Étiquette : startup

0 270
Posted in #5G FRA

L’ennemi juré de la 5G pourrait être… la pluie

Les plus grandes promesses de la 5G sont contenues dans les ondes millimétriques, de courtes portées. Une startup française prévient qu’elles risquent de subir de nombreuses intempéries… littéralement. Source : https://www.frandroid.com/telecom/656243_lennemi-jure-de-la-5g-pourrait-etre-la-pluie Date : January 2, 2020 at 12:51PM Tag(s) : #5G FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 316
Posted in #IOT ENG #DATA ENG

#Startup ORISUN Plateforme IoT & solutions big data @OrisunIoT

Plateforme IoT & solutions big data Source : https://www.myfrenchstartup.com/fr/startup-france/245144/orisun Date : January 2, 2020 at 01:10PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 377

Le 23 janvier, assistez à une table ronde de #startup autour de la thématique #Santé et #IA.

 Le 23 janvier, assistez à une table ronde de #startup autour de la thématique #Santé et #IA. Accessible à toutes et tous. Inscription https://survey.cnrs-dir.fr/index.php/251121?lang=fr … Programme http://www.cnrs.fr/fr/evenement/journee-sante-et-ia … pic.twitter.com/6aWzDW8Ipa Source : https://twitter.com/INS2I_CNRS/status/1212681701320728576 Date : January 2, 2020 at 01:02PM Tag(s) : Universities & Schools,Laboratoire de recherche,évènement2 Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin…

0 271

10 Ireland-based startups to watch in 2020

The startup has won awards like the Best Smart Cities Solution in Brussels and the Lisbon Challenge 2017, and last year secured investment from … Source : https://www.eu-startups.com/2020/01/10-ireland-based-startups-to-watch-in-2020/ Date : January 1, 2020 at 10:44AM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 354
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

4 Digital Health Tools for Combating Opioid Addiction in 2020 & Beyond

The human and economic statistics surrounding the opioid epidemic are staggering. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 11.4 million people have misused prescription opioids, and more than 130 people die daily from opioid-related drug overdoses. Source : https://hitconsultant.net/2019/12/31/4-digital-health-tools-for-combating-opioid-addiction-in-2020-beyond/ Date : December 31, 2019 at 03:47PM Tag(s) :…

0 262
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

11 Healthcare Innovation Trends To Watch In 2020

As we near the end of the year, rather than reflect on fond memories of 2019 (for which I’m grateful for my family, friends, readers, and Twitter followers), I’ve already started thinking about 2020. If you ever wanted to get inside my brain for 5-10 minutes (scary proposition I know)…

0 243
Posted in #AI ENG

How This Bangalore-Based Startup Is Using Machine Learning To Help Millennials Invest Wisely

Let’s face the truth. Millennials haven’t been successful in handling their money wisely. Today’s younger, working generation is facing many financial problems and is still struggling to achieve that “holy trifecta” that the Baby Boomers coveted — house, job and spouse. Source : https://analyticsindiamag.com/how-this-bangalore-based-startup-is-using-machine-learning-help-millennial-invest-wisely/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-this-bangalore-based-startup-is-using-machine-learning-help-millennial-invest-wisely Date : December 31, 2019 at…

0 254

French Businessman Detained for Stealing €1.2 Million in Crypto From His Partners

An investigation launched on the request of a French startup has led to the indictment of a 37-year-old entrepreneur accused of stealing 182 BTC from the company he cofounded. Embezzlement of money is one the charges brought against him by the public prosecutor’s office in Paris. Source : https://news.bitcoin.com/french-businessman-detained-for-stealing-e1-2-million-in-crypto-from-his-partners/ Date…

0 470

10 Winning Business Startup Ideas for 2020

Source : https://www.smudailycampus.com/sponsoredcontent/promoted/10-winning-business-startup-ideas-for-2020 Date : December 28, 2019 at 10:52PM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 269
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

Top 60 Health IT/Digital Health Mergers & Acquisitions in 2019

From Google’s acquisition of Fitbit to Philips acquisition of Carestream Health’s health IT business, here is a look at some of the biggest health IT/digital health mergers & acquisition in 2019 by each quarter. Source : https://hitconsultant.net/2019/12/27/top-50-health-it-digital-health-mergers-acquisitions-in-2019/ Date : December 28, 2019 at 02:22AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG,telemedicine2 Share this……

0 446

Gustave Roussy expérimente Intelligence artificielle en oncologie

Le centre européen de lutte contre le cancer Gustave Roussy a signé un partenariat de recherche avec la startup Owkin. L’entreprise pourra ainsi entraîner ses algorithmes de machine learning sur des données de santé de Gustave Roussy. Lauréat du AI (suite…) Source : https://www.larevuedudigital.com/gustave-roussy-experimente-intelligence-artificielle-en-oncologie/ Date : December 27, 2019 at…

0 401

Vulnerability Summary for the Week of December 16, 2019

Original release date: December 23, 2019 The CISA Weekly Vulnerability Summary Bulletin is created using information from the NIST NVD. In some cases, the vulnerabilities in the Bulletin may not yet have assigned CVSS scores. Please visit NVD for updated vulnerability entries, which include CVSS scores once they are available….

0 292
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

What Makes a Digital Health Startup a Winner?

What separates successful digital health startups from the pack? John Sharp, Director of Thought Advisory for the Personal Connected Health Alliance (a HIMSS organization) has watched digital health ‘grow up’ over the years as an industry analyst focused on health IT, consumer health, and health tech. Source : https://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2019/12/20/what-makes-a-digital-health-startup-a-winner-john-sharp-personal-connected-health-alliance/ Date…

0 260

TIC : Maroc Telecom lance le progamme « Startup Challenge »

… aptes à relever les défis de la digitalisation dans différents domaines stratégiques comme la santé, l’éducation, l’agriculture, la ville intelligente. Source : https://vonews.net/2019/12/20/tic-maroc-telecom-lance-le-progamme-startup-challenge/ Date : December 20, 2019 at 06:26PM Tag(s) : #SMARTCITY FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 296

Electrabel certifie l’origine renouvelable de son électricité grâce à la blockchain

Grâce à la technologie blockchain, Lhoist pourra vérifier quotidiennement quelle part de sa consommation d’électricité a été couverte par des sources … Source : https://www.lalibre.be/economie/entreprises-startup/electrabel-certifie-l-origine-renouvelable-de-son-electricite-grace-au-blockchain-5dfcd14ef20d5a0c461ff355 Date : December 20, 2019 at 06:00PM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN FRA Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 550
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

La startup de la semaine : Beegift, le chèque cadeau numérique qui dynamise les centres-villes

Toutes les semaines, La Tribune braque les projecteurs sur une pépite méconnue de la French Tech. Cette semaine, Beegift. Lancée en avril 2017, la startup lorraine propose des chèques cadeaux numériques à dépenser dans des commerces locaux et indépendants. L’idée : redynamiser les centres-villes et aider à la transformation digitale…

0 279

Web décentralisé, crypto, blockchains : où en est-on à fin 2019 ?

Si la question des monnaies numériques publiques et privées (Libra en tête) a concentré les regards médiatiques et institutionnels cette année en matière de blockchain, le bilan 2019 du secteur ne saurait en rester à ce seul sujet. Source : https://blockchainpartner.fr/web-decentralise-crypto-blockchains-ou-en-est-on-a-fin-2019/ Date : December 20, 2019 at 12:38AM Tag(s) :…

0 283
Posted in #IOT FRA

#Startup SEVENHUGS réalise une levée de fonds de 8 million d’euros #IoT @seven_hugs

Le premier objet connecté pour les parents Source : https://www.myfrenchstartup.com/fr/levee-de-fonds-startup-sevenhugs/2019/12/17/126685 Date : December 19, 2019 at 04:56PM Tag(s) : #Financements Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 281

La startup blockchain Alchemy lève $15M auprès de géants de la technologie

La startup américaine spécialisée dans la blockchain, Alchemy, a annoncé le lancement de son interface de programmation d’application (API) après avoir levé 15 millions de dollars dans le cadre de son tour de financement de série A. Source : https://projetcrypto.com/la-startup-blockchain-alchemy-leve-15m-aupres-de-geants-de-la-technologie Date : December 19, 2019 at 12:13PM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN…

0 447

Indian Crypto Community Gathers to Dispel Confusion About Regulation

As the Indian government deliberates on the country’s crypto policy, there has been some confusion in media reports regarding crypto regulation in India. A group of local crypto enthusiasts and community members have gathered in an effort to ensure that the crypto situation in India is accurately portrayed. Source :…