Étiquette : token

0 308

Le Liechtenstein adopte une nouvelle loi blockchain-friendly

Le 3 octobre, le parlement du Liechtenstein a adopté à l’unanimité l’ « Act on Tokens and Entities Providing Services Based on Trusted Technologies » (TVTG), également connue sous le nom de « Blockchain Act » – Loi Blockchain. Source : https://projetcrypto.com/le-liechtenstein-adopte-une-nouvelle-loi-blockchain-friendly Date : October 7, 2019 at 09:41AM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN…

0 316
Posted in #CHATBOT ENG

Deploy your Chatbot into Facebook Messenger

Nowadays Bots are becoming an important part of our lifestyle. Let’s look into how to deploy LEX Bots into Facebook messengers. Source : https://chatbotslife.com/deploy-your-chatbot-into-facebook-messenger-23d2d6463028?source=rss—-a49517e4c30b—4 Date : October 7, 2019 at 06:05PM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Vulnerability Summary for the Week of September 30, 2019

The CISA Weekly Vulnerability Summary Bulletin is created using information from the NIST NVD. In some cases, the vulnerabilities in the Bulletin may not yet have assigned CVSS scores. Please visit NVD for updated vulnerability entries, which include CVSS scores once they are available. Source : https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/bulletins/sb19-280 Date : October…

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UN-backed chocolate bar comes with a free blockchain token — and a choice

In the UK, a new chocolate bar contains a blockchain-based token, either to be directly gifted to the cocoa farmer or redeemed for a discount on the next purchase, Fast Company reports. Sure, it’s chocolate, but The Other Bar pitches itself as a social experiment, too. Source : https://thenextweb.com/hardfork/2019/10/07/un-backed-chocolate-bar-comes-with-a-free-blockchain-token-and-a-choice/ Date :…

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McAfee to Launch Decentralized Token Exchange With No Restrictions

On the heels of launching his crypto platform, McAfee Magic, the former antivirus software tycoon John McAfee plans to launch a distributed exchange on Monday, October 7. ‘McAfeedex’ will run on the Ethereum blockchain and McAfee insists the exchange will have no restrictions. Source : https://news.bitcoin.com/mcafee-to-launch-decentralized-token-exchange-with-no-restrictions/ Date : October 6,…

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Paypal Exits Libra – Mastercard and Visa May Follow

Facebook’s ambitious financial inclusion project, Libra, continues marching forward in spite of mountainous regulatory obstacles, but key members of the Libra Association are having doubts and dropping out. Paypal has now reportedly left the group due to regulatory concerns. Source : https://news.bitcoin.com/paypal-exits-libra-mastercard-and-visa-may-follow/ Date : October 6, 2019 at 12:19PM Tag(s)…

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Bitfinex Braces for Imminent Lawsuit Alleging Tether Manipulates Crypto Market

The operators of the cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex and the stablecoin Tether are again engaged in public relations crisis management. They have notified users of an imminent lawsuit over market manipulation allegations and are trying to frame it as just a shameless money grab attempt. Source : https://news.bitcoin.com/bitfinex-braces-for-imminent-lawsuit-alleging-tether-manipulates-crypto-market/ Date : October…

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Crypto Outpaces Political Donation Laws in Japan

A major Japanese news publication has reported that crypto donations to individual politicians are legal and do not need to be reported publicly as donations. Source : https://news.bitcoin.com/crypto-outpaces-political-donation-laws-in-japan/ Date : October 7, 2019 at 04:32AM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 280

Liechtenstein Adopts Token Act to Attract Crypto Business

One of Europe’s smallest but richest nations, Liechtenstein, has made a significant step towards clarifying the regulatory environment in its already crypto-friendly jurisdiction. The parliament of the German-speaking principality in the heart of Europe has just passed a law that is likely to entice even more crypto companies to its…

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Russia Regulates Digital Rights, Advances Other Crypto-Related Bills

After much deliberation in the past months and years, Moscow has recently taken important steps toward regulating the crypto space. These are part of the efforts to open the way for the development of the Russian digital economy. The country, heavily dependent on energy exports and hurt by Western sanctions,…

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Crypto Investment Group Grayscale Releases Bitcoin Cash Primer

Crypto investment firm Grayscale has just released “An Introduction to Bitcoin Cash” highlighting the basics of BCH for those who may be yet unfamiliar, or just wish to brush up on the popular token forked from Bitcoin Core on August 1, 2017. With a significant reputation in the industry, Grayscale’s…

0 289

How Blockchain Proxy-Voting Will Improve Shareholder Engagement

We live in an increasingly globalised world. Although some world leaders believe that the future belongs to patriots rather than globalists, technology is making the world an ever more integrated and smaller place. Source : https://datafloq.com/read/blockchain-proxy-voting-improve-shareholders/6977 Date : October 4, 2019 at 02:32PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share this… Email…

0 263

Des anciens de chez JPMorgan et Intel créent leur stablecoin : l’USDD

La Global Currency Organization (GCO), dirigée par d’anciens employés de chez JP Morgan, Intel et TrustToken, lance un nouveau stablecoin adossé au dollar américain, dénommé l’USD Digital (USDD). La nouvelle a été communiquée par l’entreprise sur Medium le 1er octobre. Source : https://projetcrypto.com/des-anciens-de-chez-jpmorgan-et-intel-creent-leur-stablecoin-lusdd Date : October 3, 2019 at 04:20PM…

0 318

How to Create an Anonymous Digital Identity Using Cryptocurrency

If you could go back in time and do the internet all over again, what would you change? Would you think twice about joining Facebook, decline to upload those fancy dress photos from ‘09 and delete that rhetoric-laden blog post instead of hitting ‘Publish’? It’s too late to undo the…

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SLP Hackathon Produces a Variety of Innovative Token Ideas

Software developers wrapped up the first Simple Ledger Protocol Virtual Hackathon (SLPVH) which ended on September 30 with the first place prize awarded to the Project Ignite team. The developers’ project, called Hamingja, is a non-tradeable SLP token that utilizes checkdatasig covenants for a loyalty points system. The second and…

0 461
Posted in #CHATBOT ENG

Creating an SMS Bot with Flow XO

I recently took on some freelance web developer work and my recent client asked me to build an SMS bot. Considering my current abilities, I was somewhat intimidated by this request. However, they wanted me to use a platform called Flow XO to build the bot which would make the…

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Coinbase Now Supports Stellar and Chainlink Cryptocurrencies in New York

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has announced that New York residents now have access to two cryptocurrencies launched for other jurisdictions months ago. Source : https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/coinbase-now-supports-stellar-and-chainlink-cryptocurrencies-in-new-york-2019-09-26 Date : October 2, 2019 at 07:36PM Tag(s) : #BLOCKCHAIN ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 279

Six major Japanese Brokerage Firms Establish Japan Security Token Offering Association

Yuko Seimei, president of Tokyo’s securities giant Monex Inc. has announced that,  together with five other securities companies, the Japan Security Token Offering Association (JSTOA) has been formed. Seemingly a competitor to Japan Security Token Association (JSTA).  The five other companies include SBI Securities Co. Ltd., kabu.com Securities Co. Ltd.,…

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5 Educational Resources That Will Level up Your Cryptocurrency Knowledge

Crypto is a constant learning curve. Keeping pace with developments in bitcoin, blockchain, and the ever-evolving cryptocurrency ecosystem feels like a full-time job, and that’s just for experienced heads. For novices, it’s tough enough working out where to even start. While crypto wisdom accrues over time, there’s now an array…

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Vulnerability Summary for the Week of September 23, 2019

Source : https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/bulletins/sb19-273 Date : September 30, 2019 at 05:55PM Tag(s) : US GOV Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print