Étiquette : Silicon valley

0 419
Posted in #IOT FRA #IA FRA

CES Las Vegas 2020 : l’innovation taiwanaise promue dans la Silicon Valley

Les meilleures innovations en Intelligence artificielle (IA) et en Internet des objets (IoT : Internet of the thing) ont été présentées aux invités de TTA, … Source : https://cio-mag.com/ces-las-vegas-2020-linnovation-taiwanaise-promue-dans-la-silicon-valley/ Date : January 7, 2020 at 05:27PM Tag(s) : #IOT FRA,#AI FRA,Intelligence artificielle Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 247
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

9 Healthcare Companies Who Changed the 2010s

In order to celebrate the next decade (although the internet is confused whether its actually the end of the decade…), we’re taking a step back and listing our picks for the 9 most influential healthcare companies of the 2010s. If your company is left off, there’s always next decade… Source…

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IoTex’s Ucam is a blockchain-based, encrypted private home camera

Silicon Valley startup IoTex has unveiled Ucam, a blockchain-powered private home camera that uses end-to-end encryption.Read More Source : https://venturebeat.com/2020/01/06/iotexs-ucam-is-a-blockchain-based-encrypted-private-home-camera/ Date : January 6, 2020 at 04:14PM Tag(s) : #Financements Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

1 357

Les cinq tendances tech à suivre dans la Silicon Valley en 2020

De l’informatique en périphérie à l’Internet par satellite, en passant par la révolution du Crispr dans la médecine, voici ce que nous réserve la tech californienne dans l’année à venir. Source : https://www.latribune.fr/technos-medias/nouvelles-technologies-les-cinq-tendances-a-suivre-dans-la-silicon-valley-835855.html Date : December 30, 2019 at 11:20AM Tag(s) : Médias Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp…

0 265
Posted in #RGPD ENG

Calif. vastly expands digital privacy. Will people use it?

SAN FRANCISCO — Forty million Californians will soon have sweeping digital-privacy rights stronger than any seen before in the U.S., posing a significant challenge to Big Tech and the data economy it helped create. Source : https://www.siliconvalley.com/2019/12/29/calif-vastly-expands-digital-privacy-will-people-use-it/ Date : December 29, 2019 at 06:35PM Tag(s) : Fédération & Syndicats Share…

0 266
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

Top 60 Health IT/Digital Health Mergers & Acquisitions in 2019

From Google’s acquisition of Fitbit to Philips acquisition of Carestream Health’s health IT business, here is a look at some of the biggest health IT/digital health mergers & acquisition in 2019 by each quarter. Source : https://hitconsultant.net/2019/12/27/top-50-health-it-digital-health-mergers-acquisitions-in-2019/ Date : December 28, 2019 at 02:22AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG,telemedicine2 Share this……

0 278

Web décentralisé, crypto, blockchains : où en est-on à fin 2019 ?

Si la question des monnaies numériques publiques et privées (Libra en tête) a concentré les regards médiatiques et institutionnels cette année en matière de blockchain, le bilan 2019 du secteur ne saurait en rester à ce seul sujet. Source : https://blockchainpartner.fr/web-decentralise-crypto-blockchains-ou-en-est-on-a-fin-2019/ Date : December 20, 2019 at 12:38AM Tag(s) :…

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Alchemy is secretly fixing blockchain’s node nightmare

The top cryptocurrency companies have quietly begun to outsource their infrastructure problems to a tiny stealth startup. It’s called Alchemy. Today it’s making the big public reveal of its technology that could help developers finally build the killer use case atop Bitcoin or Ethereum. Source : https://techcrunch.com/2019/12/17/alchemy-blockchain/ Date : December…

0 418
Posted in #eSANTE ENG #AI ENG

RSNA 2019 AI Round-Up

AI in medical imaging entered the consciousness of radiologists just a few years ago, notably peaking in 2016 when Geoffrey Hinton declared radiologists’ time was up, swiftly followed by the first AI startups booking exhibiting booths at RSNA. Source : https://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2019/12/10/rsna-2019-ai-round-up/ Date : December 10, 2019 at 07:24PM Tag(s) :…

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Jean-David Chamboredon : « La Silicon Valley est devenue too much »

Source : https://www.maddyness.com/2019/12/09/interview-jean-david-chamboredon-france-digitale/ Date : December 9, 2019 at 07:57AM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 474
Posted in #AI ENG

Update on AI for Good: Making Business Sense, and a Cautionary Note

AI for Good is a United Nations platform that fosters a dialogue on the beneficial use of AI by developing concrete projects. Progress is being made in specific areas, public relations around the topic is positive, and a cautionary note was recently sounded by a respected researcher. Source : https://www.aitrends.com/ethics-and-social-issues/update-on-ai-for-good-making-business-sense-and-a-cautionary-note/…

0 304
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

Artificial Intelligence vs. Tuberculosis, Part 1

Source : https://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2019/12/04/artificial-intelligence-vs-tuberculosis-part-1/ Date : December 5, 2019 at 02:56AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 586
Posted in #IA FRA

Intelligence artificielle : le top 20 des influenceurs français

Quelle est la place de la France dans la révolution de l’intelligence artificielle ? Découvrez-le à travers notre sélection des influenceurs français qui représente le pays dans le domaine de l’IA… Source : https://www.lebigdata.fr/intelligence-artificielle-influenceurs-francais Date : December 3, 2019 at 02:11PM Tag(s) : #DATA FRA,#AI FRA,rgpd2,Intelligence artificielle Share this… Email…

0 390
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Le mouvement & les startup «low code» « no code” s’amplifie dans la Silicon Valley.

Le mouvement & les startup «low code» « no code” s’amplifie dans la Silicon Valley. Qu’est ce ? Avec le no code la programmation ne disparaît pas mais devient visuelle Pourquoi les investisseurs s’emballent ? Réponses @AnaisMoutot à SF Via @gbregeras business.lesechos.fr/entrepreneurs/… Source : https://twitter.com/fadouce/status/1201751682784382977 Date : December 3, 2019 at…

0 316
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Parfum de révolte dans la Silicon Valley

A l’image des employés de Google, de plus en plus de collaborateurs de géants de la tech demandent davantage d’éthique Source : https://www.letemps.ch/economie/parfum-revolte-silicon-valley Date : December 1, 2019 at 04:14PM Tag(s) : Médias internationaux Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 289
Posted in #AI ENG

Best Artificial Intelligence Technologies to know in 2019

Technology decision-makers are (and also should keep) seeking methods to successfully carry out artificial intelligence innovations into their businesses and, therefore, drive value. And though all AI innovations most definitely have their own merits, not all of them deserve purchasing, with each passing day we come across a number of AI development techniques….

0 303

A History of Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms

The consensus mechanism is a critical blockchain component, providing a non-partisan means of establishing agreement as to the network’s current state. But ever since Bitcoin emerged in 2008, its original consensus mechanism – Proof of Work (PoW) – has been emulated and iterated, paving the way for a series of…

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The coming fight over who controls digital health data

Spending for consumer digital healthcare companies is set to explode in the next few years; the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology is currently reviewing the requirements for data sharing with the Department of Health and Human Services, and their initiatives will unlock a wave of data…

0 264
Posted in #IOT FRA

Pour sa « Silicon Valley de l’IoT », Toulouse joue la carte du réseau

La Ville rose ambitionne de devenir un des centres stratégiques mondiaux des objets connectés avec la création d’ici 2021 d’un campus dédié. Source : https://www.lejournaldesentreprises.com/toulouse/article/pour-sa-silicon-valley-de-liot-toulouse-joue-la-carte-du-reseau-346108 Date : November 18, 2019 at 10:08AM Tag(s) : #IOT FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 297
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Silicon Valley who? Tech companies continue to flock to the Triangle

…  CBRE | Raleigh. With the tech scene in the Triangle continuing … at-large have welcomed more tech companies to its ever- … or grow here.” Companies like tech giant SAS, a statistical … are expanding here too. Align Technology, the company behind the Invisalign … Source : http://www.einnews.com/article/501398975/XPJIreNJauSIEBSC?ref=rss&ecode=PYi2QJVSqjGyBi3v Date…