Étiquette : Portefeuille

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Posted in #IOT ENG #IOT

How the Port of Rotterdam is using IBM digital twin technology to transform itself from the biggest to the smartest.

Some processes are so complex that you can’t risk failure by experimenting with a different approach. Other processes are so critical to operations that you dare not go offline to test an innovative method. And many physical processes move with such force that you cannot interrupt them to try something…

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Blockchain.com intègre BitPay à ses crypto-portefeuilles

Le fournisseur de crypto-wallets en ligne Blockchain.com a annoncé s’associer avec BitPay afin de permettre à ses utilisateurs de dépenser leurs … Source : https://cryptonaute.fr/blockchain-com-integre-bitpay-crypto-portefeuilles/ Date : August 24, 2019 at 10:48AM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN FRA,#BLOCKCHAIN,crypto,Bitpay,Portefeuille Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print