever’

The future of social media platform Twitter will be shaped by Bitcoin and its underlying technology, according to chief executive Jack Dorsey, who was once again endorsing a decentralized social media standard at a virtual conference on September 25. Source : https://www.businessinsider.com/bitcoin-blockchain-will-shape-twitter-future-dorsey-says-2020-9 Date : September 29, 2020 at 03:15PM Tag(s)…

0 222

McAfee veut refaire une entrée à la bourse

Le spécialiste de la sécurité McAfee entend redevenir une entreprise cotée en bourse. La firme avait disparu du marché des actions après son rachat par Intel en 2010. Source : https://datanews.levif.be/ict/actualite/mcafee-veut-refaire-une-entree-a-la-bourse/article-news-1338331.html Date : September 29, 2020 at 01:01PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 298
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Le géant chinois de l’internet Sina veut quitter le Nasdaq

Le géant chinois de l’internet Sina, qui possède notamment en Chine une populaire plateforme équivalente à Twitter, a annoncé son intention de se retirer du Nasdaq, sur fond de tensions sino-américaines. Source : https://datanews.levif.be/ict/actualite/le-geant-chinois-de-l-internet-sina-veut-quitter-le-nasdaq/article-news-1338137.html Date : September 29, 2020 at 01:01PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter…

0 290

Ransomware Attack Hits Universal Health Services

Source : https://www.wsj.com/articles/ransomware-attack-hits-universal-health-services-11601341873?mod=rss_Technology Date : September 29, 2020 at 09:37AM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 340
Posted in #DATA ENG

New solution for reducing CO2 from data centres and server rooms

Researchers at DTU will work with industrial companies to develop a new cooling and storage system for data Source : https://www.technology.org/2020/09/29/new-solution-for-reducing-co2-from-data-centres-and-server-rooms/ Date : September 29, 2020 at 08:10AM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 305

Trafigura crée une entreprise dédiée aux énergies renouvelables

Le négociant en pétrole genevois investit dans l’éolien et le solaire. Une stratégie répandue dans le secteur de l’énergie et qui s’est accélérée avec la pandémie Source : https://www.letemps.ch/economie/trafigura-cree-une-entreprise-dediee-aux-energies-renouvelables Date : September 28, 2020 at 07:58PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 280

Ransomware is the biggest problem on the web. This huge change could be the answer

Making it illegal for companies to pay up when hit with ransomware could finally halt the ‘scourge of the internet’. Source : https://www.zdnet.com/article/ransomware-is-the-biggest-problem-on-the-web-this-big-change-could-be-the-answer/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Date : September 28, 2020 at 01:32PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 216

Cyberattack shut down computer systems at Nebraska Medicine

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) – Nebraska Medicine will resume normal operations “in days » following a cyberattack that shut down computer systems early Sunday, health system officials said. Source : https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/sep/25/cyberattack-shut-down-computer-systems-at-nebraska/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS Date : September 25, 2020 at 07:26PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 195
Posted in #IOT ENG

Anduril among companies tapped to build the Air Force’s ‘internet of things’ for war

Palmer Luckey’s young defense company has been selected by the Air Force for work on a cutting-edge, multibillion-dollar nervous system for war. Luckey announced on his Twitter account Thursday that Anduril was one of the selected vendors for the project, known as the Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS). Source :…

0 339

A malware attack on a rural Texas county’s email system, sending fake emails to voters, shows a significant weakness of America’s election security (ProPublica)

Congress works for you.  Learn how to be a better boss with the User’s Guide to Democracy, a series of personalized emails about what your representatives actually do. Source : http://www.techmeme.com/200924/p40#a200924p40 Date : September 24, 2020 at 08:33PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 239

Nori is pitching carbon trading… on the blockchain!

Cryptocurrency meets carbon trading. Source : https://techcrunch.com/2020/09/24/nori-is-pitching-carbon-trading-on-the-blockchain/ Date : September 24, 2020 at 04:41PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 329
Posted in #CHATBOT ENG

COVID-19 stokes the chatbot hype in financial services

The global pandemic has accelerated digital transformation and automation in financial services, and many firms have launched chatbots to deal with the unusually high volume of customer service requests. But are chatbots ready for prime time? Source : https://www.zdnet.com/article/covid-19-stokes-the-chatbot-hype-in-financial-services/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Date : September 24, 2020 at 02:16PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux…

0 202

Cybersecurity: Your supply chain is now your weakest link

« Criminals don’t just give up, they look for easier ways in, » ex-GCHQ boss Robert Hannigan tells ZDNet – and that easy way in is via your third-party suppliers. Source : https://www.zdnet.com/article/cybersecurity-your-supply-chain-is-now-your-weakest-link/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Date : September 24, 2020 at 11:13AM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 201
Posted in #RGPD ENG

Australians are caring more about data privacy but don’t know how to protect themselves

In a survey conducted by the OAIC, 70% of respondents consider the protection of their personal information to be a major concern in their lives. Source : https://www.zdnet.com/article/australians-are-caring-more-about-data-privacy-but-dont-know-how-to-protect-themselves/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Date : September 24, 2020 at 05:13AM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print